Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1983: Left behind

Not long after the mother-in-law quickly soaked the tea out, I really didn't stop doing it. After drinking the tea, she left and went to the village to find a relative. The enthusiastic long-time mother-in-law originally wanted to help, but she said that there is a detailed address, so one can go.

Li Xuehao is clear about her plan. This is also a good discussion between the two. She will find a family in the village, use illusion, climb the "relatives" relationship and settle down. He wouldn't stop this kind of thing. After all, it wouldn't be bad for the people in the village. She settled down to protect the tomb of her sister Moning, the stone room under the mountain.

Sending the truth out of the house, the mother-in-law returned to return.

"Hao, come over." She waved with her grandson, and one went to the backyard first.

Li Xuehao quickly got up and followed.

After a long time, my mother-in-law waited for him in the backyard, and the look on her face was quite serious.

Li Xuehao saw a jump in his heart: "Grandma, is there anything?" Such a serious expression made him feel that something bad happened.

"I want to tell you about Ryoko teacher." Not long after her mother-in-law looked at the direction of the living room, and determined that no one had come over, she said with a positive look.

"Rose son teacher?" Li Xuehao stunned, related to Shuiqiao Ryoko?

"I already know, she has your child." Not long after her mother-in-law said.

Li Xuehao heard a shock. Not long ago, her mother-in-law actually knew that Shuiqiao Ryoko was pregnant with his children. This...

This secret is only known to Chiba Sayuri and Shuiyue Ryoko. Even if a few people know that Shuiqiao Ryoko is pregnant, but I don’t know that the child belongs to him, and Chiba Sayuri and Shuiyue Ryoko are not big mouth people. They should not take the initiative to talk to her mother-in-law, then how did she know?

"Grandma, how do you know?" After the shock, Li Xuehao asked the doubts in his heart.

"Lingzi teacher has a reaction during pregnancy today, I saw it." Not long after her mother-in-law did not hide, said her own discovery, "I saw you caressing the teacher's stomach, so I think, the child is yours."

It turned out that he had sold himself inadvertently. Li Xuehao’s heart was a little loose, but he was smiling and there was still a trace of embarrassment.

"Bad boy, if I remember correctly, you only passed the 16th birthday, this is a forbidden love." Not long after the mother-in-law is full of hate iron, but also some helpless, "but it is already a set fact, I can not Stop, so I hope you are better for Teacher Ryoko."

"I know, Grandma." Li Xuehao quickly promised, I can see that my mother-in-law was really angry. After all, the love between the students and the teacher is not worth promoting, especially for the elderly. In fact, it is even more unacceptable. If it is not for Shuiqiao Ryoko to have his children, it is estimated that her mother-in-law is ready to fight.

"Right, does your father know about this?" I asked my mother-in-law for a long time.

"I have already told them." Li Xuehao said that this "they" certainly includes the mother.

"That's good." Not long after her mother-in-law nodded, she did not ask him about his parents' reaction to the incident, as if she could imagine it.

Referring to the parents, Li Xuehao remembered the father's embarrassment before returning, hesitating whether to tell her about her grandfather in Hong Kong. After thinking about it, he decided to test it first.

"Grandma, have you been waiting for your grandfather?"

Suddenly asked this question, not long after the mother-in-law flashed a trace of confusion, and soon clear, and smiled: "Your father told you?" Her expression is normal, no sadness from the face The color.

"Yes, my father said, you are here, just to wait for your grandfather to come back one day." Li Xuehao said.

“Is it so great in your father’s eyes?” My mother-in-law laughed. “It’s because he was looking for his father when he was a child, so I told him that his father would come back someday.” After a while, the tone became a bit low. "But I know that he won't be back."

In the last sentence, I am afraid that it is the true feelings. She doesn't seem to be acting on her face, she can even laugh, but her heart is definitely not as open as it seems on the surface, because this kind of thing can't be forgotten by anyone.

"Grandma, how do you know that he won't come back?" Li Xuehao took her hand and wanted to comfort, but did not know where to start.

"He went back and went back to where he should go." Not long after her mother-in-law said in a low voice, she patted the back of his hand. "This matter, even your father does not know, your grandfather, he is hongkong." People, now should live in hongkong."

"Don't you miss him at all?" Li Xuehao resisted the urge to tell the truth.

My mother-in-law looked at him for a long time, her eyes were calm: "I certainly want him, but he also has his own life, isn't it?"

"But..." Li Xuehao still wants to say something. For a long time, her mother-in-law released his hand and patted his face and said, "You look very much like your grandfather, but you are more handsome, haha."

This is not a strong smile, Li Xuehao does not know, but he is not prepared to conceal, decided to tell the truth: "Grandma, in fact, I have seen my grandfather."

Not long after her mother-in-law heard it, she looked at him with confusion and surprise: "What are you talking about?"

"You didn't get it wrong, Grandma, I have already seen him. It was when I was away from school. We went to hongkong. I saw him there..." Li Xuehao simply said the story.

"He, is he okay?" Not long after her mother-in-law suddenly became a little cringe, it was the kind of emotion that both feared and expected.

Li Xuehao can clearly feel that the hand that is being held is very tight and tight, because of the strength of her inner fluctuations and not naturally increased.

"His body is very healthy, Grandma." Li Xuehao nodded.

After a long time, my mother-in-law calmed down, loosened his hand and turned around, as if giving a sigh of relief: "I know that he is doing well, I am relieved."

Li Xuehao stood behind her and could see her raising her hand and wiping her eyes and letting go.

"Since you know that he is in hongkong, why not go to him?" This is also the most unreasonable for him. The distance between the two places is not very far.

"As I said before, Hao Er, he has his own life. Since he chose to leave, there must be his reasons." Not long after her mother-in-law turned around, her eyes were slightly red, but she had recovered calm.

"You don't hate him?" Li Xuehao didn't think it was this reason. It sounded like she was really great. She knew where her husband was, but could not resist looking for him. This is not something that ordinary people can do.

"I don't hate him." My mother-in-law shook her head and looked at the distance. "He used to bring me happiness. Now I have you, Xiao Gengping, and Lihuazi. Is there any relationship with him? ”

"Speaking, before he left, he left a thing for me, but unfortunately I can't read the word above, Koji, I will give it to you, you can find someone to translate it." Speaking, not long time mother-in-law Going into the house.

Li Xuehao didn't follow the past. He thought about what it was. Since there is a word on it, maybe it is the letter left by the grandfather before leaving.

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