Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1874: Unidentified visitor

This is a pair of twilight love that will make you feel soft in your heart, or yellow and white. No one on the scene feels awkward. It seems that the two should be like this.

"Wang, take care of Vivian, or we will not let you go!" The other old people in the hall were very healthy. After listening to the music, they half-jokingly warned and left the music room.

"I will send you back to the room, Vivienne." The old man in Tang suit pushed Ms. James and greeted a few people on the side. "Grace, Peter, and you, come together." Anna, Virginia, Li Xue Hao and Mingyue are all in the air, especially the latter two, black eyes and black eyes let him look a few more.

After retirement, American elderly people generally do not live with their children. If they are sick or lose their ability to take care of themselves, they will choose to live in a nursing home.

The service of the nursing home can be said to be top-level. In terms of life, it is not only to help the elderly to take a bath, change clothes, feed, but also to help the elderly to urinate, some elderly people with poor health, and professional medical care.

Therefore, these old people will be very leisurely. They can live in a nursing home and have retirement wages. When they are fine, they can go out for a trip or a walk.

The house of the nursing home generally does not exceed three floors, mainly for the convenience of the elderly, and it is easy to escape in the event of a disaster.

Generally, private luxury nursing homes are privately charged. The public nursing homes opened by the state are free. This is a public nursing home, but the facilities are not worse than ordinary private nursing homes. The main reason is that it is located in Manhattan, New York. You can receive donations from many parties.

Ms. James’s room is on the second floor. There is an elevator that can accommodate wheelchairs on the upper floor. There is space for Li Xuehao and other people.

Entering Ms. James's room, it is single and independent. The room is not spacious. It is simple and simple. It is mainly for the convenience of the elderly. The bed is also a short one. Even if it falls, it can also reduce the damage to the greatest extent. .

"Wei Wei'an, now is a nap time, there are so many people to accompany you, you can certainly have a sweet dream." The old man in the Tang suit took Ms. James out of the wheelchair and gently put it on the bed.

"I like to be lively, Wang." Ms. James still shakes her hand, but the tone is very soft, even with a little girl like a spoiled.

"So I called them all." The old man in Tang suit laughed and pointed to Li Xuehao and others alongside him, including Grace, Anna, Virginia, Mingyue, and Peter.

"Yes, Ms. James, take a rest, we are here with you." Grace said on the side, she obviously also understands that Ms. James likes the lively character.

"Gresh, thank you, for me, you and the king are my angels, and of course Peter you..." I think it’s a bit unfair to say that only two people are their own angels, and Ms. James added one more sentence.

The old man in Tang suit took her trembling hand and said softly: "Wei Wei'an, you are also my angel." Inadvertently, he showed a wave of dog food.

None of the people present felt embarrassed, only deep blessings.

Ms. James and the old man in the Tang suit warmed for a while, suddenly remembered something and looked at Grace, who was not far from the bed: "Greece, if I remember correctly, you are already thirty years old?"

"31." Grace corrected, and did not seem to care about his true age.

"Peter is 30 years old and is a good boy." Ms. James is just around the corner, she believes that Grace can understand.

Grace certainly understands her suggestion, but she can only pretend that she doesn't understand. She doesn't have the same feelings for men and women who are tall and handsome. The other is a rugby player, not her favorite basketball player.

Ms. James almost pointed out the face, Peter took the opportunity to step forward: "Greece, I like you when I first saw you, would you like to be my girlfriend?" Very straightforward confession, no any at all Turn the corners.

Grace seems calm, she just wanted to play down the problem, because she always knew that Peter used to come to the nursing home often for her, but since it is now uncovered, she can only respond: "Peter, very Sorry, I have no plans to find a boyfriend for a while. I am a doctor. I don't have time to fall in love. If I am looking for it, I am still in my 40s."

After listening to her words, Peter's face was full of sorrow, because this is equivalent to rejecting, but the statement is more euphemistic.

Ms. James on the bed can't say anything more, although she wants two people to be together, but if one party doesn't want to, she can't always ask for it.

The old man in Tang suit held her hand and shook her head slightly, indicating that she did not have to worry about this kind of thing, let the young people develop freely.

Virginia on the side feels a pity, because she always thinks that Peter is very good, handsome and very humorous. If she is with her sister, it should be a good pair.

After thinking about it, she decided to remind her not to miss this good man: "Sister..."

Just got up, Grace seemed to know what she was going to say. She looked at the past with a sharp gaze, and suddenly she was so shocked that she closed her mouth.

Because of this episode, the atmosphere in the room became a bit strange.

If it weren’t for the sake of staying here with Ms. James, it’s estimated that Grace had left and left. For a moment, no one spoke.

Li Xuehao and Mingyue are probably the most unintentional two. The former is based on the mentality of watching the drama, while the latter is because they can't understand what a few people said, so they don't know what happened.

The atmosphere was quiet for a while until a cold wind came in from the window, letting the people present feel that the room temperature was cold.

"It's so cold!" Verginia hugged her bare arms with her hands and couldn't help but say a word.

Anna also rubbed her arm and it suddenly became cold. But now it is summer. The temperature of the room suddenly drops a few degrees and it is too abnormal. She looked subconsciously outside the window, perhaps wanting to see where the cold wind is blowing. of.

Of course, everything is normal outside the window, the sun is bright, and I don’t feel any coldness at all.

But the coldness in the room was real. Not only did she feel it, but Gris and Peter felt it, because they all subconsciously made cold movements.

"Gresh, Peter, I want to say something to Vivienne. Let's leave." The old man in the Tang suit holding Ms. James's hand covered her with a quilt and grabbed the edge, seemingly worried that the cold wind would blow in.

"Okay." Although a few people of Grace felt awkward, they didn't think much.

Li Xuehao was surprised in his heart, because he knew very well that Tang’s old man was not trying to get rid of a few people with his lover, but because he had a translucent figure standing beside the bed, he seemed to be able to Seeing this translucent figure, he stood in the middle of it and Ms. James, faintly separating the two sides.

. . . Holding a pen m.

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