Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1873: Twilight love

Grace is driving, and a few people are sitting in her car and coming to a place that looks like a villa area.

When I got here, Anna and Virginia were suddenly stunned and they seemed to know where it was.

"Sister, must you come here?" Veginia said bitterly, maybe she had had an unpleasant experience here.

"Yes, is there any problem?" Grace looked at her faintly and parked the car.

A few people came down from the car. Li Xuehao was somewhat curious. He used the gods to sense it. There is nothing special about this place. If there is, the blood inside is very weak. It seems that everyone has stepped in. In the following year, of course, there are also strong blood, but it is a minority.

“Where is this?” asked the moonlight knot around her. She may have found that it is not a lively place, but rather quiet and laid-back, not as good as the bustling streets.

"It should be a nursing home." Although Li Xuehao has not been here, he has already guessed what it is by the sense of God.

Sure enough, Grace's next words confirmed his guess: "This is a nursing home."

"Sister, lee is a guest, how can you bring him to such a place?" Vegniya said with some complaints about her sister's rudeness.

“Is there anything wrong here? There are churches and supermarkets, and there are plenty of recreational facilities. I don’t think there is any problem.” Grace faintly smiles and walks inside.

Anna and Vignia reluctantly looked at each other and followed.

Li Xuehao and Mingyue knot flowers walked in the end, through the porch, into a large yard.

The greening in the courtyard is very perfect and the environment is very spacious. There is a wide flat road in the middle, green lawns and garden trees on both sides. Several elderly people in wheelchairs walk under the shade of the trees by nurses.

Grace continued to walk along the wide road and walked to the front of the main building, then walked in.

Li Xuehao and other four people followed, the long corridor was very cool, and the aisles were equipped with large and solid handrails along the wall to facilitate the elderly to walk.

At the end of the corridor is a semi-circular counter, which is the central nurse station of the nursing home.

An obese nurse saw a few people coming over and quickly greeted Grace at the front: "Hello, Miss Jones."

"Hello, Ariane." Grace was obviously familiar with her. After nodding, she asked the fat nurse. "How is Ms. James recovering in the past two days?"

"Recovering very well, Miss Jones, I can communicate normally." The fat nurse said with a happy face.

Grace also showed a gratifying look: "Can I visit her now?"

"Of course, she is in the music room, oh, yes, and Mr. Peter is also there." The fat nurse had a faint smile on his face.

"Yeah." Grace looked a little weird, but quickly calmed down and led several people to the music room.

The music room of the nursing home is at the end of the corridor on the other side. In fact, it is not so much a room as it is a hall. The hall is simply furnished. The surrounding walls are warmly colored and look warm.

There is a dark red piano in the middle. A man with a strong back is sitting on the stool. The slender fingers dance like a fairy on the keys. The sweet music spreads from the hall to the hallway and continues to the outside.

There are sofas on both sides of the hall. Several old people sit on the sofa and listen quietly. There is also an old man sitting in a wheelchair. She is closest to the piano, but her body seems to have problems. The right hand is resting on the sofa. The armrest of the wheelchair shook very badly.

Li Xuehao and his team walked in and did not disturb the people in the hall. Several people stood quietly until the end of the song.

"Hey, Grace." The man who played the piano got up from his seat. He had just seen a few people coming in with the corner of his eye. He stood up at a height of more than one meter and ninety-five. He was strong and handsome. With a hair style of Moxigan, there is a layer of scum on the chin and lips, but it does not give people a sense of decadence. On the contrary, it exudes the charm of men.

"Hello, Peter." Grace greeted him. He was neither enthusiastic nor cold. After greeting, she went to the old man with his right hand shaking, and the tone became mild. "Ms. James, recently okay." ?"

"I am very good, Grace." Although the old man shook hands, but his mind was sober, his teeth were very clear. If he didn't look at her hand, it would give a feeling of being a very healthy person.

Li Xuehao, who stood on the side, knew that her lingering gloom should be born soon, maybe a few days, or a few weeks, in short, no more than a month.

Moreover, she had contacted the spirit body not long ago, and there is still a trace of arrogance on her body. Of course, this does not mean that the spirit is going to harm her, but because the person will die, the spirit will become weaker and weaker. It is also easy to attract the closeness of those spiritual bodies, unlike normal people, because the yang is strong, the spirits generally do not approach actively.

And the old lady Ms. James talked a few more words. The strong Peter took the opportunity to say: "Gresh, I thought you had been there two days ago, at least until next week, I didn't expect you to come today."

"The time I came is not certain. If there is enough time, I will come a few times." Grace is still using a tone that is neither cold nor warm, but seems to only regard him as an ordinary friend.

Peter certainly felt it, but he had a good attitude. He didn't seem to mind at all. Looking at Vignia, he said, "Vigi, I haven't seen it for a long time."

"I remember seeing you last week, Peter." Veginia apparently also knew him. "Is it in the hospital, do you need me to help you remember?"

"Haha, can't you leave me some face?" Peter said with a sad smile, humorous.

Vegniya’s perception of him was good, and he blinked at him: “In front of my sister, I will, Peter.”

Peter obviously liked her tone of treating him and her sister as a pair, but Grace on the side frowned and looked at her sister faintly. It may be because there are so many people here, she can't say anything.

"Gresh, are you here?" The voice of a big voice came in from the outside, and the voice was a little old, but it was full of gas, not like an old man.

The people in the hall were attracted by this voice, and couldn't help but look at the door together, even the old man in a wheelchair looked up in surprise.

As the footsteps approached, an old man with a white eye came in. He was about sixty or seventy years old, but he was very strong. If he was not only about one meter tall, he could be compared with Peter.

The old man was wearing a white Tang suit. Li Xuehao saw at a glance that the old man’s blood and vitality in his body was not worse than that of the young man, and he even had it.

He practiced martial arts and made small achievements. This is certain. Although skilled English carries the authentic New York Chamber, Li Xuehao knows better that he is a Chinese, at least a Chinese American.

"Mr. Wang, hello." Grace saw him coming in, and politely greeted him. She could see that she was very respectful to the old man.

"Thank you for saving Vivienne, Grace, going to my house for dinner at night. I personally made a hearty dinner and couldn't refuse it." The old man in Tang suit first walked over and shook her hand, then went to the wheelchair. Before Ms. James, she reached out and held her hand that was constantly shaking.

Ms. James also held him tightly, while the other hand held his arm with a happy color on his face: "Wang, you are here."

"Sorry, Vivian, I am late. I went to Texas to see my granddaughter these two days. Fortunately, you are fine." The old man in Tang suit grabbed her hand and gently rubbed it on his face.

Ms. James looked at him with satisfaction. Both of them were full of white hair and seemed to be somewhat discordant, but they were unusually warm.

. . . Holding a pen m.

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