Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1851: Instructor

After eating a hearty and delicious breakfast, Anna was full and holding the sleeping Felice back home.

The father really went to school, Li Xuehao and Mingyue Hanhua came to the "Happy Time of Miss Amy" on Fifth Avenue. The two were asked to help. The explosion occurred here yesterday, although the bridal shop was only affected. A moment, but the entire glass door was shattered, although it was changed in time yesterday afternoon, but some finishing work was not cleaned up, the two were called to clean.

There are other staff members in the store who are helping, such as the Chinese student Xu Hui.

As the only male, Li Xuehao is doing some relatively heavy work, like lifting things, lifting water or rubbing high places. It is completely used as a "coolie", but as a mother, the Hanako seems to turn a blind eye.

However, some clerk wants to help the "Prince", but he refused. In fact, he does not feel that he is doing "coolie."

When I was almost the same, my mother was in the middle of the flower and called him aside, and handed him a suit that was covered in transparent plastic. The degree of suit was quite obvious, and it was obviously ironed.

Li Xuehao was a glimpse first, and then reacted. This may be the mother's dress for him to participate in the "priority dance" tomorrow. Maybe Anna has told her that he has no suit.

"Send this to Brooklyn and hand it to Mr. Pete. There is a detailed address on it." Hanako Hanako added a sentence referring to a piece of paper on the plastic coat.

"Hey..." Li Xuehao's expression was stagnation, and he thought it was for himself. The result was an oolong, and he was just a "courier."

"Mr. Pete is getting married tomorrow, but he hasn't taken his suit yet, so he can only be sent to him. Hao Er, be careful on the road, don't mess up the suit."

"Okay." Although there was a bit of resentment in my heart, Li Xuehao could only do it, the task that the mother told him to do.

Brooklyn is on the southeast side of Manhattan Island, across the East River from Manhattan Island. It is not far from it. It is the most populous area in New York City.

According to the address, Li Xuehao hit a car and arrived at 1401 Street in Brooklyn. Mr. Pete lived at No. 87 of the street.

The person who can book wedding clothes at the mother is not rich and expensive. Before I came to Li Xuehao, I asked the price of this suit casually. The answer was 27,000 US dollars, which is really not cheap.

So it’s no surprise to see No. 87 is a huge villa, but before I get close, I heard a burst of ghosts and shouts in the villa, music, playfulness and screams, cheers and miscellaneous People who are not aware of it think that they are playing "World War", and in fact, only the owner of the villa is partying.

Li Xuehao walked to the door with his suit and heard the sound inside, and could hear it from the noisy voice. There were at least dozens of people in the villa.

Generally speaking, the parties are all in the evening. It is very rare to have a party like the villa owner's morning. Li Xuehao believes that the other party has not been finished since last night.

The door of the villa opens, like a person who welcomes you at any time.

Li Xuehao was very conspicuous with his suit. The men and women inside noticed him in a moment, saw the suit in his hand, and immediately understood his intentions.

"Hey, Pete, your wedding dress is here." There was a drunken guy yelling in the hall, which attracted everyone's attention.

Li Xuehao naturally has no fear of being stared at by so many people, but it is still a bit uncomfortable to be seen as a monkey.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long. I saw a tall and strong man who looked like a man of nine meters and a weight of one hundred and eight. The half-bald man came out and the other person’s head was half bald. It seems to be a middle-aged person, but Looking at the looks, in fact, it may not be the age of thirty.

"Is this my suit?" The half-bald man came to the front and looked at the suit in his hand, asking some doubts.

"If your name is Pete Sanchez, then you are right." Li Xuehao nodded.

"Hahaha, I am Pete Sanchez, give it to me." The half-bald man laughed and thought that what he said was very interesting. He took out a banknote from his pocket, all for $100. There are fifty or sixty words, "This is your tip, boy..."

"Wow!" The words were not finished. The people who saw this scene suddenly exclaimed, because the thick dollar was enough for everyone to be excited and excited. It was too extravagant to be used as a tip. .

"Of course, if you want to get all the tips on my hands, you need to play a game with us." The half-bald man finished the next thing to say.

"Game?" Li Xuehao smiled a little and looked at the banknotes in his hand. He knew that it was not so easy. He shook his head. "Unfortunately, I am not interested."

"No interest?" The half-bald man squatted and then raised the money in his hand. "Do you know how much money there is? It's $5,300, boy, chances are only once. If you miss it, you won't have it again." ”

"This kind of opportunity is left to others, goodbye." Li Xuehao did not understand how the other party wanted to "play the game" with him, perhaps to show off, or to see him ugly, in short, definitely not to see him deliberately put the suit Send it and be kind.

The scene was a big bang, and the guy who sent the suit came in, so he was indifferent to so many dollars.

A half-bald man may feel embarrassed, seeing him go, and quickly said loudly: "boy, as long as you are willing to play games, I can double."

Li Xuehao did not return, and he went to the door. The other party obviously regarded him as a kid who saw money. Unfortunately, this little money is not enough to evoke his interest.

"Three times!" The half-bald man shouted behind him. It seems that money is not money at all. "Four times, five times... As long as you are willing to stay, there are no problems ten times."

Li Xuehao finally stopped, but it was not because of the heartbeat, but the behavior of the other party made him doubtful, because even if he had more money, he could not be so profligate. Since the other party did this, he must have a plot.

“Why me?” he asked.

Seeing that he stopped, the half-bald man smiled smugly, presumably thinking that his money offensive finally played a role: "Because it is fun, isn't it? We play games, just missing a boy like you."

"Oh?" Li Xuehao's mouth tilted slightly, and he felt it with his knowledge. He quickly figured out the reason. Was it supposed to be instructed?

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