Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1850: I have a suggestion

After "backtracking", Li Xuehao is still uncertain, the specific orientation of the female demon of the little devil's mother, because only the laboratory can be seen, but there is no picture of how the demon mother and child entered the laboratory, which shows that they are After getting dizzy, I was brought into the lab.

And the devil is different from human beings. He can't look at the face of the little demon. He can't use this to find the direction of the female demon. So if you want to let the mother and son reunite, you really need to spend a lot of money. The premise is that the female devil is alive.

However, a new discovery made him very surprised. The little demon can actually be taken into the storage ring. Its body structure seems to be solid, **** and fleshy, but it is different from pure entity. Similar to Reiki, but with a faint scent of energy, in other words, its flesh and blood is only "simulated", after all, the storage ring can not store living things, but it is between living things and lifeless dead things Between, after the receipt of the release, there is no problem at all.

This also solves a problem, at least not to give it a stealth array every day.

He also stuffed a mushroom to the little demon. Li Xuehao put it into the storage ring. Next, he had to go downstairs to make breakfast.

Because the time is still early, my parents have not got up, but I believe they will not wait to get up after breakfast.

Like last night, Li Xuehao is prepared to make an ordinary home-cooked meal. Of course, the mushroom cultivation is an indispensable "seasoning". He wants to nurse his parents' body to the healthiest state.

In Japan, the staple food for breakfast is also rice. Although parents have definitely changed this habit here, it is undoubtedly the happiest to want to have a hot white rice in the morning.

The space in the refrigerator was full, which was quite different from the one he had just arrived yesterday. He tasted the delicious parents of his meals. It is estimated that as long as he is in New York for a day, he will never let the refrigerator empty, and most of them are advanced. The ingredients are made more delicious.

I was busy in the kitchen for a while, and soon the scent of the food was filled. Li Xuehao didn’t lock the scent in the kitchen. As the scent spread, it passed to the parents’ bedroom...

At the same time, the scent also spread outside the house, although not as rich as in the house, but if there is no fragrance, let the smell of people secretly swallow.

After doing a good job, Li Xuehao put the food to the table, and there was already a movement in the parents' room. It was estimated that it was hooked up by the locusts.

Li Xuehao was about to go upstairs to scream for the moon, and there was a ringing sound outside the door. He stepped forward and changed direction to open the door.

"Oh, good morning, lee." It wasn't someone else standing at the door. It was Neighbor Anna, she was not alone. She was still holding a baby girl of several months in her arms. It was her sister Felice.

Feili bites a pacifier in her mouth. When she sees him, she suddenly opens her fleshy little hand and twists her upper body.

Li Xuehao quickly caught her. The little guy who was a few months old clutched his chest with a small hand and arched in his arms. She liked the feeling of being on him.

"Sorry, Felice is clamoring to see you." Anna explained apologetically, her eyes were more looking behind him, and she sniffed and asked, "Are you making breakfast?"

"Yes." Li Xuehao nodded. "Do you want to eat together?" He vaguely knew the purpose of Anna's door-to-door. As for Felice, he was clamoring to see him? How is that possible? A child who is a few months old will not speak, and will not express the meaning of seeing a person.

"If you don't bother." Anna had a surprise on her face. Obviously, this seems to be exactly what she expected.

Li Xuehao invited her to come in. The model of one meter seven or eight close to one meter eight was very tall, and the body was very cool. The denim shorts, white vest, and a pair of amazing long legs were unreservedly displayed. The only one. Unfortunately, the chest is too flat, and may not need to wear underwear. Li Xuehao even pointed to two small bumps.

However, after glanced at him, he took back his eyes and teased Felice in his arms.

My mom has gotten out of bed and is coming out of the room. I was not too surprised to see Anna in the living room. I naturally said hello: "Hey, Anna, good morning."

"Good morning, amy." Anna also politely replied, familiar people call each other's names, and regardless of age, which is the norm in the United States.

"Is Feili also coming?" I noticed the little cuteness in my son's arms, and the real son of Hanako, who had just got up, immediately ran with his eyes.

"Fillis likes lee very much. She just wanted to see lee. I only brought her over." Anna explained it again. It seems to indicate that it is not the reason she wants to come, but the reason for Felice.

In the middle of the flower, Hanako did not hear the deep meaning of her words. She was completely attracted to the attention of the little girl, and even forgot to wash.

"Fillis, come to me, let amy mother hug you." She said, she opened her hands.

"Ah..." Felice was only a few months old, but this kind of action to hold her can still be seen. She immediately yelled at her and tried to shrink her body to avoid her. Hands.

"You don't like me? Felice, this is really sad." In the middle of the game, Hanako did not force her, but tapped her pink cheeks with her fingers.

Felice thought she was going to hug herself, yelling, and buried her head in someone's chest, holding her clothes tightly.

"It seems that she really likes you, Hao Er." The real flower girl saw this scene is also amazing, and teased the little baby girl for a while, then turned and left, she still has to wash, then you can eat.

"lee!" Anna sat down on the couch and suddenly called someone's name.

"What?" Li Xuehao looked at her.

"Do you have a suit?" Anna asked.

"The suit?" Li Xuehao did not understand why she would ask this.

"The 'Priority Ball' needs to be dressed. If you don't have one, I think, you have to borrow it from Professor Jakc. Your height is almost the same... Of course, this is definitely not too fit, if you want to wear a formal dress to participate in the dance. I have a suggestion." When it came to this, Anna deliberately paused.

"What advice?" Li Xuehao was a bit curious.

"Your mother's bridal shop also has men's formal wear, you can consider borrowing the best fit, but if you do that, in order to cooperate with you, I may have to borrow a wedding dress with amy, it will look very good. Isn't it?" Anna said generously.

Li Xuehao's eyes are a little weird, because he fully understands the meaning of the other party. This is probably her purpose. Let him borrow a suit just by the way. The bigger thing is that she wants to wear a wedding dress designed by her mother. After all, there are not many opportunities. But if you attend a dance party but dress up like a newcomer, will it be too eye-catching?

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