Dinner Li Xuehao once again personally, Vegniya was also left, the hostess, the real son of Hanako, is obviously more intimate than Anna, which makes Anna look a little embarrassed.

Of course, it’s not all negative, let alone she knows why Mrs. Amy is so intimate with Virginia.

For the first time, Vignia tasted Anna's "the most delicious Chinese food in the world." She ate the same expression as Anna, and was captured by unprecedented flavors in the first place.

Even the busy Zhong Nengping was rushed back before dinner. Several people once again ate a small stomach. This time Li Xuehao made a little more according to the number of people. The result was still all eaten, and there was no drop of soup.

"I have never eaten such a delicious Chinese food. I don't think I can eat any other food in the future." Virginia was very satisfied with this meal, and it was still unfinished.

"It's very simple, Vichy." In the middle of the flower, Hanako smiled and said in a sly tone, "As long as you are in contact with Koji."

Verginia’s face was suddenly red, and Mrs. Amy really said it directly, which made her very embarrassed: “I think I should go home.”

"Hao, send Weiji back." Zhenzhong Lihua immediately gave the next son a wink.

"I know, Mom." Li Xuehao wanted to turn a blind eye, and everyone's sister said so, the mother apparently still did not give up.

"I also said goodbye, Mrs. Amy, Professor Jack." Anna also stood up.

"Okay, Anna, I will play more in the future."

The three men came out of the house, and the lights of the Anna House next door were lit, and the cry of the child was faintly heard.

"I really don't want to go back." Anna licked her forehead and apparently didn't want to face the trouble at home.

"Are you still quarreling with your family?" Veginia seemed to know her and her family's problems and asked.

"Okay." Anna sighed and tried to squeeze her smile. "Well, Viggy, you go home early."

"Goodbye, Anna." Vegniya waved her hand.


The lights in the night are bright, and there are tall, dense trees on both sides. It will appear slightly darker under the shade of the trees.

"I know why Anna said that." The two men walked side by side, and Vegniya suddenly said with emotion.

"What?" Li Xuehao couldn't figure out what she said without a word.

“She said that the Chinese food you made is the most delicious food in the world,” Verginia said. “It’s really unbelievable. How did you do it? Kung Fu, magic, and superb cooking.”

"Right, do you really want to be Anna's male companion the day after tomorrow?" Before he answered, she hurriedly asked.

"Yes." Li Xuehao nodded, this is the task that the mother told me.

"That's a pity, I want you to be my partner." Veginia smiled and seemed more jokes.

Li Xuehao did not take a break. He suddenly had a feeling of being stared. This feeling was extremely strong. He walked quietly and dispersed his knowledge.

Sure enough, he found the problem.

In a house about 700 meters away, in the second floor room facing the street, two people are inside, a short black man, a tall white man, and the tall white man is standing at the window and monitoring with night vision telescope At this point, the curtains were properly pulled by him, revealing only the two lenses of the telescope, and even if someone accidentally looked at the window, they would never find this anomaly.

Li Xuehao can even hear the dialogue between the two.

"I saw it, he was there." The tall white man, while watching, said, "There is a woman next to me, a young and beautiful lady."

"Don't just look at the woman, the head said, the Asian boy is our goal." The short black man said.

"I know." The tall white man seems to be somewhat dissatisfied with his preaching.

The two had no more communication, and the tall whites continued to monitor, while the short blacks played with a computer that looked very sophisticated.

Li Xuehao retracted his mind and began to be alert. From the dialogue between the two people, they can hear that their goal is actually their own, and obviously there is the upper organization. Who is the "head"?

"lee, why don't you talk? Is it because the topic I am talking about is very boring?" Virginia expressed his dissatisfaction with his silence.

"No, I just remembered something." Li Xuehao shook his head.

"So, will you date Anna?" Verginia asked, she seemed to care more about this topic.

"I already have a girlfriend, I will not date her." Li Xuehao replied.

"But Anna said, she doesn't mind this." Veginia continued, her eyes fixed on him, as if she wanted to see if he would be heartbroken.

"I will mind, Anna is just my neighbor, most of my friends, and I will not develop into a relationship with her," Li Xuehao said.

Veginia didn't ask again, but her footsteps were obviously lighter: "Let's go, don't go back, my sister may have to worry."

Li Xuehao also followed her to speed up.

The home of Virginia is in another neighborhood. It is not really far away. It takes only ten or twenty minutes to walk.

It is also a community of middle-class families, each of which has a similar house and looks like a villa.

The home of Virginia was in the middle of the community, and the two arrived at the door. When they were about to separate, a car came from far and near, and two lights were shot on the two people, and they were lightly finished.

Veginia barely blocked her eyes with her hands, and she could see the car in a vague way: "Sister?"

The light went out, the door was pushed open, a blonde woman walked down, her body was slender, and the facial features were charming. It was the female doctor Grace, whom she had seen before, and the sister of Virginia. However, she has not worn a white coat after work, but a simple casual dress, jeans and a silky shirt, the hem is tied in the waistband, the waist is very thin, and the bottom is big, forming a wavy curve. It looks very impactful.

Only from the front, you can feel how big the hips behind her are.

"Vigie?" Grace saw her sister, and of course saw an Asian teenager, her brows could not help but wrinkle.

"Sister, I am eating at Mrs. Amy's house, Lee sent me back." Veginia seemed to be afraid of this sister, explaining carefully.

"lee?" Grace sneaked, but soon realized that it was the name of amy's son.

"Hello, Dr. Grace." Li Xuehao took the initiative to say hello.

"Good evening." Grace nodded and looked at the two, leaving a sentence, "Vigie, don't stay too late outside." Then he walked into the house.

Vegniya could feel that her sister didn't seem very satisfied with Lee. She was a little embarrassed: "lee, I should go in."

"Goodbye." Li Xuehao can also feel the attitude of Grace to him. He doesn't care about this. Grace has indicated before, and will not let Virginia be with him. Of course, he does not have this idea. .

"I will go to Anna tomorrow when I have time." Seeing that he is leaving, Virginia said it again, it seems to mean something.

Li Xuehao vaguely understands her intentions, but this time he has not taken care of this, he has to figure out why someone will stare at himself.

Here in the United States, that is, before the conflict with Tom who was taught by him, is it the person he invited? But it doesn't look like it. The two people who watched him, from the blood of their bodies, are not ordinary people. If Tom is so supernatural, it will not be just a little punk.

Back to the community where his family is located, Li Xuehao has already set himself a stealth array.

It was easy to enter the house that was monitoring his own house, the room facing the street, the short blacks and the tall whites were all there, the short blacks were still operating sophisticated computers, and the tall whites stood at the window, from time to time. I will look at the street with a telescope.

Li Xuehao has entered the room, and the two don't know that there is more than one person in the room.

"Billy, is there something to eat?" The tall white man asked the short black man who was operating the computer.

"No." The short black man didn't even lift his head, his hands hit the keyboard, and the sound of the screaming voice was very rhythmic.

On the computer screen, it is a set of four screens. The picture is very clear. It is also familiar to Li Xuehao, because it is actually a picture around his door. The other party is really coming to him, and he monitors his home. This has touched his counter-scale, and he definitely does not want his parents to have any accidents.

At the same time, it is also better to wonder why the other party will come to him.

"What a hell, we should bring something to eat." The tall white man took a look at the street with a telescope. He did not find the target. He put down the telescope and complained.

"The head is coming soon." The short black man finally looked up and glanced at him. "He should take it."

"That's better. I really hope that the head will come soon. Do you know? I haven't eaten anything since the morning. I just got back from here when I came back." The tall white man said with resentment.

"This is the head that values ​​you and recognizes your ability." The short black man said something.

The tall white man was a little proud. He looked at the street again with a telescope. He still didn't find it. He was bored and asked: "Is that guy really a ‘mutant?’”

The short black man said: "I don't know, it may not be Superman."

"We shouldn't be discovered like this." The tall white man asked, after all, the first time to monitor non-humans, although he is confident in his surveillance skills, he is more cautious about the unknown.

"This is only God knows." The short black man shrugged his shoulders and continued. "I think he may be Superman, but he is definitely not a omnipotent god. Have we just tried it? He did not find us."

Li Xuehao, who is invisible on the side, listened to it. Listening to what they said, it is obvious that he is a superman or a mutant, but why is this so that he has exposed his non-human ability?

When you think about it, when you went to chase the helicopter, in order to give the few desperate feelings of the robbers without humanity, he once removed the invisible formation and appeared in front of them, but the four robbers added two The pilots have all died and they are simply impossible to say.

Why is it still discovered?

Li Xuehao can't figure it out. If this is the case, it is better to ask the two guys in the room. Maybe they know the answer. Even if they don't know, isn't their "head" coming? As a "head", how can you know more?

"Not yet back." At the window, the tall white man took a telescope and glanced at the street. He still didn't find out. "I think we may be disappointed tonight. He is going out with a pretty chick, maybe two people." It is now in the hotel room."

"I have already sent back the picture of the 'beautiful chick' you said. I believe that there will be information coming soon. If they really go to the hotel, we will get the news the first time." Said.

"Yeah." The tall white man nodded.

"Don't wait." A voice suddenly sounded in the room.

"What do you say?" The tall white and the short blacks looked at each other at the same time. "Is you talking?" the two asked in unison, but the next moment, they quickly took out the pistol from the body and stared at the room with vigilance. Everything that can be hidden inside.

Since they are not the words they said, this means that others are talking, that is to say, in addition to the two of them in the room, there are others.

"Who, who is talking?" The short black man opened the insurance on the pistol and looked at the only place in the room where he could hide. It was a closet, and the whole room was such a dead end.

"Are you not looking for me?" The voice rang again in the room, and the faint appointment seemed to really come out of the closet.

The short black man and the tall white pistol guns were aimed at the closet together. It’s damn, for a long time, they didn’t even find someone else in the room, that is, what they said before, all hiding The person in the closet heard it, and some were secrets that ordinary people could not know.

"I counted three times, you will come out immediately, or we will shoot." The short black man stared at the closet tightly, even if there was a gun in his hand, he did not relax.

"Shooting, facing the closet?" Li Xuehao smiled and showed his body shape from the stealth, but not in the closet, but not far from the two. It is not a complicated purpose for him to make a mystery. It is just a bit of a bad taste. It is also a very good experience to feel their shocked expression. Anyway, they will eliminate their memories and don't have to worry about being remembered.

"It's you..." When the sound came out, the short blacks and the tall whites couldn't help but be surprised. The targets they monitored appeared in the room. Both of them had a feeling of creepy feelings. They knew that this is the front. Asian boys, most likely superhumans or mutants, can easily kill them.

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