Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1842: Priority dance and hot short video

The scene that looks cooler than the movie not only shocked Anna and Virginia, but also attracted the onlookers of the road. Although the number is small, there are only a couple of middle-aged couples, several teenagers, and a fat black man. Young, but everyone is excited to take out the phone and shoot it.

This is not what Li Xuehao wants to see. He easily knocked back the two companions of the curly young Tom and put him down.

"Cough and cough..." Tom just released a series of coughs. Before he struggled, he didn't use it. He almost thought he would suffocate and die.

Of course, this also aroused his fierceness. After recovering a little, he took out a spring knife from his pocket and stung it to the Asian teenager who had humiliated him.

"Be careful, lee!" Anna, who saw this scene, shouted.

In fact, she didn't need her reminder. Li Xuehao had already noticed it. His eyes were slightly stunned, and **** were stretched out to easily clamp the blade of the other side, and then lifted his foot.

Tom’s whole man flew backwards and fell directly on the back seat of the convertible car a few meters away. He couldn’t climb anymore. Li Xuehao has already converged most of his strengths. However, it is not so easy for the other party to recover. At the same time, he also gave him a heart attack. He would never dare to find him in the future.

"Run!" Tom's two companions knew the current affairs. They knew that they were not opponents. The black youth and the long-haired youth wolfed into the car and quickly started to run.

"Don't let me see you again!" Anna shouted at the far-away car and walked over with excitement. "Hey, lee, you are so cool, I have never seen you so cool." People, will do the most delicious food in the world, will also be awesome, God! I don't know how to describe it, are you willing to date me?" The last sentence is full of expectations.

"Thank you, I already have a girlfriend." Li Xuehao did not expect her to be so active, but she also knew that she was more joke.

"No, I don't mind at all, who cares about this? As long as you want to date me, I will promise you." Anna said with enthusiasm.

"Well, Anna, you have already scared him." Virginia walked over and took over some excited Anna.

"Vigie, don't you think it's cool?" Anna asked.

"This is of course cool, but Lee already has a girlfriend." Veginia gestured to the bright moon knot next to him.

Anna also glanced at it and finally calmed down. Indeed, Boy’s girlfriend is here, and it’s not too much fun to joke.

A few people are here, not far from the middle-aged couple who were just filming, and excitedly discussed and left. However, the fat black youth and several teenagers did not leave, pointing at this point, and finally the fat black youth was more courageous and came over here.

"I am sorry." He went to the front and cried with the mouth of the mouth.

"What?" Li Xuehao frowned at him. It didn't seem to be like English. He didn't understand it anyway.

"Adsorption!" The fat black youth called again, and this time he tried to adjust the tone, but it still looked extremely weird.

However, Li Xuehao finally understood, the other party is called "Master", but did not know where to learn from it, apparently did not learn home.

"Is there anything?" He looked at each other.

"Tom cat always bullies us. You taught him today. This is great. He must have no face in the future. It is really a big heart!" The fat black youth said excitedly, then said with full expectation, " Adsorption, I think you teach me Kung Fu, like this, oh, ha, ha -"

He stroked his hand a few times and shouted in his mouth, but the action was funny and people laughed.

Although the other party has a funny potential, Li Xuehao certainly cannot promise him. He said directly: "I don't accept the apprentice."

The fat black youth heard a glimpse of his face and wanted to work hard: "Adsorption..."

Without waiting for him to go on, Anna interrupted him one step forward: "Hey, Andrew, haven't you heard it? Lee doesn't want to accept the apprentice, let's go." It can be heard from her tone, the two sides are obviously aware of.

Andrew, a fat black young man, slammed his hand: "Anna, you can't stop me from learning the dream of kung fu..."

"But lee refused." Anna interrupted him again.

Andrew’s face fell again, and a fat face was even more funny.

"Okay, lee, we should go back." Anna probably didn't want someone to be entangled, reminded.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded and turned the spring knife in his hand and put it into the storage ring. This is his "trophy" and it seems to be quite advanced.

It was only his small movement that was always noticed by his Anna. He saw that the knife in his hand disappeared after a turn, and her eyes could not help but straighten: "What about your knife?"

"Do you mean this?" Li Xuehao's hand caught in the air, and the disappearing spring knife appeared again.

"Wow, how did you do it?" Now, even Vignia, who was on the sidelines, was surprised to see that there was no reaction except for the moonlight. She knew that someone was more magical.

"Magic." Li Xuehao smiled faintly, and when he turned his hand, the spring knife disappeared again.

"You still have magic?" Anna looked at him incredulously, her eyes showing a hint of fanaticism. "You still have nothing to do, lee, just date me, I can't wait..."

"Cough!" Virginia coughed aside and seemed to remind her that the current situation is not suitable for flowering.

With her hint, Anna shrugged her shoulders: "Okay, I just talked about it."

Li Xuehao will not take it seriously. At this time, it is the best choice to be dumb.

A group of four people dropped Andrew's eye and walked toward the neighborhood.

When I got home, the time passed for more than an hour. My mom was still taking a nap, and the old man went out to work. The coffee table in the living room had his notes left, indicating his whereabouts.

"Vigie, you shouldn't be the first time to come to Jack to teach the family." Anna sat down on the sofa like her master, without any sense of restraint, said to Verginia, who was looking around.

Li Xuehao stood aside, and the moonlight flowering said that after the entrance, he said "excuseme" and went upstairs. Anyway, she couldn't understand what a few people said. It was better to stay alone in the room than to criticize it.

“Mrs. Amy invited me to come twice.” Veginia said softly, but both came in a hurry and hurried away, barely reading it.

"I knew that Mrs. Amy never gave up on you, haha..." Anna laughed jokingly.

I didn’t care about this kind of thing. I was blushing this time. He said, “Mrs. Amy? Why didn’t she see her? Did she go to the store?”

"There was an explosion in the bridal shop today. You don't know?" Anna looked at her. She had already heard about the explosion. She had already heard about it when she was eating. She was glad to be shocked. Fortunately, Mrs. Amy did not. So injured.

"What, explosion?" Virginia was shocked. She really didn't know about it. She asked nervously, "How is Mrs. Amy, is she hurt?"

"There is no such thing, this is the case..." Anna took her to sit down and told her about the explosion that occurred in the morning.

"Mrs. Amy is fine, thank God!" I heard that Mrs. Amy was not injured, and Vegniya sighed with relief.

"Vigie, you seem to care about Mrs. Amy." Anna said with a hint.

"Mrs. Amy is my friend, or the wife of Professor Jack." Verginia heard the deep meaning of her words, but there was no unnatural expression on her face, and it seemed to have calmed down.

Anna looked at her for a while and saw that she still looked calm. Suddenly she turned and said: "The day after tomorrow is the ‘priority dance party.’ You invited a dance partner?”

"Not yet." Veginia shook her head. "What about you?"

Anna smiled mysteriously and glanced at someone next to him: "I just decided the male partner of the ‘priority dance.'”

“What?” Verginia noticed her expression and looked at the boy next to him. “You don’t want to tell me, you want to invite lee to be your partner.”

"Yes." Anna admitted directly and looked at someone in a big way. "lee, can you be my partner the day after tomorrow? I promise that it will be a very interesting dance, you will like it." ”

"Unfortunately, I can't participate in something." How can Li Xuehao agree to this kind of thing that is not planned? What's more, he and Anna are at most neighbors, and it takes less than half a day to get along with him. It is not enough for him to be patient with her to attend the dance.

"You have nothing to do, my dear Koji." A charming female voice suddenly took over, only to see the hair in the slightly messy real Zhonghua spent in the living room.

"Mom?" Li Xuehao was crying and laughing. In fact, he noticed that she had come over, but she did not expect that she would say so.

"Hao, I am instructing you to accompany Anna to the ‘Priority Dance Party’ the day after tomorrow.” Zhen Zhongli said with a serious face.

"Can I refuse?" Li Xuehao had some helplessness. The task that the mother pressed down, he could not do it.


On the other hand, on Twitter, a short video was watched by tens of thousands of people in a short period of time.

The video was shot very clearly. In the picture, an Asian boy grabbed a person's neck with his hand and raised it up. The person who was shackled was almost half a lap stronger than him, and the other two were punching him. Kicked, but all of them were easily resolved by one hand.

The whole picture looks very elegant, especially the Asian boy's one-handed action against the two, full of artistic sense, feeling that it is not fighting, but a beautiful art.

But then there was some violence. After the two men were repulsed, the man who was holding his neck was also released, but he actually took out the knife and stabbed the Asian boy.

As a result, the sharp blade was easily gripped by the Asian boy with **** and kicked him into the car with one foot.

"Oh! This is really violent."

"This is really cool!"

"Is this a movie trailer?"

"What movie? It looks very cool. If it is released, I will definitely buy a ticket to watch."

The following are all talks, most people said that this is cool, and that it is a clip released in a movie.

But soon someone will burst out of the truth.

"This is not a movie. It is a scene that happened in reality. I saw it with my own eyes."

"Yes, the guy who was licked by his neck is called Tom. It used to be a high school in the sunset, a very annoying guy. Thank goodness, he was finally taught."

"He grabbed my wallet."

"He shot the urine on my book."

"That was a **** possessed by the devil. It was a pleasure to see him being detained."

The young man with curly hair is obviously very unsuccessful in his work. Jane has reached the level of disgusting people. Anyone who knows his message has expressed gloating.

Of course, some people have doubts about this short video.

"This is real?"

"how is this possible?"

“Is there such a powerful person in reality?”

"He looks like a Chinese, is it Chinese Kung Fu?"

"He is so handsome, I never think that Asians will be very handsome and feel like they are all, which refreshes my perception."

"What is his name, if he will date me, I will promise."


The variety of discussions has pushed this short video to the peak, and more and more people have seen it.

Located in an office on the upper floors of the Empire State Building in New York, the large floor-to-ceiling windows make the entire office bright and elegant, and the luxurious decor is more comfortable and pleasing.

After the desk, a bald white man was sorting out the documents, and it didn't take long for a quick knock on the door.

"Come in." He frowned, seemingly dissatisfied with someone disturbing his work, but resisted.

"Head, you must not know what I found." A short black man came in, holding a tablet in his hand and said with a sigh of relief.

"It seems that you have good news telling me, Billy." Seeing his excitement, the only anger in the white bald head disappeared. What he likes to hear is good news, no matter what. Everyone is very important to him for his special work.

The tablet in the short black hand was handed to him, and a video inside it was opened, which is the video that has been watched by tens of thousands of people.

The white bald head looked at the temper, and when he saw the Asian boy in the video easily lifted a person who was stronger than him, and the kind of art-like kung fu, he noticed his hair and body, thinking What he immediately looked serious.

Then he kept staring at the Asian boy until he finished watching the whole video.

"He head, he is the one we are looking for... people." The short black man said excitedly.

"Is it better than the back?" The white bald head understood what he was referring to and asked seriously.

"It has already been compared, and the degree of coincidence is over 98%." The short black man said.

"Very good, find him..." The white bald head was about to say, suddenly thought of something, and immediately changed his mouth. "Wait a minute, don't alarm him, make sure his position, tell me, remember, this thing only for me. One person is responsible, don't tell anyone!"

"Understand!" The short black man rushed away.

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