Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1799: The same enemy

Carrying a big bag, Yuji Yuko has a happy face, and her mood is obviously very pleasant. Because I not only ate a lot of food, but also got a few new clothes that she wanted to buy and didn't have the money to buy.

"Hao Er brother, where are we going next?" Saji Yuko asked sweetly, she still wants to continue shopping, it is best to go all the way to the dark, strolling to tomorrow, the things in his hand can not be lifted.

"Next, I will go back." Li Xuehao looked at the excited little girl, and said with a deliberate face.

"How is this? The time is still very early, we can go shopping again." Yuki Yuki is very reluctant, with a bit of a complaint.

"Stupid, do you think everyone is as free as you are?" Sawai Green understands that someone wants to go back to meet the people of Sakurano High School and knock on his sister's head, saying in the voice of the latter, " Also, I just calculated that you bought more than 100,000 baht, a total of 118,000 baht."

"Is there, there are so many?" I learned that I was beyond the "budget", and Yuji Yuji had some guilty conscience.

"The extra 18,000 baht is deducted from your pocket money until it is over." Sawai gave her a glance.

"Okay, okay." Little girl had no objection, and actually agreed.

Both Li Xuehao and Zejing Green looked at her strangely. We must know that this is not the reaction she should have. The original Zejing Green was only deliberately saying this, and it was not really necessary to deduct her pocket money.

"Hey, can I deduct the pocket money after I am 20 years old?" Sure enough, the little girl is still the little girl who refuses to suffer, after 20 years old? I still don't remember that it is not necessarily the case.

"Forget it, little green." Li Xuehao stopped Zejing Green who wanted to teach his hippie smiley sister. "I have to go back now, and come back to you after dinner."

"Yeah." Zejing Green nodded lightly.

Sawaji Yuko’s eyes re-lighted, and it seemed that I felt that I could continue shopping in the afternoon.


Returning to the gymnasium of the Ochanomizu Women's University, Li Xuehao was prepared to meet with Fuyuan Zhimei, and was emailed to the "Ladies' Group" such as Fu Yuanzhimei and Changchun Heyin to go shopping.

However, he is not a sneak peek, because a few people in the stadium are still in the stadium, they can join them and go back together.

In the large gymnasium, people are overcrowded. It is not difficult to find Xiaojian Kawataro. Li Xuehao uses a little knowledge of God to know their specific location.

They have a total of seven boys, but they are divided into four or five. Some of them, some of them, each watched the fun in different stands.

The most special one is Ogata Kawataro, because only this guy is with a girl, and the girl he saw yesterday, is the cute girl who was with him when he saw him go to buy juice. The other party is a student at Tsukuba High School.

The two are tired together today, and the relationship seems to be developing by leaps and bounds. Obviously, Iwami Kawataro wants to develop a singular love in a foreign land. Even in Li Xuehao’s perception, the two hands are held together. .

Found this, he felt, still do not bother the other party's good, when the light bulb is very annoying.

However, he still came to the stands, because in the sense of God, he found another acquaintance.

In the hallway, Acheng Limei is talking with two people. It is a man and a woman, and he knows him. The man is tall and tall, and he is almost like him. He is a Yogurt, and the girl is a well-known girl. Looks like it seems to be known?

When Li Xuehao walked over, Acheng Limei, who was facing him, immediately found him and was pleasantly beckoned: "Hao Er."

Shibuya Yuki and Fujii knew that they turned their heads in a wonderful way. When they found out that they were him, both of them had a surprise that could not be concealed, and there was a slight embarrassment. Before that, they did not regard each other as a strong opponent, but they were easily taken by the other party. Defeated, this makes both people feel awkward.

"Four Valley, Fujii, this is my ‘friend’, really Zhonghao.” Acheng Limei introduced the two.

"We have already seen it." Yotsuya Shiman smiled bitterly, but perhaps it was too long before he lost. He did not have the pride before, and he took the initiative to reach out, "Hello, really."

"Hello." Reaching out and not smiling, not to mention the other side seems to know with Acheng Limei, the two sides have no deep hatred, Li Xuehao also shook with him.

Fujii knows that it was too much in front of him. At this time, I am embarrassed to pull down my face and say "hello", and I will stand still and stop talking.

"Shenzhen is a friend of Acheng's predecessors. It's no wonder that the strength is so strong." Shiguyao said with a sigh of relief, and he did not know how he inferred this causal relationship.

Li Xuehao did not explain, just smiled.

Acheng Limei said: "The true strength of Yotsuya and Koji is stronger than mine."

Both Shibuya and Fujii knew the color of the shock. They had already overestimated the strength of someone. I didn’t expect that even Acheng’s predecessors admitted that they were not opponents. They obviously didn’t think she would joke on this kind of thing.

"It’s a pity that Shibata has already left." Shibuya stunned and said with regret that the guy who thought he was invincible did not hear this sentence. After hearing this sentence, he did not know if he could still speak such arrogance. . But I feel a little lucky, isn't it better to hear it? When the game is over, it will be a real "surprise."

"Hmmm?" Li Xuehao is a glimpse. It sounds like it seems that someone is still there.

"Before Shibata's lucky history is also there." Acheng Limei said next to him.

"Is that the guy who looks like a middle-aged man yesterday?" Li Xuehao certainly remembered Shibata's history, not talking about the other's looks, and the arrogant character, even Acheng Limei did not look at it.

"噗呲~" on the side of Fujii knows that he was almost picked up, but immediately realized that he was rude and held his mouth.

"Middle-aged people?" The eyes of Shibuya are also weird, but when I think of a high school student who has a middle-aged man's face, he nods and feels the same. "Shibata is really like a middle-aged man. It is said that he still Less than eighteen years old."

"Ha ha..." Fujii knows that he can't help it anymore, covering his mouth and laughing.

A few people present did not blame her, even A Cheng Limei mouth also implies a smile.

"In fact, I want to ask you one thing. When I am going to compete with Qianmu's country, I will teach the middle-aged man slyly. I will cheer for you on the sidelines." The four valleys were quite a bit enemies.

Li Xuehao looked at him a bit strangely, but quickly guessed that it was estimated that just after Shibata’s history had said something here, after all, the other school’s predecessors, even Acheng Limei, did not look at it, let alone the lower strength. Yotsuya is awkward.

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