Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1798: Challenge, arrogance

"I should call you a lady in the room or continue to call you Miss Chuanxi?" In the face of the surprised eyes of the US security, Li Xuehao smiled and directly broke her identity.

"It seems that I am a little embarrassed about you." The United States and the United States slightly glimpsed, but soon returned to normal, "two names are me, you like to call anything."

"This room?" I heard the name of the surname of Sakai's green eyes flashing lightly. "Where is this Juggernaut?"

"That is my grandfather." The beauty of the United States naturally admitted that there is no such thing as a sense of pride in the words, it is extremely common, just like eating and drinking.

"It’s about a time." Saijin Green suddenly said.

"What?" The beauty of the company frowned, and did not understand what she meant.

"We will discuss it about time." Zejing Green said that although she had said that she had to learn from it, she was not serious. Now she probably heard that she is the granddaughter of Juggernaut, so she came to interest.

"Oh? Are you serious?" The beautiful woman looked at her and thought of the inexplicable danger she had felt before. She also began to get excited. "I have time in the afternoon, what do you think?"

"Yes." Zejing Green promised to come down.

"Location you choose." said the US security.

There is almost no hesitation in Sakai Green: "I wanted to go to the first field in the world very early."

"Yeah." Understand what she meant in the words, this time the US insurance nodded, the place was so agreed, "Then I am leaving, I look forward to your arrival."

Looking at the youthful and beautiful, the United States and the United States went far away and disappeared in the crowd. Yuki Yuki pulled the arm of someone: "Hao brother, this woman is not a good person at first glance, you don't want to be her lover." ”

“I have said that she is going to find her as a lover?” Li Xuehao gave her a sigh of relief. “If you still want new clothes, don’t talk nonsense.”

"Well, um." Yuji Yuji licked his mouth and nodded again and again, saying that he was not talking.

Li Xuehao looked at Sawai Green on the side: "Little Green, she is just an ordinary person, are you interested in challenging?"

"The granddaughter of Juggernaut is also a disciple of Juggernaut. I really want to give it a try," said Sakai Green. "Reassure, I won't use anything other than the kendo. It doesn't make sense."

It’s just a simple way to talk about it. Li Xuehao probably has some understanding of the intention of Saijin Green. The name of Juggernaut is very attractive to people who are practicing Kendo. Zejing Green also exercises kendo. A yin and yang teacher, she has no god, she used a sword before, or one of the two swords that the Chiba shrine inherits - sneaky, but now it has been returned to the Chiba Shrine.

Really speaking, Zejing Green and Chiba Sayuri are the same type of "Muwu Double Repair". Their own blood is enough to match the beauty of this place. Suzuki Fiona will be almost, her blood is not. Weak, but if you don't have to use the Yin and Yang division, it is definitely not an opponent of either of them.

After eating Oden and miscellaneous porridge, Li Xuehao paid the money and the three men went out to the Ochanomizu University.

Now there is still some time from noon, go out shopping and buy something, then come back and meet with Fu Yuanzhimei.

"Hao Er brother, can I choose my own clothes?" Yuji Yuki grabbed his clothes and asked while walking.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded and bought her clothes, of course, based on her own opinions.

"So, how much can I buy clothes?" Yuji Yuji asked, his eyes sparkling and he was looking forward to it.

"1000 円." Zejing Green next to it said.

Yuki Yuki was a little crazy, and he said with an angry voice on his cheeks: "Sister, 1000 円 can't buy clothes at all!"

"You can buy a few pieces in the flea market." Zejing Green said with a relaxed face.

"I am talking about new clothes!" Yuji Yuji blinked and looked at someone pitifully. "How much is my budget?"

"100,000." Li Xuehao knows that Zejing Green is completely ridiculing his sister, 100,000 yuan, and only 6,000 pieces, not too much.

"Thank you Hao Er brother, I like you too much." Yuji Yuki excitedly grabbed his hand and took a kiss, 100,000 baht, you can buy a few new clothes.


On the other side, in the stadium of the Royal Tea Women’s University.

The people at the Siwei High School who were eliminated from the game did not leave. They changed into sportswear and watched other schools in the corridor behind the stands.

Just the team teacher Gu Cun coach has already left, originally excited, I thought that I can win the championship, who knows that even the top four have not entered the road to go home, this is for the old-fashioned coach who is so proud of the old-fashioned appearance. It’s really unacceptable and I’m not in the mood to stay and watch the game.

The students at Siwei High School are divided into two groups, with Shibuya Satoshi and Fujii Zhimei as the first person, and another person to go to other stands.

"The Minister of Yotsuya, the Chikuba High School in Tsukuba High School and Aomori Prefecture is now 2:2, and the last one should be in the US." The Shibuya people are watching the game at Tsukuba High School. The last girl from Tsukuba High School asked. Because wearing a face, can not see the appearance, can only be observed from the body is a girl.

"No, she is not in the room." The Shibuya who shook hands with the beautiful US insurance shook his head. The other person's figure was higher than the beauty of the place. He looked at it at a glance.

"Isn't it the US insurance? Who is she? Didn't the US-China insurance team participate in the competition?" Fujii knew and looked surprised.

"Perhaps I don't think I need to play on my own. If I don't have a strong opponent, I will wait until the finals to see her." The Shibuya monk guessed the intention of this period, and he had already learned about it last year. It is a woman who is very proud and doesn't like trouble. She doesn't need to do things herself. She will never do it.

"If you lose the game?" Fujii Kumi continued to ask, if she changed her, she would not do that.

"She is sure that the game won't lose." Yotani Shiman looked at the two sides who had already started the game, and said, "If she loses, she probably won't be in the heart. The national champion has no attraction for her." The imagination is big, she wants the excitement of confrontation with the master."

"Who is that woman?" Fujii knows the representative of Tsukuba High School.

"The true beauty of the generation, it is said that it is still in the first year of high school, the strength has been so strong." Four Valley monks said with some emotions, although they can easily beat each other, but they think they have lost, and still lost in a first grade On the raw hand, he was full of bitterness. "It is now the world of the younger generation."

Speaking of it, he is really unlucky. He has been defeated by first-year students for two consecutive years. Last year was the United States and the United States. This year, he was a previously unknown person.

"Mr. Shibuya, I believe that the metamorphosis is a millennium, not a lot." Fujii knows that he can understand his depression. In fact, she also has the same distress, because she also lost to a first-year student. Hands.

"I am a college student next year." Shibuya Shiman shook his head slightly. "The dream of a national champion, I am afraid that this life will not be realized."

"Mr. Yotsuya, you can win the championship of the college kendo competition." Fujii knows.

The people of Yotsuya couldn't help but smile: "The people in the university are even more horrible. Just like last year's champion Acheng Limei, I watched her game all the time. I would never be an opponent when I met her."

Speaking of Acheng Limei, Fujii’s eyes screamed wildly: “Acheng’s predecessors have always been my idols. The university I want to apply for is the University of Tsurumi. I hope that one day I can fight alongside Acheng’s predecessors! ”

"I believe that you will reach a dream, Fujii." Yotsuya slaps her shoulder.

Fujii knows some blushing, what is going to say, suddenly eyes keep looking at one direction: "A Cheng predecessor?"

"What?" Shibuya stunned and looked in the direction she was looking at. When she saw the girl with a short hair and a long braid behind her, she looked shocked. "Acheng Limei's predecessor?"

"Mr. Four Valley, is a senior of Acheng, is a senior of Acheng..." Fujii is very excited, and she has already taken the lead in running away.

The four valleys were hesitant and he chased them up.

"A Cheng predecessor!" Fujii knows that he is in front of Acheng Limei who is holding the railing of the corridor to watch the game. He is excited and solemnly bowed.

When I heard someone calling myself, Acheng Limei looked over and saw that she was a strange girl. She snorted: "You are..." Then I saw the Yotsuya who walked behind the girl, and she immediately recognized each other. , "The Four Valleys?"

"Hello, Acheng's predecessor, I am from Shibuya." Yotsuya went to the front and bowed.

"A Cheng predecessor, I am Fujii Tomomi." Fujii is very excited and looks at her eagerly. "Can you sign me a name?"

"Signature?" A Cheng Limei, a signing of this kind of thing, she has not done it before.

Yotsuya Shibuya said: "Yes, Fujii regards you as an idol. The target of her application is tku (Tsurred University of Tsurumi), and I hope to fight alongside you."

"This way." Acheng Limei looked at Fujii to know the beauty, probably did not expect this would be a fanatic supporter of her own, some embarrassed to say, "I did not bring a pen."

"It doesn't matter, I brought it." Fujii knew that he had taken a pen from his body and didn't know how she would carry it with her, but it also came in handy.

A Cheng Limei took her signature pen and some of them were not used to asking: "Where is the sign?"

"Just on the clothes." Fujii knows the hem of his clothes and pulls it to her.

Acheng Limei took off his cap and was ready to start writing: "What to write?"

"Write it, give it to my lovely younger Fujimori, and then write your name." Fujii knows and looks forward.

A Cheng Limei wrote it and returned the signature pen to her.

"Thank you, Acheng predecessor, you will definitely win the national championship this year." Fujii knows the excitement of looking at the signature of his clothes hem. She has decided to cherish this dress and will not wear it in the future.

"Thank you for your good words." Acheng Limei also expressed his gratitude. The kendo competition for college students will start in October, and there are still more than two months from now.

"Predecessors are also deliberately watching the game?" Fujii knows wonderfully, Acheng seniors will come here, she did not think about this kind of thing.

"Yes, let me see a friend's game." Acheng Limei said.

"Is the friend of the predecessor also a high school student who participated in the competition?" Fujii knows that the beauty is even more amazing. Even the Shibuya who is unable to insert the mouth is evoked curiosity. I want to know who is the friend of the national college kendo competition last year. .

"Well..." Acheng Limei nodded. Hesitated whether he wanted to tell the two of her "friends" who were the ones who had defeated them before. A voice came from afar. "Acheng seniors, see you again. It’s up to you...oh, is the Four Valleys there?”

It sounded like some contrived sounds that attracted the three people to the past. I saw a tall man who was coming over. The other person looked like he was in his thirties, but he was called a young Acheng Limei predecessor, showing his actual age. It’s a lot smaller than it looks.

"Shibata!" Yotsuya sees the other person and can't help but frown. This man is a trump card of Osaka Prefecture's Thousand Wood International High School.

"Oh, what are you talking about, can I listen?" Shibata Katsuhiko smiled and didn't care that some people had some gloomy expressions.

"Shibata, are you finished with the game?" asked Shibuya.

"Yes, it's just over, not like your temple high school, so it's almost over." Shibata Yuki said profoundly.

"Shibata, what do you mean!" In the eyes of Shibuya, he was angry, and he certainly heard the deep meaning of the other party's words.

"Isn't it?" Shibata Yukihaha smiled, as if he didn't see the anger in his eyes. "You have ended earlier than us. Isn't it? We just won, you lost, I heard that I lost." What is the unknown high school, what is the cherry blossom or the wild?"

"Shibata, now you can laugh at it. When you meet Sakurano High School, I can see if you can still laugh." Shibuya screams that they are really defeated at the end of the temple, but the high school of the thousand wood country It’s the last year’s King’s High School. In the face of the perverted first-year student who defeated him, there was only one failure.

"The Four Valleys, I am not like you, the strength is so weak that even one person can defeat you. Do you know what my most regrettable thing is? You didn't play with you last year, you were eliminated by this US security. As for Sakurano High School, you will open your eyes and see how I can beat them alone." Shibata Yuki said with a high degree, it seems that defeating any opponent is just a breeze.

"I will stay in Tokyo and see your game with my own eyes." Shibuya stunned a cold smile, he bet, Shibata Yuki has not seen their game with Sakino High School, but even after reading it, with the arrogance of Shibata's history, It is estimated that it will be caused by its own enemy, so even if he says that it is useless now, this self-righteous king has become arrogant to the extent of invincibility.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . Holding a pen: m.

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