The bundled kimono girl was silent and her eyes were full of reluctance. Apparently she did not admit that she was pretending to be impersonating, but she looked at Guo Xuyang, who was not far from time to time, and her eyes showed a gentle worry.

"It's you, killing my brother!" Guo Qianrong couldn't stand it, gnashing his teeth and swearing a girl.

"Miss Guo, I don't want to hear anything about it. I want to hear her explanation." Li Xuehao stopped her impulse. In fact, even Guo Qianrong would not be able to do anything to her.

The master personally spoke, Guo Qianrong suppressed the anger in the chest, just staring at the kimono girl.

At this time, Guo Xuyang's spirit suddenly snorted and woke up from the "coma" state. Maybe just awake, he still didn't understand what happened, but when he saw the kimono girl around him, he suddenly had a happy look: "Tingting!" But the next moment, his surprise turned into anger, "You Why do you want to catch Tingting, let her go, let her go..."

"She is not Tingting, you see it clearly!" Hearing his excitement yelling, Guo Qianrong hated the iron and was not steel. He was confused and still not knowing.

"She is Tingting!" Guo Xuyang glared at him, and even his own sister could not attend.

Guo Qianrong mourned more than his heart and died. He could only turn to someone on the side: "Master, Xiaoyang, he was confused. Is there any way to crack it?"

"No, he is not confused." Li Xuehao shook his head, the kimono girl is now revealing the truth, Guo Xuyang must also see the true content, then he still believes that she is his girlfriend Tingting, only one possibility. Perhaps three years of companionship, he has forgotten his original girlfriend, and even transferred his persistent love for his girlfriend to the kimono girl, so she is his Tingting.

" confused? But why..." Guo Qianrong couldn't understand that her brother had never succumbed to her, but she just showed her angry expression.

"Because he has already regarded her as Tingting, and he likes this Tingting." Li Xuehao said that he was a bit sloppy. A person fell in love with a ghost. This is really uncommon, but it actually happened before his eyes.

Guo Qianrong seems to have some understanding, but it seems that she does not understand, but there is one thing she will not forget: "Is my brother killed by her?"

"Sister, I have already said that I committed suicide. This has nothing to do with Tingting." Guo Xuyang quickly defended.

"You shut up!" Guo Qianrong looked at him wickedly. There was pain and raging anger in his eyes. "You are not filial, do you think about your parents before doing that kind of thing? Have you thought about me? Know that we heard What is your bad news? Just like when the sky collapsed, my mother fainted the first time after hearing it. Dad was stupid at the time. I... I can’t wait for the person who died. ~" At the end of the day, she burst into tears.

Guo Fu also had a red eye, and Guo Mu whispered.

In the face of the grief of his parents and sister, Guo Xuyang said that he couldn't speak. He wanted to accompany his family to cry, but as a ghost, he had no tears.

Perhaps it is to see that he is suffering from self-blame, the kimono girl finally spoke up: "It is not his fault, you must blame me for blaming."

"No, it is my fault, nothing to do with you, Tingting." Guo Xuyang quickly took responsibility to himself, he did not want Tingting to be misunderstood.

"At the moment, you still speak for her!" Guo Qianrong grieves, she feels that this younger brother has long been not her brother, has been fascinated by female ghosts.

"Sister..." Guo Xuyang once again said that he could not speak.

Li Xuehao felt that the timing was almost the same, and said: "Talk about it, what is going on, I think we are all willing to listen."

The gentle words made everyone's mood calm down. Guo Qianrong and Guo Fu Guomu also wanted to find out what happened in the end. For the time being, they forgot the grief, perhaps because they saw the ghost of their son (the younger brother) and let their grief not know. I feel a lot.

Guo Xuyang looked at the kimono girl around him. The latter looked at him tenderly. He finally made up his mind and said with a low voice: "Three years ago, after Tingting’s accident, I was very painful. Every day, like a walking dead, I don’t know. What did he do, until one day, Tingting suddenly appeared in front of me, although others could not see her, thinking that I was a madman, but it was enough, it was enough for me..."

His fascinating look seemed to remind him of the scene when he saw his girlfriend and suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Tingting is with me every day. For three years, I have no patience. I don't want to wait any longer. I want to be with Tingting. I know she is not a human, so I have to be with her. Like her, she can become a person who can't be seen by others. I asked Tingting to let her end my pain, but she didn't want to, no, she should say that she couldn't bear it, and then took her out on the day, I Ended myself..."

“Yangyang...” Guo’s father Guo’s mother had already heard tears. When they said it, they also had the responsibility. If they knew that their son’s girlfriend had an accident, they would care more and everything would be different.

"Xiaoyang, she is not Tingting." Guo Qianrong also has the same mentality as her parents, but she is more rational, because the female ghost in front of him is not the ghost of Tingting.

"I know, I know..." Guo Xuyang looked at the kimono girl around me tenderly. "Tingting didn't deceive me. On the second day she came to see me, she showed me her true face. I was very painful at the time and asked her to become Tingting. For three years, she has been with me like Tingting... Dad, Mom, Sister, I am too self-willed, sorry... but I really want to Tingting together, I don’t want to go through the days when I can only talk but can’t touch each other."

"Yangyang, how are you so stupid..." Guo’s father was tearful, and Guo’s mother leaned in his arms and looked at his son with grief.

Li Xuehao, who was on the side, couldn't help but sigh, and with a gentle wave, he lifted the ban on Guo Xuyang and the kimono girl. As soon as they recovered their freedom, they clung together.

The kimono girl and Guo Xuyang flocked for a while, and suddenly went to Guo’s father Guo’s mother. They squatted and said with apology: “I’m sorry, if it’s not for me, Xu Yangjun will not die. I hope that you can Forgive me, I also like Xu Yangjun very much, I hope that you can fulfill us." When she mentioned Guo Xuyang, she used the Japanese name of "Xuyangjun", plus the image before her death, it is obviously a Japanese Man, still a Japanese ancient.

In this scene, Guo Qianrong couldn't bear to blame, even though she still hated her.

"So how did you find him?" Li Xuehao asked, he did not believe that a ghost would find a stranger for no reason, and become the image of the other girlfriend, and talk to him about "human ghosts" .

The kimono girl hesitated and said: "When I first saw Xuyang Jun, Miss Tingting had not had an accident. At that time, Xu Yangjun was healthy and cheerful. She was a young man full of vitality. I was observing every day. He was gradually attracted to him... Miss Tingting went to another place on the day of the accident. If I was there that day, Miss Tingting would have nothing to do. From that day, Xu Yangjun became languid. The whole person was very decadent, so I decided to become Miss Tingting and let Xu Yangjun get back up..." Her story is quite simple. It is a love story that has been around for a long time, just love. The identity of one of the parties is too shocking.

In the face of such unforeseen circumstances, Guo Fu Guo Mu and Guo Qianrong were a bit dumbfounded. The original grief felt that the sky had collapsed because the son (brother) could never see it again, but he saw his soul. And after knowing the truth, they are still very sad, but they don’t feel like the sky has collapsed.

"Master, can Yang Yang go back with us?" Guo mother asked with a nervous look, this is the only concern she has now.

"As a soul, you can't get along with people for a long time. Because the contact is long, people will be attacked by the yin of the soul, the body will become weak, and even endanger life. And if the soul stays in many places often It will also be affected by people's yang, and eventually it may be scattered." Li Xuehao can understand Guo's hope, but the reality is not allowed, it is harmful to both sides.

"Is there any way to solve it?" Guo mother looked lost and desperate. Guo Qianrong did not give up. The juvenile policeman in front of him is a master who specializes in dealing with such things. Maybe he has a way.

"There is no way." Li Xuehao indulged in a moment, looking forward to the kimono girl in the eyes of the Guo family, "just bring her."

"She?" Guo Qianrong stunned, not understanding what he meant.

Li Xuehao nodded and tried to explain in words they could understand: "Yes, because she is not an ordinary ghost, but a ghost who has lived for hundreds of years. It can be said that it is a ghost, if she can If you live with you, you can easily solve this problem. "This is not exaggerated. The kimono girl is a ghost, which is equivalent to the strength of the middle and late refining. There is no need to worry about the impact between people and ghosts.

“Really?” Guo Qianrong’s eyes lit up. When I looked at the kimono girl, there was no resentment, and some were full of surprises.

"It is true. Speaking of it, she may still have a little relationship with me." Li Xuehao looked at the kimono girl, the kimono on the other side was really familiar, and he suddenly became blurted out. "Do you know Ogakihara and Ogawahara?" ”

"Bud sister, Hui Xiang sister..." The kimono girl heard a shudder, full of shock and incredulously looking at him.

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