"Master, my brother, he was not killed, why?" After the family cried and cried, Guo Qianrong endured grief and returned to the topic.

"This is still told by your brother." Li Xuehao shook his head and looked at Guo Xuyang who was wondering who he was.

Guo Xuyang was watched by a few people, and his face was filled with sorrow and a trace of relief: "Sister, I am suicide..."

"What are you talking about!" Guo Qianrong heard a pair of eyes, and there was shock and unforgivable anger in his eyes. "Why do you do that!"

Guo Fu is even more sorrowful, and Guo Mu is faltering at any time.

"I'm sorry, I am really sorry..." The grief of his parents and the anger of his sister made Guo Xuyang fall into regret and pain.

"Why do you want to do that?" Guo Qianrong's anger is not a few words to be able to eliminate. The younger brother's actions are too ignorant. Doesn't he know how painful it is to care for his parents and family?

Guo Xuyang was silent, perhaps because of scruples and could not be said.

"Tell me, why do you do it! Why!" Guo Qianrong was full of grief and indignation. If it wasn't for her brother, she would have already rushed to the hand.

"..." Guo Xuyang still did not speak, as if he wanted to keep silent.

Someone Li Xuehao couldn't see it. Although he faintly guessed the reason, Guo Xuyang's approach was really unacceptable. He only looked at himself, but he forgot his parents and family.

Seeing that Guo Qianrong is going crazy, Li Xuehao said: "I guess it is because of his girlfriend who died in a car accident."

"Tingting? What does this have to do with Tingting?" Guo Qianrong obviously remembered his younger brother's girlfriend and asked him subconsciously.

"No, it has nothing to do with Tingting. There is no relationship at all. Everything is voluntary." When talking about his girlfriend's name, Guo Xuyang suddenly got excited and defended his girlfriend loudly.

However, the best understanding of his sister immediately confirmed one thing: "Is it Tingting? Is it really related to her? Is her ghost confusing you? Where is she?"

"Sister, I said, it has nothing to do with Tingting!" Guo Xuyang glared at him. Obviously his girlfriend is his counter-scale. He does not allow anyone to smear her.

Guo Qianrong is even more angry: "Where is she? I have to ask her, why are people gone, and you are still pestering? Are she satisfied now? Call her out to see me, call out..." She is excited It looks like it will go crazy at any time.

Li Xuehao saw a sigh in his heart and patted her on the shoulder. The words were shocking: "Miss Guo, wake up!"

"Master?" Guo Qianrong's body trembled, the crazy expression suddenly dissipated, and there was a moment of confusion in his eyes, but he soon thought of something, suddenly grabbed his arm, like sawing a life-saving straw, "Master, is she here? ?"

Li Xuehao knew who she was referring to and shook her head: "Now is not here." Although the yin is still there, he has already covered this area with the gods, but the ghost is obviously too far away, he does not Find.

Guo Qianrong’s face showed disappointment, and her expression suddenly became fierce: “Master, I believe she will come, please accept her, no matter how much, pay what price, please accept the vicious woman. Let her never live forever, and fly away! "The hate of the teeth, the scalp is numb, even if I can't understand the real name of Nishimura, I also feel the deep hatred.

"Don't, don't!" Guo Xuyang suddenly got excited. Although he didn't know about this master, he wouldn't let anyone hurt his most important person anyway, and his face would become awkward. "You dare to Tingting." What to do, I will not let you go!" Speaking, perhaps too nervous his girlfriend, suddenly with one hand, directly rushed over.

"Ah!" Nishimura’s real name was shocked because she was standing behind someone and seemed to be rushing towards her.

Li Xuehao did not move his voice. He reached out and gently flicked a blue light from his fingertips. Like a chain, Guo Xuyang rushed over.

"Let me go, let me go! Ah--" With Guo Xuyang screaming, his eyes closed and floated in the air, like a dead state.

"Master, don't!" Guo Qianrong, who was on the side, was so scared that he quickly grabbed someone's arm. Even if the younger brother didn't understand anything, it was her younger brother. Guo Guoguo was also nervous and changed her face.

"Reassure, he just stunned." Li Xuehao indicated that they should be safe, and the spirit can of course faint, as long as there is that ability to do it.

Listen to him saying that the family of Guo’s family was relaxed.

After seeing his means, Guo Qianrong was full of confidence in him: "Master, if the vicious woman comes, you must accept her."

Li Xuehao glanced at her and said, "If she is an evil thing, I don't have to say it, I will do it."

"She confuses my brother to commit suicide. Isn't this evil?" It seems that he heard his words. Guo Qianrong said with hatefulness, of course not for the master, but for the vicious woman.

"When she comes, she will know." Li Xuehao was undecided. He sensed that there was a vain presence in Guo Xuyang's body. It was his connection with the Yin spirit, so as long as he was in danger here. Then the phantom must feel it, she should come soon.

Just to confirm his guess, it was not long before he said that he had already felt something in the distance coming forward from here. The speed was very fast. In less than a minute, he entered his knowledge. Within, the familiar sigh of breath made him know that the yin came back.

"She is coming." Li Xuehao said faintly.

The family of Guo’s family suddenly became nervous. Although he hated the woman who confuses his son (the younger brother), when he really wants to meet it, the three people are inevitably a bit afraid. After all, it is a ghost.

"Call--" With the faint sound of the wind in the room, the temperature around it suddenly burst into a cold air and fell several degrees. In the afternoon of this summer, I couldn't help but start playing.

Li Xuehao certainly didn't feel cold. He opened the eyes to everyone present, so everyone saw it clearly when a thin transparent figure entered the room.

She came straight through the wall from the wall facing the door. The image is a woman in her early twenties. Although the facial features are not so refined, they are very durable. They are a set of ordinary jeans and t-shirts. The dress, from the appearance, looks very youthful.

The first time she came in, she saw Guo Xuyang being **** by a rope that she felt dangerous. She couldn’t help but change. When the people in the living room stared at her, she realized that she was discovered. So, instead of recklessly canceling Guo Xuyang, he leaned against the wall and stared at the people present.

However, after she glanced at Guo Xuyang’s parents and sisters, she quickly put all her attention on two outsiders who had never seen her. Guo Xuyang’s family could not have that ability, so the most doubtful thing is These two outsiders.

"Tingting! You are a vicious woman, I am dead, but I still want to kill my brother. God is blind, why didn't I take it away..." Maybe I was afraid before, but I confirmed my brother's previous After the girlfriend, Guo Qianrong’s hatred in his heart suppressed the fear and pointed to the sinister scream.

The Yinling was indifferent to her roar, as if she had not heard her words.

"Tingting, we have never been treated with you. Every time I go to the house, I will take the best things to entertain you, and I will not give you a look. Why do you want to kill Yangyang so much?" Mother, her eyes were red and geological, and there was a hate, but no daughter was so obvious.

The yin finally reacted and turned to look at her, but close to his mouth, not to say a word, do not know what it is or what.

"You are not Tingting." Li Xuehao said in a word that Guo Qianrong, who was about to re-export again, swallowed it when he got to the lips. Guo and Guo Guo looked over it.

The ghost eyes violently shrink, looking at someone who spoke, and finally said: "I am Tingting." The voice is very crisp, there is no ghost in the ghost, if you only listen to the sound, you may think It is a youthful and lively girl.

"No, you are not." Li Xuehao shook his head, he was very sure, the ghost in front of him, definitely not Guo Xuyang's girlfriend Tingting. Tingting has died for up to three years. After being turned into a ghost, it is impossible to cultivate into a ghost in this short period of time. This is the same as ordinary people's cultivation. How can it be directly into the refining period in only three years? He himself entered the refining period in a short time after possession because of the cultivation of the previous life.

The cultivation of the Yin spirit is more difficult than the cultivation of the ordinary people. It is an extremely painful process to abandon one's own suffocation. It is almost the same as the ordinary people who have taken off their blood. A little accident is the end of the soul.

Therefore, it can take at least a few decades or even longer to become a ghost, and the Yin, in front of it, is converted into strength, not only in the early stage of refining, but even in the middle and late stages, saying that it has been cultivated for hundreds of years. For the sake of it, how could it be Tingting who has only died for three years?

"I am." Yin Ling insisted that he is Tingting, and his attitude is extremely determined.

Li Xuehao frowned. He didn't know why this ghost was posing as Tingting, but one thing he could see was that the Yin spirit in front of him didn't have **** anger and resentment, so I can confirm that she is not something evil.

"Master, she is Tingting, I remember very clearly, she is like this." Guo Qianrong said a little anxiously, she worried that the master would run this vicious woman.

Li Xuehao glanced at her, and of course the naked eye could not see it, but it was hard to beat him. With a wave of his hand, a blue lightning flashed straight to the ghost.

The face of the yin suddenly changed, the color of fear flashed past, and the body quickly sneaked away.

But the blue lightning speed was not slow at all, although she was hiding, but the "tail" part of the lightning still touched her gently.

"Zi~~" seems to have smoke coming out, the screams of the screams, the spells that remain on the body suddenly disappear, and the image of her whole person has changed dramatically.

Originally a modern jeans and t-shirt college students dressed up, turned into a kimono girl wearing a red background and a white pattern, looks like only sixteen or seven years old, the facial features are also very different, not the appearance of Tingting before It is a slightly ordinary face.

"She is not Tingting." Guo Qianrong screamed.

The kimono and the ** spirit have begun to anger, it is estimated that it has never been so bullied, she stared at each other in disgust: "You dare to hit me, I will not let you go." One hand, while the body has a strong red light, gathered to the hand.

"咻-" The red light gathered, forming a palm-sized red ball of light on her palm, and then the red ball suddenly burst open, a dazzling red light shot out, the target is just the one who bullied her. people.

Li Xuehao's face is unchanged. In the moment when the red light is about to be in the body, the hand is gently turned over and the red light is caught. The invisible things can be caught like tangible things.

The kimono is less stunned, and the most powerful one has no effect. She finally realized that this person in front of her is definitely not something she can deal with.

Her eyes turned, her body suddenly moved, and she slammed into Guo Xuyang next to him. Apparently, he wanted to take him out of the fainting.

Li Xuehao naturally would not let her wish, her fingertips shot a blue light, and she tied her like Guo Xuyang. With his current realm, even if he is not afraid of the Golden Dragon period, let alone her little refining period.

The kimono and the ** spirit were tied and began to struggle fiercely, but the blue light became more and more tight, and under the contraction, it stabbed her body with some pain.

Knowing that after doing nothing, it will hurt myself. The kimono is less daring and finally dare not struggle again, and the blue light that binds her is gradually loosened because she stops the action, at least she will not give her any more. The feeling of pain.

This is only the scene of "catch ghosts" appearing in movies and TV, which makes the Guo family of the three people stunned with a sigh of relief, and the real name of Nishimura is better. She is not the first time to see this kind of spirituality. Picture.

"Let's say, why do you pretend to be Tingting?" Li Xuehao stepped forward, and the image of the kimono and the younger spirit should be what she was when she died. It is not like modern people, but the style of kimono. It seems to have been a few hundred years old, and the more he looks at it, the more familiar he is with the kimono style, he can be sure that he has seen such a kimono.

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