Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1676: Tsurumi's lucky legend

"Would you tell someone your secret?" Faced with Janet's look of concentration, Li Xuehao could guess why the other person asked this question, and estimated that he had the same "magic props" as her.

"Yes, how can the secret of the magic tell you!" Ke Yiping also said.

Janet frowned. She was not an idiot after all, and she knew that she was very awkward, but she was still reluctant to say: "If I tell you the secret of my ‘flame magic,’ tell me how?”

"No." Li Xuehao shook his head directly, and the answer was very simple. Ke Yiping, who was next to him, would like to praise him.

Janet is a little bit anxious. She probably hasn’t been rejected by a man before. I know that there will be no result if I ask again: "Okay, I already know, you must be like me, have... can perform that magic. Perhaps it was feared that someone would hear her secrets. In the end, it was just an ambiguous statement. After that, she turned and left, and the three American students who followed her left.

"The self-righteous woman." Seeing the four people walking away, Ke Yiping looked at their backs and sneered at some disdain.

"Is she also a girl?" Li Xuehao did not know what "love" between Ke Yiping and Janet, but could hear that the two were in the same school.

"Yeah." Ke Yiping nodded and said broadly, "I have had some unpleasantness with her before, so she sees me not pleasing to the eye, and I also see that she is not pleasing to the eye."

Li Xuehao did not answer, and the embarrassment between the girls, he was not convenient to interject.

"Really, this time you specifically came to see us in the game?" Ke Yifan found a chance to speak, some curiously asked, of course he would not think that someone is coming to help, because he did not play before the game I thought I would lose.

"There is nothing, just come with friends." Li Xuehao said.

"Nakamura is also your friend? That guy can rarely talk to the lower grades." Ke Yifan looked at a few people next to Yamamoto, not far from the history of Nakamura.

"Have you had a holiday with him?" Li Xuehao looked at him strangely and heard it from his tone. It seemed that there was some unhappy Chinese village history.

"There is no festival, but I heard that this person is very difficult to get along with." Ke Yifan shook his head.

Li Xuehao thought about it carefully. The previous Nakamura Takashi did give people a feeling of being very difficult to get along with. When he first met, he and Fu Yuanzhimei were going upstairs. When he met him, Fu Yuanzhimei took the initiative to talk to him. He did not respond, showing how proud he is, even Fu Yuanzhimei is not in the eye.

But after being defeated, I learned that there is still a stronger existence in this world. His mentality has returned to normal, at least not as proud as before. Now even for the younger generations such as Yamamoto Ryota and Yokoji Shinichiro, I can talk and laugh.

"I know that other people's gossip." Ke Yiping is probably very dissatisfied with his brother always rushing to talk, is she a transparent person? "This time is not really true. See how bad you are. It is estimated that students who meet American students in the future must walk down with their heads."

"Cough, we did not expect their strength to be so strong." Ke Yifan argued somewhat slyly.

"Now I know it? There are days outside the sky, there are people outside, and I will pay attention to it later. Don’t be a young man, your second child." Ke Yiping taught his younger brother.

"Sister, how can I?" Ke Yifan looked stunned.

"Forget it, forget it." Perhaps I realized that I was too exaggerated. Ke Yiping waved his hand and turned to someone next to him. "In fact, although you are two years younger than you, you It’s much more stable than him. If he is in chaos in school, you will teach him for me.”

"Sister, what do you mean by this?" Li Xuehao had not spoken yet, and Ke Yifan had already called out with dissatisfaction. "He is not a brother-in-law, how can you teach me?"

"You..." Ke Yiping instantly blushed, afraid to look at someone, and glared at him with hate. "What do you say, look for death?" He said, picking up his fist and knocking on it.

Ke Yifan suddenly got scared and turned and ran.

"Run, run, see when you can run." Ke Yiping said aloudly, seeing his brother go far, she couldn't help but look back, quite embarrassed, "I'm sorry, my brother likes it." Nonsense."

"Nothing..." Li Xuehao shook his head, and there was not much fluctuation in his heart. Ke Yiping liked girls, and he already knew this.

The two talked a few more words. Yamamoto Ryota and Fuyuangui, who are not far away, probably waited a little impatient. Yamamoto said too much: "In the truth, we have to go back."

"I am coming." Li Xuehao said with a voice, said to Ke Yiping, "So I will leave."

"Okay." Ke Yiping nodded. At the end, he snorted again. "Remember to go to China if you go to China, I will treat you well."

"Yeah." Li Xuehao responded and walked back to Mr. Yamamoto.

Ke Yiping did not delay, and quickly caught up with her classmates.

"In the true, have you ever been to see the women high?" The five people gathered together, and Yamamoto said that he had something to say.

"No, what's wrong?" Li Xuehao frowned slightly, and looked at Fu Yuangui, Yokoji Shinichiro and Nakamura Takashi. The expression on their faces was also very weird. I don't know how many people just told him that he was not there. Said something, I knew that he should eavesdrop on it.

"Since I haven't been there, why do you know the students who are tall and tall?" Yamamoto is too eccentric.

"Is this strange? Just Ke Xiaoping is the sister of Ke Yifan. She used to go to our Sakurano High School. I also know her." Li Xuehao doesn't know how many people are playing, but he will never Give them the opportunity to associate.

"Just like this?" Yamamoto is too skeptical. Before I saw the two people chatting so intimately, it was not like the relationship of ordinary friends. "Do not worry, even if you have some embarrassing relationship, I will not tell my sister. Guiyi’s predecessors will not talk to Fuyuan’s predecessors, right?”

Fu Yuangui nodded with no expression.

Li Xuehao is speechless. These two guys who are completely different from their younger brothers are too lazy to play with their riddles. They open the door and ask: "Good, tell your purpose."

"Hey..." Yamamoto was too surprised to smile, and then said, "I heard that Tsurumi has a lot of beautiful women, and the beauty from all over the world, Janet Garcia is the girl, the real, you can bring Can we see the female high in the crane?"

"Well?" Li Xuehao heard his eyes condensed. It turned out that these guys were playing with this idea. "Do you want to enter the crane to see the women?"

"Yes, Tsurumi sees women who don't welcome students from outside schools, especially boys, but I think you must have a way to go in." Yamamoto said with a smile, it seems that he must have any way to get in.

Li Xuehao looked at a few people. These guys are talking about people who have girlfriends, especially Yokoji Masahiro. They must be fathers. Although Nakamura’s history has just “lost love”, he listens to the cat Nanako. I have a special liking, but I also have the mood to go to see the women to see the beauty?

"It's a pity that I have never been to a woman to see a woman. If you want to go, you can only go by yourself." Seeing that all four people are staring at themselves, Li Xuehao certainly will not agree because of this, after finishing his speech, no A few people have some stagnant expressions, he should go back first.

"In the real world, how about it?" Yamamoto is still not dead, and several people chase it up.

"Can tell me, you go to Tsurumi to see a woman, is it really just to see a beautiful woman?" Li Xuehao turned his head and he thought about it carefully. He felt that even if he wanted to see a beautiful woman, he didn't seem to be so persistent, and even the history of Nakamura. Also got a foot, what is there that he doesn't know?

"This..." Yamamoto is too hesitant, and the appearance of a few people in Fuyuangui is also a bit embarrassing.

Li Xuehao knows that things are definitely not that simple. These guys didn't tell the truth.

"Well, really, I tell you." After hesitating, Yamamoto was too determined to tell the truth. "Have you heard of the lucky legend of Tsurumi's high school?"

"What is that?" Li Xuehao, a lucky legend?

I only listened to Yamamoto Ryota: "In the legend, as long as you enter the boy who is a girl, but you have not been caught, then there will be lucky things happening after coming out."

"Who are you listening to?" Li Xuehao is speechless, and there are such ridiculous rumors? When you see a woman who is tall and has not been caught, it will be lucky. This is a ghost legend.

"This lucky legend has been circulating for many years. Do you know? Really, three years ago, a boy sneaked into the Tsurumi high school. After he came out safely, he immediately became confessed by the object of crush, and two years ago. After another boy entered the Tsurumi high school, he immediately won the grand prize. The prize was one million baht. Another year ago, after a male student entered the Tsurumi high school, he immediately took the test. The favorite university." Yamamoto is too sly to talk about the lucky ones who came into the Tsurumi high school.

"Maybe these are just coincidences, good too." After Li Xuehao heard it, although he felt that he was a little clever, he would never think that he was lucky to have entered the Hegang women's high school. Moreover, no matter how you look at it, the example of Yamamoto's pretense is too exaggerated, as if it was fabricated by others.

"This is not a coincidence, it is true, really, don't believe you ask Kei's predecessors and Yokoji predecessors." Yamamoto is too afraid of him not to believe, pointing to the side of Fuyuan Keiichi and Yokoji Shinichiro, as for why there is no indication of Nakamura Takashi, estimated It is also because of the unfamiliar relationship.

"Yes, Liang Tai said it is true." Fu Yuangui cooperated with the road, and Yokoji Shinji also nodded, saying that Yamamoto said that it is a fact.

Despite the support of two people, Li Xuehao still does not believe, he has his own judgment: "Good, too, you only have three examples? Is there nothing else?"

Yamamoto Ryota said: "Because of this lucky legend, Tsurumi's high school is very strict with management. It is said that even the defenders are members of the former Self-Defense Force. Except for the female students, the students from the foreign school simply do not mix. Going in, someone once pretended to be a teacher, and the result was caught, and the clothes were stripped out and thrown out..." He said it was exaggerated and he had some gloating.

"You are not afraid to be thrown out of the clothes?" Li Xuehao deliberately looked at a few people, since Tsurumi is so strict in management, they actually want to mix in.

"Of course we are afraid, so really, please, please take us in. With your ability, we will definitely not be caught." Yamamoto is too devout to put his hands together and hold the top.

Next to Fukuoka Keiichi and Yokoji Shinichiro, he also looked at him with hope. Although Nakamura Takashi was not so eager, his eyes were also looking forward to it.

"Although I really want to help you, but now the time is very late, I have to go back." Li Xuehao will not play such a mentally retarded game with them, he would like to believe that a few guys want to go to see the women to see the beauty.

"True..." Yamamoto was too "cheeky" to look at him, and now the sun has not gone down, time is not too late.

"Goodbye." Li Xuehao didn't want to talk nonsense with them, and he was ready to leave. Yamamoto's pretense was not seen.

"In the truth, do you really want to leave us?" Yamamoto is too busy to stop him. "If you look at your sister, can't you help us?"

This guy, even the sound of Yamamoto is lifted out.

Li Xuehao wanted to refuse again, but his heart suddenly moved. These guys, since they believe in the unreliable legends that don’t know how to spread them, give them a lesson.

"Well, I have a way to really make you undetected."

"What is the solution?" Yamamoto Ryo, four eyes suddenly brightened.

"It is a hypnotic method that can make people hide for a while." Li Xuehao thought about it and said.

"Invisible?" Yamamoto Ryo is a glimpse of four people, stealth that exists only in film and television, in reality people can not do it.

"Yes, stealth, just like me." Li Xuehao pointed to himself and set himself a stealth array, and suddenly disappeared in place. Fortunately, the people around me have already gone out, and they are not seen by others.

However, this strange scene directly scared the four people of Yamamoto Ryo, and although they were still in the daytime, they only felt creepy.

"True?" After the horror, I realized that Yamamoto was too low to scream.

"I am." Li Xuehao was invisible in the side.

Hearing his voice, Yamamoto Ryota was relieved, and then excited expression: "Great, can you help us hide?"

"Of course." Li Xuehao is now out of shape, and the eagerness of several people's eyes will almost melt him. Even the most stable Nakamura history is also a bright eye. I know that my stealth makes them completely believe what he said." However, there is a premise in stealth, that is, you must believe that you are invisible. Whether you are watching or talking to you, you should not see it, you can completely steal it, and, invisible. The state won't last long, at most half an hour, are you sure you want to try it?"

"Yes! We are sure!" I have seen the facts that I have seen with my own eyes. The four people of Yamamoto are full of confidence. As long as they are invisible, it is not a problem to enter the Tsurumi women's height without being caught.

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