Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1675: Perfect ending

"Oh..." Under the stage, the applause reached its zenith after Janet personally checked it.

If the girl who let the chair out is originally intended to cooperate with the magic show, Janet Garcia is definitely not because she is a representative of the US student on the "hostile" side, so her inspection results, no one Will doubt.

Most of the people in the original stage were also skeptical about what might be in the chair that could fly, such as being hung by a transparent wire, but Janet’s inspection annihilated this suspicion.

Although I still think that there is something in them that they can't figure out, it does not prevent them from feeling magical.

"Janeite classmate, is there any problem?" After seeing Janet check, Li Xuehao specifically asked that she had been chasing after she won, and that this kind of reversal is completely because she is "self-picked."

"No." Janet said with a blank expression, returning to her seat.

Li Xuehao didn't care about her attitude. She continued to control the metal chair. I saw him pointing one of the chairs with one foot. The silver metal chair legs were "activated" like a snake, first bent slowly, and then rolled. It was up, and then under his command, the original vertical shape was restored.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, it's hard to imagine that this magical magic will happen in front of you, which is much more exaggerated than the curved metal spoon that the black student performed before.

After repeating it again, Li Xuehao stopped and pointed his hand and the chair flew back to the stage, just in the original place.

When I was close, I touched it with my hands and found that the metal chair was hard and iron-like. It was not a prop, and all of them felt magical and caused a sensation.

American students are desperate. The party that was originally on the victory should be the time when they cheered, but because of the three more gorgeous magic performances, even if they are the winners, they will not be able to celebrate a little.

This kind of emotion is particularly strong. As a representative of the four international students who participated in the battle, Janet stared at the culprit that caused it all. She bit her lip and she saw it. The guy is aiming at them, three Magic, every magic is performed on their side, and he shows it in a more gorgeous way. The huge gap makes them have nothing to say, and they have to admit that they lost a thorough.

Although according to the rules of the game, they won this game, but they are completely unhappy, as if they have forgotten it, they will not take the initiative to mention it.

"It's a magical show!" The host came on stage and his expression was very excited. He looked at the teenager who had just given everyone a shocking visual enjoyment and asked with amazement, "Are you a magician?"

"No, I am just an ordinary person who will point the magic." Li Xuehao said modestly, the gentleman went down to Taiwan and went down the stage.

The host was very emotional and announced that the competition between Chinese students and American students was officially over, but he did not mention the issue of winning or losing. It seems that he even forgot.

From the student residence apartment, Li Xuehao was surrounded, and a dozen girls brought by Ke Yiping, one by one around him, inquiring about his information.

Far away, Yamamoto Ryota, Fukuoka Keiichi, Yokoji Shinichiro looked at this scene enviously, and wanted to replace him as the center of the girl. Only Nakamura’s history was disdainful. It seems that such a small scene seems to him to be does not matter.

"Zhenzhong, do you have any contacts?"

"Really classmates, do you mind dealing with seniors who are older than you?"

“What is your email address?”

"Really classmates..."

Li Xuehao was surrounded by a group of girls, feeling like there were thousands of ducks around, but he had a good attitude, but he was not impatient. He occasionally answered the questions of girls. Of course, he chose the one that he could answer. As for the e-mail The address is not heard.

"You ask too much, but I am a friend of Yiping." Perhaps it is the girls who are too enthusiastic. They always ask around someone, and the short flying fly is not good for friends. Say something.

After reminding her, the girls responded and thought that she said that the real classmates and Ke Yiping are the kind of friendship between men and women. Although some of them are still unfinished, they will not disturb the gathering of other lovers: "So, we will not bother. You guys." One by one, they walked away with joy, and even Feifei followed them. Only Li Xuehao and Ke Yiping were left at the scene.

Ke Yiping was a little embarrassed, his face was slightly red: "My classmates are like this, you don't mind, because it's a girls' school, it's hard to get it once, so it's crazy."

"It doesn't matter." Li Xuehao shook his head.

"Thank you for helping us defeat the Americans." Ke Yiping thanked.

Li Xuehao is about to talk. Ke Yifan from the apartment quickly catches up: "True, please wait."

Li Xuehao stopped and Ke Yiping stopped.

"True, thank you this time, if it weren't for you, our face would be lost." Ke Yifan was grateful for the infinite gratitude, came over and patted his shoulder.

"What kind of politeness is his own." Li Xuehao also tapped him.

"Yes, it is your own person." Ke Yifan said happily, "Do you still have Chinese bloodlines?" Apparently remembered his introduction on the stage.

"Well, my grandfather is Chinese." Li Xuehao nodded.

"That's great. It's no wonder that you speak the standard in Mandarin. It turned out to be a fellow." Ke Yifan was more enthusiastic.

Ke Yiping seems to be very happy, standing aside, his face is slightly reddened.

The three people were happy. The four representatives of the American students came out of the apartment. Janet was at the forefront. She seemed to be the leader of several people.

"Hey, can you talk about it?" She came over and pointed to the side, as if to hint at his private words to tell him.

"Janet, what can be said here." Li Xuehao has not spoken yet. Ke Yiping around him immediately said bluntly, I do not know whether it is intentional or unintentional, deliberately close to someone, it seems that there is almost no distance between the two.

Janet heard a wrinkle and saw the intimate attitude of the two, and suddenly understood what he said: "Is he his boyfriend? Ke, you are so proud of you at school, I really can’t think of it, I will also make a man. friend……"

"This kind of thing doesn't need you to control it." Ke Yiping interrupted coldly, waiting for her to finish.

"I just want to know one thing." Janet thought she confessed and turned to staring at the people around her. "How did you do that flame magic?"

Li Xuehao looked at her indifferently. She originally wanted to explain that he and Ke Yiping were not the kind of relationship. Listening to her asking this question, she felt that there was no need for explanation. As for the "flame magic", how could she tell her?

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