Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1653: The third "monster"

"Is it a movie?"

"I thought it was true."

"How can there be monsters in the world?"

The words of the North Village fifty-six have obviously played a role, and the guests in the tea house have questioned them. Although some people feel strange in their hearts, they can't find other words at a time.

Kitamura is very satisfied with the performance of the people in the tea house. He temporarily received this task and it seems that he has at least a good beginning. Then he can go to these restaurants along the Kamogawa River, although some Hard work, but the relative, the harvest is also very large.

Before exiting, he glanced again at the situation in the tea house. When he saw two of the guests adjacent to the table, his eyes could not help.

The footsteps that were going out were stopped, but instead they went over there.

"Good evening, girls." North Village fifty-six thought that the gentleman said hello, in front of the two tables in addition to a teenager and a child, the rest are all beautiful, especially a few super beautiful, really no I thought I could meet in a small shop in Kamogawa.

"Director of Beicun, I have seen your movie." Gua Mai did not notice what was wrong with the other side, and said politely.

"Thank you." Bukchon said in a modest manner, the smile on his face is more intense. "In fact, in my opinion, everyone in the room can play a movie. I don't know if you have any interest. I just have a new movie to start shooting. Currently in the national casting, if you guys..."

"Bei Cun director, do you think I can also play a movie?" Li Xuehao interrupted the other party's lingering. When the guy came over, he already knew what the purpose was, although the big director looked red, but the big director looked red. Just because of the makeup, in fact, the wine itself has been excessive, if you remove the makeup, I am afraid it will be a pale and scary ghost.

"You... of course you can, although you can't play an important role, but a supporting role with a line is still possible." Kitamura was interrupted by fifty-six, and there was a bit of dissatisfaction in the eyes, but looking at this boy is with these beautiful women. Together, he immediately converges this anger.

"What movie? Just the Kappa wars squid?" Li Xuehao smiled faintly.

"That has already confirmed the role, is a new movie." North Village fifty-six tone is slightly heavy, he has already felt that this boy seems to be targeting him.

"You said that Kappa and squid are all props models. Actually, I - not just me, I believe that people on the scene are very curious. Can you let us see it again now?" Li Xuehao smiled slightly. It is said that it is a hit.

The guests in the tea house listened to the scores clearly, yes, if you can see it again, you can be sure if it is a real prop model.

Bei Cun fifty-six face color is tight, just after he said something, almost lost the role in front of this sentence, but his heart is very good, on the surface is not moving: "The prop model we have shipped back, is the transport Going to Tokyo, if you come back now, it will be very troublesome and waste time and money."

"That's a pity." Li Xuehao said, suddenly he turned his head. "Do you have a wire hanging from your body?"

North Village fifty-six brows wrinkled, he did not know the intention of the other party to ask this, but this boy is really annoying, Shen Sheng said: "No."

"Oh." Li Xuehao nodded faintly. "Then we will not send you, director of Beicun."

Was ordered to go off the court, and the beauty on the two tables did not mean to retain. North Village fifty-six sullen face, turned and left, he still has important tasks to do, and when they are done, some are opportunities to find them.

"Putty sauce, are you smashed?" Gua Mai, seeing someone to drive the North Village director away, asked with a smile.

"Yes." Li Xuehao glanced at Chiba Sayuri and others and nodded solemnly.

Gua Ma Mai couldn't help but probably didn't expect him to admit it so happily, but then laughed: "Haha, is the sauce because the director of Beicun is talking to us? Then you can come tonight tonight, oh, I will open the door for you. If one person is not enough, what is it like to call Sayuri? How is it?" She is a person who is crazy about her personality. She is not worried about it, and there are other people such as Mizuno Ningning and Shinji Yuki and Suzuki sisters.

"Ma, you, you alone will be fine..." The island sitting next to her was flushed with expensive face. Now she is not the women's football team leader, the most shy.

And Chiba Sayuri was cold-faced and seemed to have not heard what she said.

Li Xuehao also pretended not to hear her crazy words, looked at the door, and said with great interest: "Are you interested in going out to watch the fun?"

"What?" Gua Ma Mai and others did not understand what he said about the excitement.

"I will know when I come with me." Li Xuehao saw that everyone had eaten almost, first paid the bill, and then picked up Shuiqiao Xiangzhizi, and went out first.

Although Chiba Sayuri has a few doubts, she has also kept up.

The group walked out of the tea house and violently flew out a person from a nearby restaurant. He really "flyed" out and flew, and shouted screamingly: "Oh, help, save!"

Several people in Chiba Sayuri suddenly looked up, and the night of Kamogawa was brightly lit, and it was easy to recognize the person flying to the sky. It was just the director of the North Village.

Seeing him fly farther and farther, he finally stopped in the sky above the Kamogawa River.

After a few people saw it, I looked at the person who came out first. I was amazed. Is this what he called "fun"?

The screams of screams also alarmed other people, ran out of the restaurant, and there were people on both sides of the coast. When I saw someone flying, I was all shocked. I just had two monsters flying, and now there is a flying person?

When everyone was excited, they started to take out their mobile phones and cameras and took pictures.

The North Village was scared to the front of the 56th. He didn’t understand what happened. He went into the second store and prepared to say his words. As soon as he spoke, he was pulled by a huge force. come out.

Li Xuehao is not prepared to really treat him. He scares him. It is a lesson. He actually knows that Kitamura 56 is an emergency measure sent by the Japanese government to deal with this "monster incident". Now he himself I have become a "monster", and the horror of desperately screaming "help" is at least seen by hundreds of people, and how he explains it.

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