Li Xuehao is a typical "killing and burying". Anyway, as long as he does not expose himself, the headache is that the politicians in Kyoto and even Japan, how to cover up this "monster war" incident, maybe even Attracted the attention of other countries.

He flew to the uninhabited beach with a turtle and a fish and threw it on the beach.

The giant fish and the snapping turtle are already half demon, and the mind is open early. Although they don't know what happened, they know that there is something to intervene, and they are very powerful. They have no ability to resist at all.

When Li Xuehao was out of shape, a turtle and a fish suddenly looked at him with vigilance. The snapping turtle felt a familiar atmosphere from him, and the vigilance in his eyes suddenly disappeared. He climbed over and pleased that this human being saved it. .

Li Xuehao patted its head and looked at the giant fish that did not dare to lean forward. For the half demon, its ability to act without water is still no problem.

"The Kamogawa is too small for you. Have you seen it there? That is your true destination." Li Xuehao pointed to the sea not far away.

The giant fish and the snapping turtles all looked together. The sea was endless. For those of them who had never seen the sea, it was undoubtedly shocking, and then they jumped up.

Kamogawa is too small. When the original body type is small, it is still no problem. However, when it grows into a giant, it can hardly move. It can cause huge waves with a little movement. Moreover, they also know that the recent battle has attracted the attention of human beings, and staying in Kamogawa will be endlessly harassed.

Before that was a moment of life and death, so I can't take care of those, now it's safe, and of course I will think about it later.

"Go." Li Xuehao pointed to the sea and indicated that both of them entered the sea. I believe that even from fresh water to salt water, it is easy to survive with their half demon. However, if they still want to be king, and come to the "World War", I am afraid I have to ask if the bigger behemoth in the sea agrees.

Take the giant python that was first encountered in the Wudao Islands. It is already the existence of the dragon, enough to easily kill them.

Of course, the existence of Python is not common in the sea, but it does not mean that there is no other "level" slightly lower. Giant fish and snapping turtles are at the middle of the sea, which is the middle layer of the food chain. The class is the topmost existence.

Watching a turtle and a fish climb into the sea, Li Xuehao gave himself a stealth array, set up a flying sword and flew in the direction of Kamogawa.

Yu Jian flew as fast as lightning. Not long after, he returned to the coast of Kamogawa and found a corner of no one. He took the opportunity to remove the stealth array.

Under the development of the gods, I quickly found a group of people from Suzuki Mina, who returned to the traditional tea house.

When Li Xuehao walked in, the guests in the tea house were in the midst of a heated discussion, and sometimes there was controversy about the river boy and the squid.

"Gorgeous sauce, where have you been?" Gua Ma Mai saw him coming in, wondering, and several people had not seen him when they returned to the tea house.

"Going to the toilet." Li Xuehao casually found an excuse, and went to Suzuki Minako and Chiba Sayuri to calmly. The two wanted to know where he took the giant fish and the river boy. But also know that it is not convenient to ask now.

"That's a pity, you must haven't seen the Kappa and the squid fly in the end." Guaomai said with a look of excitement, his face was mixed with excitement and incredible.

"That is really regrettable." Li Xuehao said with a sentence, sitting in the right position.

At this time, there was another buzzing sound outside, followed by a large group of people with photographic equipment coming in. The first to be headed was a middle-aged man with a cap. The figure was slightly blessed, but the image was OK.

"Everyone, I am sorry, I am disturbing everyone. I am the North Village 56. I believe everyone knows me." The middle-aged man said with a smile, and he felt very good.

"It is the director of Kitamura."

"Yes, director of the North Village, we know you."

“You are the big director who has won a foreign award.”

The guests in the tea house were screamed, apparently no stranger to this big director, even if it was a melon, it was excited to scream.

Kitamura 56 is very satisfied that everyone recognizes his attitude and deeply sighs: "I solemnly apologize to everyone, just in fact, I was making a movie, using a new type of technology, I am sorry, I am alarmed by everyone, I hope I have not bothered you."

"Come on the movie?" The people in the tea house are all a glimpse, and they haven't reacted to each other for a while.

Kitamura said: "Yes, the previous Kappa and squid are actually props models. Is it true? Actually, robots are used, but the outer skin is made of real crocodile skin and new materials. It looks the same as it is."

Listening to him saying this, everyone understands what he said, but few people believe what he said, and even raised questions: "Bei Cun director, even if you are telling the truth, then how to explain them Will you fly?"

There was no fluster in Kitamura's fifty-six, calmly saying: "In fact, it is to use the nearly transparent wire to lift the two prop models, plus at night, so you can't see the wire."

"But the wire will not fly to the sky, we don't see the crane hanging the wire." Some people raised questions.

"That is because there is a helicopter on the top of the head. Because it is very high, it is normal for you not to see it." The image of the North Village 56 is already ready for the answer, and it has not been asked by everyone.

"Director of the North Village, do you want to cover up anything?" a voice suddenly asked sharply, and clearly doubted what he said.

Bukchon looked at the past fifty-six. It was a young man with red hair. He smiled slightly: "In fact, I personally hope that there are Kappa and monsters, but it is a pity that it is just a prop model we made. I didn't expect to deceive you, which shows that we have succeeded."

Seeing several questions in a row, he can answer them. Although it sounds incredible, everyone is dubious: "Really just movie props?"

"Yes, you can see the movie soon, and I hope that you can go to the cinema to support us." North Village said, fifty-six, and took a deep bow.

Seeing his sincerity, the people in the tea house can't help but suspect that they have seen it before. Is it really just a movie prop? Since the director of Kitamura dared to say this, it means that there is really a movie. In fact, think about it, is there really a monster in this world?

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