Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1613: Artifact guess

"Oh~~~~ Is this really good in front of me?" Looking at the two people who were almost tired together, Yuki Yuki, who stood by the side, took a sigh of tone and said, while at the same time, at someone I couldn’t see the angle, and I glanced at the stranger’s Zejing Green.

"Little devil, this is what the adults are talking about, you are going to class." Zejing Green waved his hand impatiently, and looked very angry.

"You - in - say - even - sister?" Saji Yuko said in a word, even without fear of being able to teach her sister, and approached a little.

Zejing Green Eye saw his sister coming over, and there was some confusion in his eyes, and he stepped back step by step.

Li Xuehao was puzzled. The scene in front of him was too weird: "What happened to you two? It feels like you have changed someone."

"How, how come, I am a little green." Zejing Green stopped, so calmly said.

Although Yuki Yuki did not speak, he snorted.

This very different reaction, Li Xuehao seems to have caught a little bit of focus, but before he thought about it, Mrs. Sakai came over: "Youzi, it is time to go to class."

"Mom!" Yuji Yuji reluctantly turned back and complained.

"Yes, Yuko should go to class, be careful to be late." Zejing Green quickly joined the road, and his eyes were clearly snickering.

"Little green, you have to go back to Kyoto today, so always come back and forth, the fare is very expensive, if you don't have anything important next time, don't just come back..." Mrs. Sakai learned a little The daughter, again, began to scold the eldest daughter.

Yuki Yuki took a few steps back and went to someone, gently pulling his clothes corner: "Hao Er."

"Well?" Li Xuehao stunned, and Yuji Yuji actually called his name.

"Don't you understand what happened?" Yuji Yuji gave him a look and whispered, "Do you see me like a fool?"

Li Xuehao suddenly widened his eyes, and the tips of "Yakui Yuko" could not be understood, plus the strangeness of the two sisters...

He was shocked, and the golden light in the depths of his eyes flashed past. Sure enough, the soul in Sakai Yuko was not her own, but Zejing Green. I looked at "Zejing Green" again, and the soul in her body was replaced by Yuki Yuki.

But what happened to the two sisters, why did they swap the soul?

“Why is this?” Li Xuehao asked with a squint.

"Do you understand now?" "Yuji Yuko" looks at his expression and questioning tone and knows that he has understood what she said, and is about to explain that "Zejing Green" has dealt with Mrs. Sakai. When I came over, the people were not close, and the spoiled voice that could make people feel bad was passed on first.

"Hey--" Li Xuehao only felt that the pores were erected, and he could not adapt to the exaggerated tone of the introverted Zejing Green.

And Mrs. Sakai, who is coming over, has no face to look at. When the eldest daughter and Zhen Zhongjun have exchanged, how can they develop to the character of the little daughter? She pretends that she has not heard it. She even urges her little daughter to go to class and can’t take care of it. walked away.

"Youzi, don't pretend to be your sister." Li Xuehao saw Mrs. Zejing leave and immediately dismantled the identity of "Zejing Green".

"Ah, you, you, you know..." "Zejing Green" was shocked. After he understood it, he glanced at "Yeji Yuko" and said with dissatisfaction, "Sister, you said that you will not say it." of."

"It’s Hoji’s own guess.” “Yuji Yuko” took a clean look and looked at someone. “Hao, help us get back, I know you have a way.”

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded. This is really not difficult for him.

When they heard their conversation, "Zejing Green" suddenly became scared: "Don't change, don't change, I don't want to go to class!" He said that he turned and ran, but he was caught by Li Xuehao and controlled.

"Ho Er brother, don't, I am accompanying you at night, my sister's body is very mature, and the taste must be delicious." "Zejing Green" began to talk nonsense, and regarded this as a life-saving straw.

Li Xuehao was crying and laughing. This girl also knows how to seduce, but his hand is not slow. The other hand holds the "Yizai Yuko" and begins to mobilize the aura.

As the two sisters trembled, he quickly let go.

Zejing Green first reacted, looked at his own hands, and touched his face, making sure he had changed back.

"How is this!" Yuji Yuji was crying and sullen. She wanted to use her sister's body to do something, but she changed back and yelled annoyedly.

"Youzi, you are dead." Zejing green smiled coldly, his hands clasped with "squeaky" sound, forced to the sister who was still venting dissatisfaction.

"Don't hit me!" Yuji Yuki suddenly got a shock, and couldn't take care of it, hiding behind someone.

Li Xuehao murdered Zejing Green vainly and said to her: "Okay, go to class."

"Why don't you go?" Yuji Yuki looked up and glanced at him. He blamed Hao Er's brother. It was obvious that she could be her sister, and she could not do it.

Li Xuehao can completely hear her resentment. It is estimated that this girl wants to skip class, or use her sister's identity to do something that she can't usually do.

"Want to beating it?" Sawai green loudly rebuked the sentence, he reached out and grabbed at her past.

"Ah, my sister is stupid!" Yuki Yuki screamed, squinting his head and ran in a panic.

Li Xuehao saw her run away and stopped the Sakai Green who wanted to catch up: "Little Green, can tell me, what happened?"

Zejing Green stopped, first calmed down, and then said: "Hao, I may have bought an artifact."

"Artifact? Or bought?" Li Xuehao, the artifact can still buy? However, it is obviously not a joke to look at the serious expression of Sakai Green.

"Yes, but now the time is not early, you go to school first, and wait for the afternoon to come to me." Zejing Green said.

"Don't you go back to Kyoto today?" Li Xuehao was curious to know what it was like, but he did not intend to say it if he did not intend to say it now.

"I will go back tomorrow." Sakai Green shook his head.

"That's good. I will go to you in the afternoon." Li Xuehao nodded. As for what artifact it was, I knew it. However, the "artifact" of the soul can be exchanged, reminding him of the two sisters, Zhi Zhi Ying Mei Li and Zhi Zhi Bao Nimei. They also exchanged their souls. They learned from the Zhizhi Yingmei who became the grievances that their sisters can exchange souls. It is also because of an "artifact", I don't know if it is the same one.

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