Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1612: Weird two sisters

The day has not been completely bright, Li Xuehao woke up. Looked at the phone next to the bed, the time shown above is 5:30.

For him, time is not too late, he should go back.

When I got up, I woke up to Suzuki Minako who was sleeping next to me. The latter opened her eyes and watched him sit up and look out the window. The time was obviously very early. She had some doubts: "Hao Er?"

"I want to go back, Minako." Li Xuehao said.

"So early?" Suzuki Minako also sat up, wearing a nightdress, very flat, it seems that nothing happened last night.

The fact is also true. Li Xuehao crossed her and looked at Suzuki Yalisha, who was still asleep behind her. Several times last night, when he was preparing to be intimate with Suzuki Mina, Suzuki Yalisha came knocking at the door and said that one person is not Dare to sleep.

In the end, there was no way. Under the proposal of Suzuki Minako, let her come in and sleep together, and the three were greatly asleep. Of course, the middle is separated by Suzuki Mina.

And there is a super big light bulb of Suzuki Arisa, and the kind of things that I like to hear can't be done naturally. I can't always be when she doesn't exist.

Li Xuehao is rather depressed, but he will not hate her because of this. Although he can't really do anything, some small tricks in private are still possible.

"Mina, let's go to sleep, I will put the key on the bed, I will not be there later, you can come in yourself." Li Xuehao said while wearing clothes.

"Yeah." Because there was a sister, Suzuki Minako could not stay, nodded.

After getting dressed, Li Xuehao left the room.

When I got home, everything in the bedroom was normal, and the "backhand" that he had left was not touched. This at least proved that no one had ever entered his room from last night to the morning.

After breakfast, he went out with his bag.

Seto Yoko waited for him as usual, and they went to school side by side.

In the convenience store close to Mrs. Sakai, I was waiting at the door of the door, and Yuki Yuki raised his hand and cheered up: "Hao brother, Hao Er brother..."

"Good morning, Yuko sauce." Li Xuehao stepped forward. I didn't expect this girl to wait for him here. He wouldn't want to go to class in the afternoon to go to Fukui's home to "take" things.

"Good morning." Yuki Yuki first greeted politely, looked at the Setou Yoko, his mouth moved, but he did not say anything, said to someone, "Hao brother, I dreamed last night." it's your turn."

"Really?" Li Xuehao did not believe that this girl could dream of him. It is estimated that the probability of dreaming to eat is much higher than that of dreaming. If he is so sweet, he would like to pave the way for what he wants to say next.

Do not blame him for the gentleman's heart to the gentleman's belly, it is this gimmick nothing to be diligent, non-traitor is stolen.

"Of course it is true, I dreamed that we were married in the church..." When it was time to get married, the little girl was shy and shook her head with her head down.

"It seems that you are really dreaming." Li Xuehao knew that the girl had nonsense and reached for a note on her head.

"It hurts very much--" Sakai Yuko is crying, rubbing his head and glanced at him.

what! Li Xuehao suddenly raised a trace of quirky in his heart. It seems that today's Yuji Yuko is somewhat different, but he can't say where it is different.

"I know the pain is good, or go to class." Li Xuehao did not take care of this little girl, he and Goto Yoko are going to school.

But today's Yuji Uezu seems to be very spoiled, and he took his arm forward: "Ho Er brother, send me to school."

"We have different paths." Li Xuehao had the heart to break her, but she was hugged by her.

"It doesn't matter, you should send me to school first, and then you will return to Sakurano High School." Saito Yuko said with a big sigh, it seems that this is only a trivial matter for her.

"Stupid, I don't have that much time." Li Xuehao licked her mushroom head. She thought she would be licking her hair and letting go of his hair. Who knows that the little girl doesn't care at all, and she is close to it. Said a mysterious face, "Secretly tell you, my sister is also oh."

“Small green is back?” Li Xuehao stunned and then reacted. “Is she not going to class today?”

"It seems to be..." Sakai Yuko is not very sure.

“Is she in the convenience store now?” Li Xuehao glanced at the convenience store. Only Mrs. Sakai was behind the checkout counter and did not see Zejing Green.

"Well, it's in the innermost, you can't see it here, do you want to go in and see your sister?" Yuki Yuki looked up and asked him.

Li Xuehao is really heart-warming, but Seto Yoko is there, making him hesitate.

Yusuke Saji saw his hesitant expression. He seemed to have guessed why he hesitated. He whispered indignantly: "Hoji brother is really fancy!"

“Does the child know what it means to be a flower?” Li Xuehao gave her a sigh of relief, but decided to make a decision. After that, it’s rare for Zejing Green to return to Yokohama from Kyoto. Maybe she will go back to Kyoto after she waits. If she doesn’t see it now, Maybe there is no chance. I figured this out, he said to the Seto Yoko around him, "Yoko, you are waiting here, I will come."

"Okay." Seto Yoko smiled slightly and was very understanding.

Li Xuehao pushed the door of the convenience store and went in. He had already sensed the atmosphere of Saijin Green. She was indeed in the store.

The Yuki Yuki behind him followed the small tail and came in. The expression on the face of the little girl was a little strange, and I didn’t know what was planned.

Li Xuehao found Zejing Green after a row of shelves. She was holding a pack of snacks on her hands. I didn’t know if I wanted to put it up, or just took it off the shelf. When I heard the footsteps, she looked very calm and turned her head. When I saw him, my eyes couldn’t help but the color of happiness overflowed with words: “Hao... Cough, you are here.”

"Little Green, why don't you call me when you come back?" Li Xuehao asked, and his heart was a little weird, because Sakai Green saw him seem too hot.

"Because... cough, I came back very late, coughing..." Sawai Green talked and looked at Yuji Yuko, who is a sister.

"Have you caught a cold?" Li Xuehao's heart was even more weird. He reached out and touched her forehead and had no fever.

Zejing Green grabbed his hand and hugged it in his arms. His face was red: "Ho 2... I, I miss you."

"Cough..." This is the turn of Li Xuehao's cough. What happened to the two sisters today is so strange. It stands to reason that with Zejing Green tending to be introverted, even if he thinks about him, he will not say it here, especially if her sister is still there.

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