Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1559: The insistence of the island

"Tiger, you are back." Seeing the arrival, Okubo Bell couldn't care about the few people in the weightlifting room, and rushed up, just like the lovely young girl.

If it is a pretty girl with a normal physique, and pounce on her boyfriend, such movements and postures will probably be pleasing to the eye, but like the Okubo Bell, the King Kong girl who can push the 100kg or more is hot.

Moreover, the object being pounced must also be able to withstand the weight of her more than 80kg. The average person is affected by such an impact. It is estimated that there will be only one end, and the bones will be broken.

But the person who just came in from outside just hugged her with one hand. Compared to Okubo Bell of the King Kong woman, he was simply a reincarnation of Super King Kong.

The person is not tall, only about one meter eight, but the body is like a horizontal growth, the limbs or the neck are more than twice the average person, the whole person is like a moving meat mountain, even if it is nearly two meters tall devil muscles The Great Man of the Mountain, the younger one in front of him.

"Yongyin, he is the lover of my relationship, Ando Taige, is the strength of the coach here." Like a girl, Okubo Bell has jumped from the arms of the people, actually seems a little shy, and will be the shrimp coach and the great mountain brave The introduction was given to him.

"Hello, I am Ando, ​​nicknamed 'Tiger', and my name is the same, haha." The person is not modest, sticking out the giant palm of the fan, and shook with the shrimp coach and the great mountain brave.

When it was the turn of Li Xuehao, he was hesitant. The three were high school students and dressed in school uniforms, which were incompatible with this place.

"They are the students of Yongyin, and they come to play together." Okubo Bell saw him hesitate and offered to introduce himself.

"Oh, welcome you." Ando Taige also smiled, but did not shake hands. But this is not a contempt, but a normal social etiquette, because there are only a few high school students on the opposite side. As adults, there are still certain achievements in some aspects. For young people, his behavior is not rude. .

Li Xuehao and Mishima were not insulted because they were treated differently. The former did not care, and the latter two were used to this normal social etiquette.

What makes Li Xuehao even more surprised is that the guys who practiced their strengths to practice non-humanity have become different from ordinary people. The island is a rare and beautiful girl, and the body is super perfect, especially the unbounded island is expensive. It is estimated that as long as it is a normal man, she will not ignore her existence.

However, Ando Taige and the great mountain brave turned a blind eye to this, and the two were more interested in each other's female companions, and they would sneak a sneak peek.

This is really hot eyes.

"Bell, I think 105kg is a little easier for you, directly on 110kg." Ando Taige then just did not finish, I suggest.

Okubo Bell smiled. In front of her boyfriend, she was a "little girl": "Alright, if you are around, I feel that I am infinite."

"Haha." Ando Taige seems to have provoked the love of her heart by her love words. In front of several people, she came to a French-style kiss with no scruples.


Li Xuehao turned to the beginning. Although they were not rude in the face of nausea, some of them couldn’t bear the picture. Two piles of meat mountain carried out mouth-to-mouth activities, and they felt that their eyes were going to be paralyzed.

However, the shrimp coach and the great mountain brave are somewhat envious, but the two may be shy, or embarrassed to make such intimacy in front of so many people, so they just watched, unlike Okubo Bell and Ando Taige. So exaggerated.

After the kiss, the contest officially began.

Okubo Bell added the barbell to 110kg, perhaps because she was surrounded by her boyfriend, she was mentally supported, and her strength was endless. She had only barely completed the 110kg bench press for her, she successfully completed 5*5 .

When she stood up, she excitedly hugged her boyfriend Ando Taige, excited and unable to support herself.

"The next time you can get 115kg, Bell." Ando Taige patted her back.

"Well, um." Okubo Bell was excited and headed down. He came down from him and looked at the shrimp coach. "Yongyin, it's your turn now."

The shrimp coach shook his head: "I tried 105kg, I can only do one set at most. If I have 110kg, I have never finished it. Bell, you won." Although the difference between the two is only 5 kg, but 5 Kg is definitely an insurmountable gully. She is not the kind of person who knows that it is impossible to complete and forcibly hardens, so she simply admits that she has failed.

Listening to her personal recognition of the failure, Okubo Bell slightly appeared, took a picture of her boyfriend's arm: "That is because there are tigers to help me, otherwise I can not do this degree, brave, you have to cheer."

"Yeah." The two were friends from childhood to big friends. The shrimp coach did not think she was ridiculed and ridiculed. She was very serious and she really had to work hard.

A contest ended because one party's initiative to admit defeat. Next to it, the island looked at Okubo's smug expression. He suddenly whispered to someone nearby: "Hao, can you do this?"

"There should be no problem." Li Xuehao nodded. He generally understood why the island was so expensive. She obviously was very angry about the fact that he was considered "no ghost", so he wouldn’t mind her. Export gas.

"Oh? Juvenile, do you want to try?" The voices of the two men’s conversations are small, but in the weightlifting room, they were heard by several shrimp coaches, and Ando Taige looked quite meaningfully.

“Is it okay?” Li Xuehao smiled slightly and acted like a high school student who was harmless to his own animals.

"Of course, for everyone who loves sports, we are very welcome." Ando Taige smiled even more meaningfully. In his opinion, this is just an exaggeration that young people want to say in their face to their lover. I don’t know what 110kg stands for.

If it is an individual who can easily push the 110kg bench press, then what should be done specifically?

"True, start with 50kg." Although the shrimp coach had previously helped someone move through the box, he knew that his strength was not small among his peers, but the 110kg bench press was for people who had never practiced strength. In fact, it is definitely not something that can be done, let alone a high school student.

"No, it's 110kg!" Li Xuehao hadn't answered yet. The island on the side of the island was immediately denied. Since someone said he could do it, she was full of confidence in him. She wanted the woman to look at her. The lover is not a devil without power.


Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . Vertex: m.

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