The exclamation also attracted Li Xuehao and the three people from the island, the melon and the maiden. They looked at the past and saw a few steps away. A woman with a shrimp coach stood there, but compared to the shrimp coach. Her looks are much more feminine, at least not the national character face, but the two are almost identical in body shape. This is also a woman who can run horses on her shoulders.

"It's Bell, female Hercules Bell!" There is a voice in the crowd, and it seems that many people around the world know this new woman.

"Okubo Bell, I haven't seen it for a long time." The shrimp coach jumped up in surprise and hugged each other. If they don't look at the body, they are twins.

"I haven't seen it for a long time, and the shrimp name is brave." The other party also hugged her tightly, and the two almost cried.

The Dashan brave who had to "perform" the 160kg bench press stood up, and this time was not a good opportunity.

"Bell, let me introduce, this is my lover, Dashan brave." The shrimp coach pulled over the dull mountain brave and introduced it to the other side.

"Hello, I am Okubo, thank you very much for your care of the courage." Okubo Bell reached out and smiled. She also wore a fitness suit and bare arms, almost as thick as the average two. .

"Hello." Dashan Yongyin shook his face with a dull smile. He seemed to be captivated by her smile and looked a bit cautious.

"Are you practicing bench press? No equipment 160kg?" Okubo Bell glanced at the adjusted barbell, quite surprised.

"The brave is a professional basketball player, but he also likes fitness and strength. 160kg is a little difficult for him, but it should be no problem to be a 10*10." Although the shrimp coach is modest, he is not proud of his boyfriend. the meaning of.

"This is already very powerful!" Okubo Bell looked at the great mountain brave, and his eyes were quite appreciated.

It seems that she was somewhat excited by the eyes she admired, and the great mountain brave smiled.

"Brave, don't you want to train 160kg?" The shrimp coach is like to prove what he said, reminding her boyfriend to continue the bench press project that has not yet started.

"Yeah." Dashan brave nodded and lay down again. Because there are many people around watching, there is another beauty like Yongyin, and his chest is full of passion.

"Let's get started." The shrimp coach gave him help.

Li Xuehao and the island were looked at by the nobles and melons, and the three people were watching with interest. It was not the three people who were interested in this kind of exercise to show muscle strength, but it was purely a lively look.

The action of the great mountain brave is the same as that of the shrimp coach. As he slowly pushes the 160kg barbell and slowly puts it down, after finishing a complete group, many people around him are amazed and can push the 160kg person. In the gym, they are the top people.

Moreover, through the introduction, everyone knows that this is a basketball player, not a special force to train, can achieve this level, it is even more rare.

After 10*10 was finished, the face of Dashan’s brave man was already red, and the surface of his body was wet with sweat. It was obvious that he had consumed his great physical strength, and even the strength of the body was running out. At the time, the shrimp coach around him did not support it.

"Yongyin, you really found a good man." Okubo Bell nodded. It seems that in her eyes, it is a good man who can push 160kg or more, but she doesn't have much envy, more. It is based on the objective attitude of a bystander.

The shrimp coach got her compliment, showed a smile, looked up and down her, hesitantly asked: "Bell, are you married?"

"Not yet, but there are already people who have been in contact." Okubo Bell shook his head and suddenly turned around. "Say, we haven't seen it for two or three years. Would you like to compare it?"

"Of course, I also want to see how much you are now." The shrimp coach did not hesitate to agree, so many people looked, she did not want to be considered a weak woman, plus she was also eager to try.

"The guarantee will surprise you." Okubo Bell said confidently.

"I just finished the 5kg 5100 bench press." The shrimp coach is not convinced of her confidence, just to understate the facts.

"100kg? Yongyin, you really have made great progress." Okubo Bell was really shocked, but soon returned to normal, looked at the people gathered more and more around, brows a little wrinkled, " It is not suitable for comparison here, let's go to the weightlifting room."

"Yeah." Although the shrimp coach didn't mind being seen, but it was in the "performance", the real contest with the nature of the game involved the issue of winning or losing. Whether she or Dajubao, she was more cautious. It is undoubtedly the best to scrutinize each other's faces and find a private venue.

Leading by Okubo Bell in the front, she seems to be very familiar with it, and she is going to a spacious weightlifting room with a shrimp coach and a mountain brave.

However, when I saw three young men and women, Okubo Bell clearly said: "You..."

"Bell, this is my student, they came with me." The shrimp coach said quickly, in fact, she forgot it, just remembering to talk to her old friends, and forgot to bring in the three people, now Followed by, it is not good for them to leave.

"Since it is your friend who is brave, then forget it." Okubo Bell is not a person who is not sensible. He only sees three young men and women, the two girls holding the boy's arm, the state is intimate, she suddenly has some disgusting authentic "Do girls now like this kind of unpowered little devil?"

A devil without power.

Li Xuehao certainly knows who it is, and the island is also known by Gui and Gua Ma. If you change the usual timid and shy island, you will definitely not dare to speak. Even the usual daring melon is because the other is an adult. However, there is no easy explanation. However, as the island of the women’s football team is expensive, there is nothing to worry about: “The strength of Hao Er is very large, not a ghost without power!”

"Is it?" Okubo Bell didn't care at all, smiled faintly, as if he didn't hear it, looked at the shrimp coach. "Yongyin, you just did a 5*5 100kg bench press, now I want Added to 105kg."

"105kg?" The shrimp coach is not good at speaking at this time. She frowned at Okubo Bell. "Bell, I don't think it's better to start with 100kg. If you hurt yourself..."

"Relieve, Bell has been pushing 110kg, 105kg for her, it is not too difficult." A stunned sound interrupted the shrimp coach, I saw a weightlifting room door and walked in again.

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