Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1524: Problems that children can't ask

Nearly two hours later, the train arrived at Yokohama Station.

Li Xuehao and his four people got off the bus. Because the two families are in different directions, they have to be separated here.

"Little green, I decided not to go to Tokyo. If there is time, I will go to you to play." Ms. Monica, holding the hand of Sakai, said, looking at a young boy next to him intentionally or unintentionally.

"Okay, Monica seniors, then we will go back first." Zejing Green had some helplessness to withdraw her hand from her hands, and she could not refuse it because of courtesy.

"byebye." Monica Maki shook her hand and her face seemed to be very sad.

"By the way." Zejing Green also had a rare "foreign gas" once, sweetly pulling up someone's arm, and gradually drifting away.

Until it was far away, Zejing Green glanced at the direction behind him. He couldn’t see Ms. Monica and Tony. She asked: “Hao, Monica’s predecessors are so beautiful? Barbie. ""

"The cosmetic and cosmetic makeup is beautiful. If you remove the makeup, it is estimated to be terrible." Li Xuehao commented a little.

"Hey." Zejing Green seems to be very satisfied with his evaluation, but for her predecessors, she is not convenient to comment. "How do you know that Monica's predecessors are plastic surgery?"

"It's easy to see it." Li Xuehao vaguely guessed why she mentioned Monica Maki in front of him. "Although I don't discriminate against plastic surgery, it's not the type I like."

"So what kind of girl do you like?" Zejing Green gave him a slight look.

"Hey..." Li Xuehao pretended to be musing, seeing that her eyes had already smashed, and said with a smile, "Like you, little green."

"Oh? So the witch Lily? And Suzuki sisters, they are also the type you like." Although Sakai Green is satisfied with his statement, there is still a hint of jealousy in his tone.

"Cough, you are all the type I like." Li Xuehao certainly can't do anything in front of him to please someone who is so rude, answering an answer who is not guilty.

"Fashion guy!" Sawai green glanced at him, holding his arm and holding it tightly. "Well, let me go home now."


The two stopped a taxi and sat at the station from the station.

There are not many things in Sakai Green. There is only one small bag. Every time she goes back to Yokohama, she is light and simple. Unlike Monica Monica, two huge suitcases, it seems like going abroad for a long time.

Li Xuehao sent her to the door. It happened that Yuki Yuki opened the door and came out. When I saw the two people outside the door, she was obviously taken aback: "Sister? Hao Er brother?"

"Hey, Yuko Sauce." Li Xuehao greeted her with a smile, and Zejing Green took a look at her mushroom head, making her original soft and neat hair like a chicken coop.

"Sister is a fool!" Yuji Yuji was so sly, and squinted his head to hide a little. "Sister is coming back from Kyoto, is there a gift for me?"

"You guess." Saijing looked at her in a playful manner and looked at it from head to toe. "Youzi, dressed so cute, are you going to date?"

"It's not a date!" Yuji Yuji quickly denied, and then some blushingly looked at someone on the side. "If you want to date, I will only date with my brother, you said yes? Hao Er brother."

"You are too young, Yuko, I will not date a junior high school student." Li Xuehao deliberately teased her, but today the little girl's dress is really cute, a pale pink skirt, the mushroom head also deliberately used a pink The hairpin is hooped, so the hair is messed up by a bad sister, but a little finishing, at least the original eight or nine points can be restored.

"Now is a junior high school student, and I am a high school student right now." Yuji Yuji is very dissatisfied with his statement, and then his eyes turn, "Hao brother, I heard that you have invited three days off, is to go to Kyoto to accompany your sister? ”

"You guess." Li Xuehao learned the tone of Zejing Green.

"Hey!" Yuji Yuji gave him a look of indignation. He said with dissatisfaction, "Huo Er brother doesn't like me now, he likes his sister, and he also specially takes time off to accompany his sister. Why don't you leave with me?"

"Are you not in Yokohama? Are you still using leave?" Li Xuehao looked at her with a funny smile, and she didn't pay attention. She stepped on her mushroom head.

"Hate!" Yuji Yuki quickly grabbed his hand, lest he messed up her hair like her sister.

Li Xuehao laughed and pulled her hand back. In fact, she just wanted to tease her. It was not really necessary to mess with the mushroom head that she could hardly recover.

After a little teasing for a while, Li Xuehao was ready to resign: "Little green, then I will go first."

"Yeah." Sakai Green nodded.

"Hao Er brother, wait for me." After getting dressed up, I Yui Yuko yelled and chased him up.

"I want to go home now, Yuko." Li Xuehao reminded her that she was not going to play, but to go home and have no time to do anything with her.

"I just want to go to my brother's house." Yuki Yuki said, "I am a sister of Sayuri. She invited me to go to my hometown of Hao Er brother today."

“Small lily invites you?” Li Xuehao did not doubt her words. Because she often went to the family to have a meal, the little girl was very popular with Chiba Sayuri, Melon and Mai, and even the little princess. Tomoko was also bought by her. When she didn't see her occasionally, she would ask her, "How did Yuko's sister not come to play?"

"Yes." Yuji Yuji smiled smugly. "So my brother, Hao, I can go home with you."

"Let's go." Li Xuehao said in his pretentious manner.

"Hey." Yuji Yuji is more proud, as if he had defeated him.

"Be careful all the way." Zejing Green has become accustomed to the sister's going to someone's home for dinner. After swearing, he went into the room.

The Zejing family is not far from the real home, and you can walk.

On the road, the little girl looked very active. I didn’t know what to expect. Suddenly, I blush and curiously asked: "My brother, I can ask you a question?"

"Let's talk." Li Xuehao looked at her and knew that it might not be a good thing to ask. He had to look at what she asked first, and then decided not to answer.

"Hao brother and sister kiss is over?" Yuji Yuki stared at him.

"...what do you ask this?" Li Xuehao's tone was stagnation, and the problem of the little girl was not easy to answer.

"Wow, you really have already kissed." Yuki Yuki immediately pointed at him and said loudly, and did not know how she was sure. "So what step have you taken? Are there, there is no..." It may be too shy to say that she is embarrassed to say even a bold and thick face.

Li Xuehao is even more sorrowful. She grabbed a small ghost and took a slap on her already small buttocks: "Children must have the awareness of children. Don't ask me about this kind of problem in the future."

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