Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1523: Looking for trouble and contrast

"Ah--" Seeing the sharp knife, Monica Maki was suddenly scared, screamed and got into the arms of Tony.

Tony bowed his head and was afraid of getting into trouble.

"Little devil, you are dead!" The bad young man saw the two scared, and seemed very proud, but he was more proud of the situation in which the young man in front of him was shaking and begging for mercy.

However, he was disappointed. In the face of the knife he had pulled out, the boy not only did not have any fear, but even seemed very calm, as if he was only taking a toy, not a weapon that could cause death.

"Little devil, you dare to look down on me..." The bad young man was furious. He hadn't met someone who could still be so calm after he took out the weapon. He felt a great insult and waved his hand with a knife.

"Harada!" The middle-aged man in the front row stood up again and stopped his move.

"Boss, this little devil, I must learn a lesson..." The bad young man said something unwilling.

The middle-aged man pushed the glasses on his nose and did not look at him. Instead, he looked at the teenager in the field and asked, "Have he stepped on you?"

"No." Li Xuehao shook his head and answered very happy.

The middle-aged man glimpsed, and the answer is probably beyond his expectation. Although he just didn't see what happened, he actually decided that his own stepped on the person, otherwise he would say if he had not stepped on it. Stepping on it, this act of provoking their violent organization, as long as it is normal, will not dare to do so.

The bad young man misunderstood, and said evilly: "The little devil, now wants to beg for mercy, it is too late." Probably the denial of someone, in his view is the meaning of showing weakness and begging for mercy.

"Have I ever said that I beg for mercy?" Li Xuehao glanced at him gently, and sneered at the corner of his mouth. "Yes, you really didn't step on me. I did it on purpose. Is there any problem?"

"Little devil--" The bad young man is going crazy, looking at him with a grin. This kind of words has always only told him to others, when, some people dare to say this to him. If the boss is still watching, he has been unable to control it.

The middle-aged people are also very wrong. The teenagers in front of them obviously exceed his cognition - the cognition of ordinary people, when, the people who violently organized, and some people dare to face up and challenge?

"Don't call the little devil, you don't think this **** is going to apologize?" Li Xuehao looked very arrogant.

In addition to Zejing Green, the rest of the people in the carriage look at his eyes and look no different from watching dead and idiots.

"Boss, I can't help it!" The bad young man was completely mad, waving a spring knife and rushing it up.

"Hey!" Then there was a muffled sound. He was shot and flew out like a cannonball and fell to the feet of a middle-aged man.

This reversal scene, not only the middle-aged people stunned, except for Zejing Green in the carriage, others did not respond, what happened?

"Well, in fact, I am looking for trouble." Li Xuehao retracted his foot, a provocative gesture.

"哗啦啦~~" The people in the Mori group finally reacted. They stood up and glared at him. The impulsive guys were even ready to rush to fight, and the arrogant little devils, they met for the first time.

In the seat, Monica Monica and Tony are stiff and have a dull expression, like stupidity, because they can't imagine it anyway. This little lover of Saijin Green is actually provoking violent organizations.

On the other hand, the middle-aged man raised his hand and stopped the movements of his men. He asked: "Are you a member of the Uesugi group?"

"No." Li Xuehao shook his head. He knew the leader of the Uesugi group, the shirt and a daughter, and his daughter, Uesugi Chiaki, but he did not bother with this impersonation.

"No?" The middle-aged man’s brow wrinkled, it seems to be true and false in his words in the beam. "So who are you?"

"Do you know? As a leader, your nonsense is really a lot." In the face of some middle-aged people who seem to be "soft-hearted" and still not let their people do it, Li Xuehao is a little impatient, he still wants to end soon, back The side of Sakai Green continues to be warm.

The middle-aged man finally got angry. He had been restrained before, but it was not because he was kind and soft, but he was thinking about one thing, but now, he is angry and shows the cold: "You, I don’t know why you are like this. Confident, but obviously, you are looking for the wrong object, so you have to pay for it!"

As his last word fell, the members of the Mori group were as if they had received orders, and they rushed toward the teenagers in the field.

"Ah--" Monica Monica screamed again, shivering in the arms of Tony.

Li Xuehao smiled a little, that is to say, not waiting for the people in the Mori group to rush to the side, he has already swayed and took the initiative to meet.

"Oh..." A series of sounds sounded, no one could stand his light blow, and immediately fell to the ground when he slammed.

Soon, in the narrow carriage, almost full of people. The only one who can stand is the middle-aged man of Sven.

"How, how can it..." He couldn't believe his eyes. Dozens of powerful subordinates were easily knocked down by a teenager? Is this watching a kung fu movie? Still, is this a terrible nightmare?

On the other hand, Monica and Tony in the seat unbelievably widened their eyes, and the original panic disappeared long ago, because the scene that occurred in front of them gave them more shock.

A teenager who has knocked down dozens of members of a violent organization is they dreaming?

"Who are you?" As a leader of a violent organization, middle-aged people are trying to restrain their own uneasiness. The fighting power of this young man is simply unimaginable.

Li Xuehao did not answer him and did this. In fact, the purpose of helping Zejing Green has already reached the goal. There is no need to "kill the killing."

He walked back to his seat, and the middle-aged man looked at his back and opened his mouth, but he finally said nothing.

"Really, really? Is it just how you did it? So many people... all of them were knocked down by you." Back in the seat, all the fears in the front row of Monica Monica disappeared long ago, she 跪Sitting in his seat, looking at him with his back on his back, his eyes are full of adoration.

"Monica predecessor, Koji is a master of judo." Sawai said with a smile, while holding up someone's arm, intimate.

Makihara Monica looked at the place where the two men were together. The eyes were a little stunned, and then they looked at the tony around them. Suddenly, some of them were fascinated. Comparing the performance of the two people, she suddenly felt that although the foreigners are good, the men in the country seem to be better.

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