Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1521: Interlude, stop!

Until they got on the bus, the two sat in their seats, and Zejing’s eyes were still a bit sorrowful.

"Little green, do you want to hear that?" Li Xuehao asked a little and whispered, and Zejing Green may have been stimulated by the "love" between Monica and Tony. She probably wants to experience it. A sweet romantic love story.

"You never said it to me." Sure enough, Zejing Green glanced at him with a grudge.

Li Xuehao grabbed her hand and placed it on her left chest. Of course, he will also say it, but for the sake of deliberate, it makes no sense, and it seems far-fetched. It is better to let her personally feel the heart of his beating, this is the most direct.

Seemingly aware of his intention to do so, the grievances in Sawai's green eyes gradually disappeared, and replaced with surprises, because she felt that such behavior is not worse than sweet love, even better than love.

The two were silent and the atmosphere was very lingering.

"Little green, back to Yokohama, what arrangements do you have for two days on weekends?" Monica, who was in the front row, suddenly turned around and asked loudly, but because the backrest was so high, she couldn't see the situation behind.

"I am going to have a good rest at home, Monica seniors, what about you?" Zejing Green pulled back from someone's chest, and she already felt his most sincere affection, which is enough.

"Little green, this can't be done. As a cute girl, staying at home like an otaku is a crime for myself." Ms. Monica disagreed with her unplanned home. Behavior, "I am going to spend a limited time shopping in Ginza, Tokyo, are you going to be together?"

"I still don't go, Monica seniors, I may have to help my mother." Zejing Green refused, and it is rare to have someone on weekends, how could she go to Tokyo.

"That's a pity, Ginza is a shopping paradise. For every girl, it is the legendary holy place." Ms. Monica is full of regrets.

"Yes, the woman behind, if you are bored alone, I can accompany you on your behalf." The front row suddenly sounded a more arrogant man's voice, then he laughed again, another man who had a gloating scene. sound.

Makihara Makika was in a hurry: "The shameless guy, I didn't talk to you." She had a bad temper. After she finished, she didn't get rid of it. She was ready to stand up and find the man in front of her. The tony around her would light her. Lightly pressed into the seat, stood up and gestured to him to give it to him, but now it is time to show the man's highlights.

Makihara Maki saw her boyfriend give herself a sigh of relief, and she was happy to see him teach the shameless man.

"The person in front, I don't care who you are, now, immediately, immediately apologize, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you!" Tony said in a deep voice, with his tall and strong figure, he thought it was very deterrent, stand up. At the time, the foot is a lot higher than the high back.

"Oh? You want to be rude to me?" The person in front stood up and turned around. He is a young man in his twenties. His body is not tall, at most he is only one meter seventy-five. With medium-length hair, Liu Hai deliberately dyed golden yellow, and the whole person looked very contemptuous. It was the type of bad youth that was seen at first glance.

Tony sees each other shorter than himself, and his tone is stronger: "Apologize!"

The bad young man turned a deaf ear to his words and looked at him lazily: "It turned out to be a foreigner." Then he glanced at Monica Monica, who was sitting in the seat. Barbie’s delicate face suddenly made his eyes shine. "I didn't expect it to be a big beauty, how about it, but what I just said is serious. If a person is bored, I can accompany you to Ginza, just as we have to go back to Tokyo, I want to buy something, I can pay." He put on a not-poor attitude and completely regarded tony as air.

Tony didn't have much anger, but just showed off his manly temperament for his girlfriend. Now it is really angry.

"Bastard, I will let you know what the consequences will be!" He said, he has already clenched his fist and put out the action of the boxer.

The bad young people did not have a little bit of fear at all, and even some of their faces were eager to try. The difference in body between the two seemed to him to be a hindrance.

Seeing that the two men were really likely to start, the waiter on the train came over in a panic: "Guest, you will do this, I will be very embarrassed, please stop, there are other guests here."

"Are you worried that we will affect other people?" The bad young man said disdainfully, and then waited for the waiter to speak. He shouted directly. "The men of the Morimoto group, you said, will I affect you?" ?"

"No!" The answer is a group of people. Hula Lai stood up all the time. Although the whole car was not full, there were dozens of people. Apart from Li Xuehao, the others were all gangs of bad young people.

And look at their bare arms, almost all tattoos, or tattoos, tigers and the like, at first glance, this is an organized violent gang.

The waiter of the train was suddenly frightened and shy away from speaking.

Tony also changed his face. He thought that the other party had only two people at most, and the other was a companion sitting next to him, but he never thought about it. Almost all the people in the car were his accomplices, and they looked very bad. provoke.

"What's wrong, foreigner, don't you want to apologize to me?" The poor young man proudly and arrogantly looked at this foreigner who was taller and stronger than him, and he liked the thrill of this arrogance.

Tony blushes, but he doesn't dare to speak. There are so many people on the other side. Even if he will have a little boxing, it is impossible to knock down so many people at the same time, so if he gets angry with him, he may end up with a meal. . At this time, of course, he knows how to protect himself, even if he is a little insulted, he also decided to endure.

"Give this woman to me, I will forgive you for being disrespectful to me this time." The poor young man reached out and patted him three times. Although it was not painful, the meaning of insulting people was very obvious. The face of Monica, who was also scared by the people in the entire car, feared and did not dare to resist.

"Enough, Harada." Seeing the hand of the bad young man will touch her face, a voice stopped him.

"Yes!" The body of the bad young man suddenly stayed, and the hand that had stretched out was immediately taken back. It seemed to stop his voice with some kind of magic, so that he would not dare to give birth to a will.

It was a middle-aged man in his forties, with a frameless glasses.

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