Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 1520: Master of love, participate!

After eating a very memorable dinner, after all, it was the first time to eat in the university cafeteria. Zejing Green and Li Xuehao went back to the hotel.

Two people, in the hotel, no one is disturbing, this environment is simply the best place for couples to build, so some things that can only be said to be unspeakable happen naturally.

For three days, Li Xuehao spent his time in joy. Once a woman let go of her hands and feet, she would not have been a bit shy and reserved. Zejing Green is the same, and she is active most of the time.

On the day of the bandit day (Saturday), the two were prepared to return to Yokohama.

This time, I still take the Shinkansen, but not only the two of them, but also one of the seniors of Sakai Green, who is also a Yokohama, who is also a Yokohama, will go back together.

Early in the morning, the two came to the station, but Monica had not arrived, because the time was still early, and the two did not complain.

"Hao, Monica seniors really don't like others to call her '菅原的', so you must call her 'Monica predecessor'." Zejing Green first yelled at him, lest he waited to make Rude.

"Yeah." Li Xuehao nodded. Of course he would not let Zejing Green disappoint. He just faced the name of a Japanese woman who was "extraordinary and foreign" and didn't really want to respect her.

The two said a conversation. It didn't take long for Ms. Monica to come, but she was not alone, and she was accompanied by a brown-haired foreign man.

Makihara Monica's dress is very special, very conspicuous, wearing a puffy pink princess dress, pink stockings, pink high heels, long hair dyed in gold, and a pink hairpin on the head, Even the bag carried in the hand is pink, it can be said that the whole person is pink except for the hair, and the other places are pink.

She is not tall, and wearing hate heights of fifteen centimeters or more is just about the same as Zejing Green. This is still the case when Zejing Green is wearing ordinary white shoes.

The face is very delicate, the eyes are a bit exaggerated, and the long eyelashes are known to wear fake, white skin, pink lips, and look like a real version of Barbie.

But Li Xuehao can see at a glance that this woman is full of tolerance, this is not her original appearance, she just deliberately turned herself into a Barbie doll.

However, this effect is obvious, because many men are staring at her along the way, she seems to be proud of it, but she is very disdainful about her surroundings.

The foreign man around her, although not handsome, is very tough, is a very man type, tall, about one meter eighty-five, holding two large suitcases in his hand, seems to act as "coolie" character of.

"Monica seniors, good morning." Zejing Green first greeted him.

"Good morning, little green." Sugawara Monica nodded, and a delicate smile appeared on the delicate face. "I'm sorry, because something went wrong, so it's late." When she said this, she deliberately I looked at someone close to Sakai Green and seemed to be curious about his identity.

"It doesn't matter, Monica seniors, it's still very early." Zejing Green shook his head and took the initiative to introduce it. "This is the lover I am dealing with. He is called Zhenzhonghao."

"Oh?" Monica Miyake looked very surprised. This is just a teenager. At most, it is the height of high school students. It is actually a boyfriend of Sakai Green who is a female student.

"Hello, Monica seniors." Li Xuehao took the initiative to say hello.

This claiming seems to make Sugawara Monica somewhat satisfied. After suspicion, she pulled the foreign man around me and said: "This is my boyfriend, tony, he is an American."

"Hello." Tony speaks Japanese. Although it is a bit strange, it is a common problem for many foreigners.

"Hello." Zejing Green and Li Xuehao each greeted each other. Zejing was green and relaxed. Obviously, he knew this tony before, thinking that the other party was coming to Miaoyuan Monica.

"Tony is going to go back to Yokohama with me, little green. This is a temporary decision. I haven't had time to tell you." Makihara said to Sakai Green.

Zejing Green was obviously taken aback: "Is Monica seniors going to take him to see her parents?"

"Yeah." Makihara nodded and smiled. "We have been in contact for more than a month. I think he is the most important person in my life, so I am going to take tony to see daddy and mommy. "She is really "Chongyang Meiwai", and there is a foreign flavor in the words.

"Monica seniors, I wish you happiness." Although Zejing Green felt that it was strange for more than a month, she would not arbitrarily raise her own doubts.

"Thank you, little green." Makihara Monica accepted her blessing.

The two chatted very speculatively. Li Xuehao was looking at the foreign man named tony. The other side’s face was very fancy, but Monica was no exception. The two were half a catty, I hope they can come. Finally.

"Your age looks very small, is it really Miss Sakai's boyfriend?" Tony seems to be interested in him too, put the suitcase on the ground and chat with him.

"Yes." Li Xuehao nodded.

Tony glanced at Saijin Green and said with some emotions: "Miss Sakai is very beautiful, you are so lucky, boy."

"Thank you." Li Xuehao said with a smile, the other side praised the green, at least let him find unreasonable reasons.

"I was like you when I was so big, but I didn't even have a girl's hand." Tony deliberately said very loudly, and seemed to want to talk about the private words between the girls and the Sawawara Muni. The card is heard.

Sure enough, the two did hear it, and Monica Maki turned back and smiled sweetly: "tony, this is why I like you, you are so pure."

Li Xuehao’s heart is weird. Tony said that he hadn’t taken the girl’s hand when he was so big. This kind of lie is actually spoken. He saw it from his face, and the other party broke the virgin body very early. It’s about ten years old, and I have a face that doesn’t even touch the girl’s hand.

"You too, baby, do you know? It is the luckiest thing in my life to know you." Tony also returned with a big smile.

Sure enough, it was a master of love. This kind of love came out. Li Xuehao’s heart was groaning, and he felt that there were two sorrowful eyes. He looked up and saw that Sawai’s green eyes stared at him, seemingly strange. He never said anything to her that she was so affectionate or numb.

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