With the faint but clear explosion sound clearly coming from the external device connected to the microphone, Cody knew that Tony's action had begun, and he only had to wait for the time to appear with a costumed thunderbolt.

Time flies, and during this time, Cody has mixed the electronic virus and the disintegration body in the crystal and placed it in the relevant weak position.

Thunderfire has been chattering around, after all, everything here is too new for him. Not only did he not care about helping Cody install the virus, but several times, it almost attracted the attention of those soldiers who were transformed into firewalls, and Cody had to call out Godzilla, hold down the thunderbolt fire, and complete the installation alone.

"Be honest with me, I'm going out soon. Did you practice Steve's gesture last night?

"Of course, if it weren't for my sister blocking it, maybe I'd be a Hollywood superstar by now, you know?" For a while, whenever I went out, scouts would hand me business cards.

"Okay, okay, it's like who hasn't said it~ Since it's okay, let's start, don't let me down!"

A kick towards the butt of the thunderbolt fire, and in an instant, the thunderbolt fire bounced out of the controller of the central air conditioner.

Realizing that he had come out, Thunderfire quickly sorted out his clothes, then coughed lightly and walked out from around the corner.

The secretary at the door of the office, who was originally still dozing off boredly, this light cough instantly sobered her up, and before she looked up, she only saw the corner of her pants, and the secretary quickly stood up and bowed ninety degrees,

"Good noon chief!"

Pretending to be calm, Thunderbolt walked past the secretary, pushed open the door, walked into the office, and then lowered the blinds.

The secretary heard that there was no movement behind him, breathed a sigh of relief, looked back at the floor-to-ceiling window, immediately did not say a word, carefully packed up his things, came to the main console of the office area, entered a number on the computer, and then pushed the door to leave. In an instant, the entire office area fell silent.

In the next second, Cody's figure also appeared from the controller, looked around, and in the next hour, everything was safe here.

"Zeya, scan the whole house and look for the switch in the house."


Cody put the bracelet on the table, and at the transparent part of the bracelet, a circular infrared light instantly appeared, began to scan the room, and quickly marked the location.

"Jonathan, help me move all those things out, I'll find individual things first."

Thunderfire gets to work, while Cody starts looking for the fake Black Death Sword from last time in Steve's office.

"Strange! What about the Black Death Sword? The

knife on the original display shelf had turned into an antique Tang knife, and Cody opened a few cabinets with all kinds of strange weapons, but there was no Black Death Sword.

"He wouldn't be carrying it with him, would he?"

Thinking of this possibility, Cody sighed

, "You are a shield, why do you take a sword?"

"Jonathan, we have to go fast, that sword is not here."

"Oh, okay."

Cody crouched down and flipped through the information with Thunderfire.


In this pile of information, Cody found the tracking and observation reports of everyone except Steve himself, even Wanda and Pietro when they were orphans, and at the same time, it also included the actual document that Magneto was the father of the brother and sister, paternity test.

Mandarin, on the other hand, has been recording since before he came to the United States, and he was still dominating in the desert.

And all the detailed information of the Avengers owner.

It can be seen from here that Steve probably knows them better than they know themselves.

However, this detailed information does not say anything, when Steve was Captain America, S.H.I.E.L.D. had already launched a similar investigation.

After a quick glance, Cody found something unsurprisingly.

For example, who is the god who took Shewanda, and the secret of the Black Death Sword, and the whereabouts of Pietro.

Isn't Pietro already dead?

If you talk about the first two news, Cody is just surprised. Finally, Cody was directly stunned,

"Is this the basis for them to lure Wanda?"

Indeed, if Pietro were really alive, it would not be impossible for Wanda to stand with them.

"Huh~ unfortunately, now I know it too~ okay, Jonathan, let's get back in our places, and then it's time to leave!"

Got the most important news, according to the original route, Cody and Thunderfire quickly left here, and the two did not return to the mirror world, but went to the battlefield opened by Tony!

"Tony, where is Steve now?"

"Naw, here!"

Tony pointed to a red dot on the screen.

Cody raised his head and looked in that direction, and sure enough, Steve's chest that originally only had clothes and an extra sword bag, and the corner exposed inside was the fake Black Death Sword that Cody was looking for.

"How can this be changed!"

Cody rubbed his brows.

"Wanda isn't here, is it?"


Hearing that Tony definitely had to answer, Cody nodded

, "It's almost done, just retreat, there is no point in such harassment." I've found Wanda, go find her now. "

Re-entering the door of S.H.I.E.L.D., Cody has changed into the Witch Rider Infinite Form at this time, and the chaos magic is stained on it little by little, showing a dark red. This time there was no cover-up, even the magic flowed wantonly.

"Wanda, come out, long time no see. I know you can see me. "

What's the matter with me?"

After a few days, Wanda was still the same, and nothing changed, the only difference was that her expression became a little cold.

"Can you tell me why you're with them?"

"For no reason, I've changed."

"Is it because of Pietro?"

Wanda didn't answer, only looked over with cold eyes.

"They know, I know, believe me? If you believe it, get out of here with me.

"You're for what is in my head, right?"

Wanda asked expressionlessly.

It seems that Steve has already told her part of it.

"Yes, with it, this can become a peerless good sword!"

Cody took out the Black Death Sword and revealed it in front of Wanda.

"I exchange Pietro's whereabouts for the fragments in your hands, and I don't care about anything else."

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