Staying in the data world all night, Cody's feelings are only exhausted, even if there is no lack of energy potions that return to the soul among the dropped props. But this exhaustion is the psychological exhaustion that Cody brought to Cody after indulging in the war. This made Cody realize once again how much he didn't like fighting.

But the results are gratifying, practice makes perfect, even with a "one-knife 999" style of play without skill. It also successfully brought Cody to the LV.50.

Unlike the upgrade method in the play, Cody's enhanced cassette props are arranged one by one, and with Cody's battle in the data world, each level up, you can buy one.

And the reason why Cody wants to hit level 50 is because the props unlocked at level 50 are the "extraordinary brothers" cartridge of the Lv.X level in the play.

With it, Cody can take people and carry out data, of course, all the costs generated have to be counted on Cody's head.

Originally, after the symbiote barrier of S.H.I.E.L.D. was destroyed, Cody no longer needed to be so troublesome, using the mirror world, Cody could come and go freely, even if the most powerful radar detection means, it could not be found on Cody's head.

But the problem is, Wanda is there now. Kamen Rider's power comes in many forms, but the power of the Dragoon belongs to magical power and space power, which is difficult to escape Wanda's perception.

Without knowing which Wanda is singing, Cody prefers conservative action, and data is the optimal solution, and the devil knows why this is not a magical power!

Taking out a physical fruit from the prop bag and eating it, Cody withdrew from the data, and after level 50, Cody can also transform into a Ex_aid outside, and use a more advanced Avalantogen virus, infected electronic devices, and can also be transformed into a more flexible and intelligent "Transformer".

Walking out of the training room and looking at the time, it was already past 8 o'clock in the morning.

While Cody was eating breakfast, the invisible woman also came to Cody with thunderbolt fire.

"Let's have some food?"

Cody gestured for the two to sit down, the breakfast on the table is still available in the south and the sea, and the fish and chips with intestinal flour are really special.

After the two siblings sat down, Cody looked at Susan's expression and knew that Susan had agreed.

Cody didn't bother either, directly took out a blank belt, handed it to Thunderfire, and calmed Susan's heart

, "This is the key to enter the world in the mirror, you should all know, right?" In case of danger, you just need to find a reflective surface at random, hide in it, even if not, there is me, I will take you to other passages, when I go later, I will take you to experience it first!

"Don't underestimate me, okay? My flames are not something that anyone can resist, it's a big deal to go straight to war!

Thunderbolt said unconvinced.


Susan slapped him again

, "When it's time to escape, give me an honest run."


Thunderfire was very unconvinced, but her sister's suppression was still very effective. No longer talking, but running to the side to study the belt.

"Cody, can you let me go too? My ability is stealth, I can help you do a lot of things!

"Susan, your stealth ability is completely invisible in the face of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s means, the first second you enter their detection range, you will be detected, and I have limited ability now, I can only take care of your brother, after this matter is over, I will give you some compensation!"

Cody's words, the meaning of rejection is already obvious, of course, Susan did not hold out great hopes at first, but this is the first time since the establishment of the Fantastic Four to fight separately, and it is a little unaccustomed.

The sun gradually rises, and soon it is the scheduled time.

Tony took out a crystal and handed it to Cody, and also returned the Zea bracelet to Cody, who gave Zea to Tony before Cody entered the data world last night.

After connecting to Tony's supercomputer, Zea's ability was released, and although this supercomputer was very old in Zea's opinion, it still allowed Zea to successfully hack into S.H.I.E.L.D. systems. A second before it was discovered by the firewall, all the weak points of S.H.I.E.L.D. were found, and according to the report, a complete offensive plan was established.

What is stored in this crystal is a worm made according to the vulnerability, only need Cody to add a little Avalanche virus at the end, bury it in the S.H.I.E.L.D. system, wait for the virus to mutate on its own, at that time, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s "eyes, ears, mouth and nose" will be all mastered by the Avengers.

This is also the biggest task of the trip.

In addition to this task, the most important thing is to replace the original fake black death sword with this new fake black death sword.

Finally, there are those paper files that are not recorded in the data center, the last time he took the Black Death Sword, Cody roughly checked Steve's office, the entire office floor, inside the walls, all have a spacious mezzanine, Cody intuited that he must find something good.

As for Tony, they naturally also revolved around those external loopholes that Zea found. However, this does not require Cody to worry about.

Waving goodbye, the soldiers divided into two ways.

Thunderfire's body has already worn the same uniform as Captain Hydra, and even the scars faintly exposed on Steve's neckline have been restored to his body.

"Jonathan, the first transformation, it may feel a little strange~

" "What transformation?" What the first time?

Thunderfire didn't wait for an answer, only to hear,






"Two in one!"


"Win together!"


With the orange and cyan light effects, Thunderfire's body was suddenly dragged into the light, and then two armored people of completely opposite colors, but exactly the same appearance, appeared in front of everyone, especially the shoulders, merged together to form a complete mask.


Thunderbolt Fire looked at his outfit, and couldn't help but exclaim in surprise, there was no uncomfortable look at all, too, he could even endure that kind of flame, what is data. Just look at his movements like a child who gets a new toy.

Cody shook his head, in the play, one person is divided into two, and now it is two and one, this state, if there is a battle, I am afraid that there is no tacit understanding at all.

"Okay, you wait for you to come back, you look slowly, now we should go!"

"Oh, what should I do?"

"You don't have to do anything, I'll just take you."

The light flashed again, and the two turned into data streams and flew into the computer screen in front of them.

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