After getting this answer, Cody was shocked, and he didn't care about anything, and immediately pressed his palm on the secret guest's head, and on the ghost belt around his waist, iridescent ripples spread to the secret guest's body, this deep soul exploration technique is the method that Hell Lords most often use to obtain what they want to know.

It's just that people who are often used this ability will feel extreme pain.

When the secret guest let out the first cry of pain, Charles was already nervously coming to Cody's side.

"What are you going to do?"

"It's okay, she won't get hurt, it's just pain, I'll find something." Something important!

Ignoring Charles, Cody completely entered the soul realm of the secret guest, which is the biggest difference between the secret guest and ordinary people who have a special realm.

Through the soul of the secret guest, the situation of the entire Hell Frontier was also revealed in front of Cody.

Regret is not regret, Cody did not find anything.

Relieved, Cody withdrew, and at the same time released the confinement of the secret guest, the little girl was very strong, and in this case, she also held on and did not fall.

"What did you do? Why take away my power.

The little girl asked in a stiff tone.

"Power? Isn't it enough to be the queen of the border of hell? What more power do you want, do you know what power it is? Good and bad? You dare to ask for it!

Cody asked solemnly.

"Huh~ Since you feel bad, why did you take it away from me and take it for yourself?"

The little girl stared back at Cody without fear. At this moment, Cody almost laughed angrily.

"Oh? Do you think I'm taking it for myself? Then I really have to tell you, yes, I am just taking possession, because I am not like you, I will not lose myself in power! Do you know what you're doing right now? The souls of these innocent people, you imprisoned them here, there is no peace after death, are you still worthy of being an X-Men? "

X-Men? Protect a bunch of humans who hate us? I'm not that virgin. Hearing

this, Cody didn't feel anything, but the expression of Professor Charles next to him was visibly lonely.

The original X-Men were Charles and Magneto, and then, after the two adopted and recruited many mutants, the X Academy was established, and the mutants in it became reserve members of the X-Men, such as Storm Girl, the Laser-Eye brothers, Twinkle, and Angel.

Due to the differences between Charles and Magneto on some issues, it is inevitable that they will bring their own views when lecturing, so in a harmonious atmosphere, there have always been two voices, and it is clear that the secret guest is on Magneto's side.

This girl is now emotional, afraid that she will not be able to listen to anything, so Cody will no longer pay attention to her.

Although it belongs to Hell, the power of the Hell Border comes from other demon lords, and the demon lords have strengths and weaknesses, but the level is the same, so Cody does not have any way to control the secret guest, and after a while, when the secret guest recovers her strength, she can escape here at any time through the portal of the hell border.

The battle has already taken place, and unless the secret guest is killed, it will no longer be a secret, but Professor Charles is afraid that he will save her if he tries his best.

Originally, these children and souls were kept for catching big fish, but now that big fish can't be caught, then simply start the rescue operation.

A bottle of a container containing souls was transported into a steel armor and directly entered the mirror world through the lake next to it.

Seeing that his mission was about to fail, the secret agent immediately activated his ability and tried to enter it to grab it, but it was obviously in vain.

Eternal gods and other gods, Cody does not know, anyway, even if it is a phoenix, don't want to enter the mirror world without Cody's permission.

While recycling souls here, where those children were, all the canned mechanical beasts also took away the frozen children directly under Cody's unified instructions. Moreover, before leaving, he did not forget to set a fire.

It is estimated that when Mandarin receives the news and rushes, there will be a fake Banner's head left here.

These holy souls are the ones that heaven has pointed out, but Cody does not know how to summon those angels.

Before the crisis was unsolved, Michael said that he would go back to heaven to move the soldiers, but there was no news so far, during the period, he only saw the Zadekiel, who didn't look like a good person, but if it weren't for him, Cody wouldn't have been able to get Lucifer's two pairs of unfallen wings.

Putting the soul aside for a moment, Cody began to treat the frozen children carefully.

Regular thawing is definitely not a good idea. When Cody added protective magic to the children when he left, the crystal box was analyzed by Cody.

The reason why it remains unchangeable in the crystal box for many years is because of the ice. These are naturally not ordinary ice cubes, or even ice condensed using magic.

Instead, it's more like the ice from the depths of hell that Cody often sees in the volcanic magma of the hell dimension.

"Something to do with hell again? Who will it be? "

The news in this matter is very critical, and Cody has a hunch that finding out who that Hell Lord is will be a long-lasting farce.

"Is there a way to tell where this ice came from?"

Cody summons Hell Storm, but Hell Storm gives Cody a negative answer.

"That's not going to work."

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