Charles provided the address in a semi-abandoned factory area that had been abandoned in the early last century, which was originally lined with heavy industrial factories, which made the area very polluted, and after the war the U.S. government transferred a large part of its own needs, especially these extremely polluting industrial needs, to some of his allies and other Third World countries. As a result, the factory site slowly fell into disuse.

Approaching the new century, as the old workers in those gathering areas, one by one, died, the younger generation of the family, after heading to the bustling city. This is a real no-man's land.

Later, this place was bought by the military industry, and now the actual role of this place is actually a testing ground for weapons, especially missile experiments, and his former owner is Tony Stark.

A few kilometers away in this area, an iron fence with no end in sight blocks the way for others to enter the area. On the iron net were large, radiant words.

But the truth is that after Tony decided to close Stark Industries' military industry, there have been no more missile tests here. Moreover, Tony had never conducted any missile tests containing radiation here.

Therefore, in addition to the pollution hidden deep underground, it is actually very safe.

Several camouflage cars belonging to S.H.I.E.L.D. drove out from here and left in different directions. Cody ghosts up with one of them, while unleashing flying canned mechanical beasts to track the other vehicles.

The car that Cody followed, going around in circles, and the place where he finally went was actually a place where the Hulk's body was once hidden.

According to the news reported back by the canned mechanical beast, the place where the other vehicles went was also the Hulk's body, where it used to be.

Cody suddenly realized that this should be the beginning of preparations for the summoning ceremony.

When several agents in the vehicle moved the tin box containing the child indoors, the agents drove away, and Cody looked around and waited for a long time, and did not see anyone else come again, and then flew through the wall.

The light car came to the secret room where the Hulk body was once placed, the fake Hulk body in the box was still placed there intact, and the iron box of these children had been opened and placed next to it, the child's body was fan-shaped, placed in front of the Hulk box, but the child's body was still contained in a box similar to glass or crystal, and there was a trace of ice crystal sublimation mist on the surface.

Cody put his hand on it and confirmed that fortunately, the children were just falling into a deep sleep.

In the short term, there should be no more movement here, so Cody left many canned mechanical beasts, hiding in a hidden place indoors, monitoring here, and then preparing to leave.

However, when his hand touched the doorknob, Cody paused, and then turned a red light, covering the crystal box of these children, slowly seeping into it, and wrapping the bodies of these children.

Isn't Mandarin going to use the souls of these children? Now he may have to work hard.

Cody smiled and quickly went to the location where the other Hulk bodies were, and after processing the children's bodies one by one, he went to join Professor Charles.

When Cody arrived, he found that friction had taken place here. In the field, Twinkle and Secret are fighting, and the remains of several steel mechs lie around them.

Others, including Tony, stood by, watching the battle below.

"What's going on, Professor? How did you guys fight? Didn't you say to observe her behavior first and not make contact easily?

Cody asked.

Charles shook his head

, "This child's psychic ability is already very good, so many people have gathered together, and before she gets close to her, she has already felt the people present

" "But, professor, why didn't you stop her?" Even if the secret customer's psychological ability is strong, it should not be able to resist your power, right?

"No, she can!"

An unexpected answer came out of Professor Charles's mouth.

"What difference do you see in her eyes?"

Charles pointed to the secret guest, and Cody looked in the direction. Just now, he didn't pay attention to the observation, but now hearing Professor Charles's words, Cody noticed the difference.


At this time, the secret visitor that Cody saw, in fact, was no different from the last time he saw, still holding a sword on the arm that transformed into armor.

But the color in the secret guest's eyes is the same as the color of the armor. Those were forces from the frontiers of hell that once belonged to the same demon lords as Mephisto.

Thinking of this, Cody turned to Charles and said,

"Can I try it?" After all, she is your student.

"Of course you can! Try to see if you can help her and calm her down. With

Charles's permission, Cody walked step by step to the battlefield. Seeing the moment, gently push the flicker away from the battlefield.

"Hey, Cody, what are you doing~ I finally fought once!"

Flicker called out unconvinced.

"Okay, okay, can I accompany you next time?"

"That's pretty much it!"

When the appeasement flickered, Cody's movements did not stop. With a yellow glow on his forehead, Cody intends to use the power of the Mind Gem to probe the mind of the secret guest.

At the same time, the red light in the left hand shone, the body of the secret guest, including the mouth, fingers. They are completely immobile.

The right hand gathered energy, and with a single blow, it closed the door of the hell border that the secret visitor had opened.

With the closure of the border gate, the power of the secret agent immediately disappeared, returning to its original appearance, the only thing that did not change was her black eyes, which is indeed the crux of the problem.

With the blessing of the Mind Gem, Cody's Psychic tentacles soon invaded the secret guest's brain. Coincidentally and not coincidentally, Cody saw something familiar again.

Last time, after the angel was purified by Cody, when he returned to the academy, Charles forcibly probed his brain, and once found a mental barrier full of holes in his brain.

After Charles told Cody about this, Cody felt that it was not right, so he also wanted to go to investigate it himself, but he did not get Charles's consent this time, because he wanted to make the angel vulnerable now, and Charles was worried that too much telepathy would hurt the angel.

It's just that Cody thought it was related to Lucifer at the time, so he was too uneasy, and he secretly went to check it out.

The result was not smooth, and before Cody could investigate what it was, the substance disappeared in front of Cody.

Therefore, Cody did not tell Charles about it afterwards.

Compared with the black mesh material in the angel's brain, the substance here looks much more complete, no wonder Charles's ability cannot invade.

This time, in order to prevent any more moths, Cody manipulated telepathy and approached it very carefully. But something unexpected happened again.

It is related to Cody itself, but the Black Death Sword that Cody put in the knight's space reacted.

Feeling the unusual reaction, Cody tried to take the Black Death Sword out of the knight's space, and the Black Death Sword could not enter the spiritual realm, so, the ghost made a mistake, and Cody put the Black Death Sword directly on top of the secret guest's head.

In the next second, Cody saw that the spiritual barrier formed by those black substances began to squirm like a living thing, and then it actually transformed from abstract substances such as the spiritual barrier into physical substances, flowing out of the seven secrets of the secret guest, and then all of them were wound towards the black death sword, and finally converged, filling the gap of the black death sword.

"These ... Is it a fragment of the Black Death Sword? "

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