
Hulk's body parts were put into a special culture liquid one by one for preservation, which was the same as the liquid composition in those bottles and jars, but Tony took it out, which was naturally more advanced.

In the huge cultivation pool, Hulk's body matter began to slowly approach the fusion, but now the remaining third did not know where to look.

Originally, Cody planned to use a spell to find traces of the remaining parts.

But when Cody touched it again, the feeling of seeing another magnificent world flooded into Cody's mind again.

This time, Cody tried his best to retain the picture in his mind and control himself to "see" the scenery, but the result was still nothing, leaving only an endless and empty impression.

And looking for the magic array of other parts of the Hulk naturally lost its effect.

Cody told others about his feelings, and the female Hulk, who had a certain telepathy with the Hulk, also felt it carefully and found that there was no special feeling.

The telepathy of the female Hulk and the Hulk is naturally the telepathy of brain and brain, heart and heart, so as the Hulk's head returns here, the telepathy of the female Hulk is useless.

But Hulk can't always stay like this, right?

After reading the fragment of the "Book of Darkness" that he got with Hulk's head and heart, Cody couldn't help but be a little disappointed, saying that it was important and important, and it was not important or important.

What is recorded on that fragment is the method of dividing the Hulk, of course, this method is not specifically used to deal with the Hulk, but a sealing method.

Some creatures or demons have "undead" characteristics, and when dealing with this type of enemy, as long as they use special weapons, cut their bodies into pieces, and then put them elsewhere, so that the enemy cannot be "resurrected".

And Mandarin also used this method to stop the Hulk, thinking that they tried to bring the Hulk out of hell in advance, originally wanted to achieve something, but the Hulk did not agree, so there was a conflict, and it was at that time that the Hulk was cut into such a seal.

But Cody also didn't understand, at that time, the Hulk was already in hell, who had the ability or ability to take the Hulk out of hell?

Among the suspects, there is naturally the former Hell Lord, the Evil Spirit Knight. It's just that now the last soul of the Evil Spirit Knight doesn't know where to go.

On Earth, Cody can't rely on the power of soul gems to conduct a "soul search". Too many distractions.

The answer to all this must be found in Mandarin, and so far this Cody has not found the fragment of the "Book of Darkness" that records the "killer weapon", and I don't know what they want to use with those souls and summon.

Most likely, that important fragment was carried by Mandarin.

The recovery plan of the Hulk's body has come to an end for the time being, and now, Cody can only wait to see if the Hellstorm brothers and sisters can bring him good news.

Coming to Wanda's house again, Cody took out the fragment and handed it to Agatha

, "The plan went very well, we got another one, now it seems that that Mandarin is quite dishonest, and there may be more secrets on him."

Agatha was also very happy to get the fragment, but she was worried,

"I feel that Mandarin has sensed that I seem to be making noise." This method may not be able to be used next time!

Cody nodded

, "Well, Mandarin is a very cunning guy, I won't use this method in the future, I'll think of other ways."

This topic was closed, Cody pretended to be casual, looking at Wanda's home, there are more and more things here, which have been replaced with things in the legal array, but this legal array does not have a strange thing, the only strange thing, I am afraid that there are too many flowers.

"How's Wanda?"

Cody asked.

"Wanda, of course, there is no problem, after restarting the study of Chaos Magic, this time, I found that her speed is much faster than before, I think that the day to reach the peak level will soon come!"

"Well, that's good."

Cody said with a smile.

The moment Wan reached the peak level, it was also the time of death for this Agatha Hagness, after all, it seems that she has no remorse at all.

After Agatha left, Wanda also came down from upstairs,

"You seem to be avoiding her?"

Cody asked.


Wanda replied softly and nodded.

"You notice something strange here?"

"Of course, she used to be the least fond of flowers, and after so many years, she knew me, and I am not the one who knows her best."

Cody nodded

, "Yes, after so many years of getting along, how can you not understand?" Wanda, you don't have to worry, this formation was replaced by me in advance, it will not cause any harm to you, and will it hurt your teacher, I think, it depends on your attitude, or, in fact, you prefer to solve it yourself? "


Wanda naturally knew what Cody meant by solving.

It seems that with the passage of time, coupled with seeing through Agatha's "true heart", Wanda finally died of heart, lost her entanglement, and completely reversed her attitude.

Wanda said to Cody in an affirmative tone,

"I want to solve it myself and end the cause and effect!"

"Well, I see."

After listening to Wanda's answer, Cody nodded, and at the same time the light in his hand flashed, and a hand-copied "Book of Darkness" on parchment appeared in his hand, and Cody handed the book to Wanda

"Your Book of Dark God is not complete yet, there are some fragments left out, but they are all magic that you can't use, and it is completely enough for you to learn these things that I selected first." Also, your "Dark God Book" can't be returned to you for the time being, otherwise when you cultivate through the "Dark God Book", your power will flow to Agatha, and I don't have a good solution to this problem for the time being. "

Well, I'll study hard."

Wanda agreed with understanding.

What Agatha now lets Wanda learn again is very basic magic, and the manuscript that Cody handed over to Wanda, in addition to advanced magic, there are many of them that do not exist in the "Book of Darkness" in this world, I think, with Wanda's talent, soon, she will be completely free from Agatha's threat.

After explaining Wanda, Cody walked out of the house, and when he passed the fence wall covered with flowers and vines, Cody saw that the roses were about to be put away.

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