Shortly after Cody returned to the mirror world with the slaughtered baby, he received news of hell again.

"I'm such a hard worker~"

Ghost belt upper body, Cody instantly appeared on the throne, Cody looked at the long-awaited Hell Storm brothers and sisters, and...

"What's wrong, this is?"

I saw that next to the Hell Storm brothers and sisters, there were many demon messengers under him lying horizontally.

Almost all of them are now in a state of "more air out, less air intake", and there are several blood holes with black smoke on their bodies.

"Lord Lord, Mandarin should have figured out the reason for the chaos in the prison kitchen, and he invited an extremely powerful exorcist."

"Who? Konstantin?

"What Ding?"

"It's okay, you continue to say, I remember it well~" I

don't know what this lord is talking nonsense again, Hell Storm continued.

"The Fifteenth Junction Demon, that is, the ordinary Hell Emissary with the most under us, directly lost nearly a third, while the higher-level demon was killed by 3."

Then he pointed to these wailing demons underground.

"They are all big demons with certain jurisdictional interests in the region, reporting directly to the two of us, and this time, they were all eliminated at once."

"Who is so powerful? Is the identity check clear?

Cody realized the problem and frowned.

"Sorry, Lord Lord, I haven't investigated it clearly for the time being, but a magician with such a level of ability, we guess..."

"It's possible that ... It is the mage of Karma Taj.

"Oh..." finally

knew the reason for their swallowing.

"I'll ask."

These demons were originally ghostly and did not need to use the ability of soul gems, and Cody only induced some of the power of the hell dimension itself to repair their bodies.

It's been a long time since I came out, and I haven't been back to the New York Holy of Holies, and this time I also stopped by to go back.

Walking into the New York Holy Sanctuary, I looked around and found that it was empty, and Strange didn't seem to be there.

"It's really daring, he actually dares to leave without permission, see if I don't break his dog's head!"

Walking up to Strange's desk, Cody picked up an ordinary-looking piece of paper on the table, which only Karma Taj knew was actually magic that would mail his own envelope.

Learning the cold tone of the ancient mage in his memory, Cody wrote a letter with serious words, folded it directly into a paper crane and released it from the window.

After waiting for less than five minutes, he saw Strange open the portal, get dressed, and run in. Behind him, there is a paper crane, which is constantly pecking at his head.

When Strange saw Cody, he was stunned,

"Don't tell me that you wrote this letter?"


Seeing Cody nodding, Strange pulled the paper crane off the air, tore it up, and threw it into the trash.

"What the you! There is nothing to do when you are idle! The good thing that bothers me, I'm in love, who blows it?

"I just have to ask you, did you forget the commandments of Karma Taj?" Dare to blatantly leave without permission?


Strange reasoned, and I said this word for a long time.

"Also, did you do the exorcism ritual in Hell's Kitchen?"

"Huh? How do you know? My girlfriend and I were having lunch there, and when we saw something like that, we naturally had to help.

Cody sighed

, "Sure enough, it's you, you're really going to do something bad to me." Didn't they come to you on their own initiative?

"Of course not!"

After hearing Strange's answer, Cody picked something to say and told Strange the truth, and Strange was really shocked, not seen for a few days, this person who suddenly appeared here has actually changed a lot, moreover, so many things have happened in the city.

"Don't help next time~ Otherwise, I will tell Gu Yi about your desertion this time."

Before leaving, Cody did not forget to threaten Strange.

Go back to hell and explain the matter to the brother and sister duo, although it is now possible to send demons again, but this time such a heavy loss, Cody can't just calculate it, can't count the matter on Strange's head, then count it on Mandarin's head.

Last time I said yes to Agatha, and the matter of harassing Mandarin again can also be implemented.

The person who interrogated last time only knew the whereabouts of part of the Hulk's body, and the remaining part has not yet progressed, which actually shows that through the hell messenger soul hooking, this is definitely a long-term life, and at this time, it is naturally impossible to continue waiting.

Maybe one day, these three families will begin to perform that summoning ritual, and those souls are still in their hands.

This time, Agatha listened to Cody's thoughts and led Mandarin far away from the beginning, thinking of Cody's sweet dream of sneaking in to help me find the broken pages.

Of course, the fragment is also to be found, but it still has to be decided according to the priority of the matter.

When Mandarin's suspicious personality sensed a possible problem, he threw off Agatha and hurried back, facing the completely unchanged interior and examining it.

Finally, I opened the secret room in a hidden place, and saw that the contents were safe and sound, so I let go of my heart.

What he didn't know was that the moment he closed the door of the secret room, everything in front of him just now disappeared.

Cody was very glad that he came to this trip.

In the Mandarin secret room, Cody not only found the fragments of the "Book of Darkness", but also found two very crucial things.

Hulk's head and huge heart.

Unexpectedly, these two things were actually preserved by Mandarin himself.

The heart was still beating, but the Hulk's head was motionless.

Following the previous method, Cody put his hand on the glass of the bottle and felt the mental fluctuations in it.

In an instant, countless vast amounts of information flooded into Cody's mind.

For a while, Cody didn't even react, he saw something, but there was a pounding heart in his chest.

When Cody calmed down and recalled the information he had just felt again, he found that he seemed to have forgotten. The information seemed to treat Cody's brain as a highway, passing by, leaving only an afterimage.

And the afterimage that Cody remembered was endless, empty, vast, these words.

"What is that?"

When Cody was about to touch the bottle again and feel it, the female Hulk and Black Widow, who had received news from Cody, also returned with a part of the body they found.

Now, two-thirds of the Hulk's body has been found.

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