"Didn't you tell you? We are here to find you, Valkyrie.

"I also said that I am not a Valkyrie!" Valkyrie slammed the bottle heavily on the table, and in an instant the bottle shattered and the wine splashed.

"Okay, okay, if you say no, it's not."

Cody made a surrender

, "But Asgard is in crisis, it's true, Odin's soul returns to Valhalla, Hela's evil has come out of the seal, and, more powerful than ever, we need to get out of here and return to Asgard."

Hearing Asgard's recent situation, Valkyrie was obviously stunned for a moment, but his expression quickly returned to normal,

"You can't leave here!" Saka Star is actually an independent space with a little simple law, you should see those black holes that keep dropping garbage, right? Here, except for the controller of Saka Star, others can only enter and exit. Because only he has in his hands a space ship that can get rid of special gravitational fields. "

The controller of Saka Star?" Cody asked

, "Yes, his name is En Duvey Gast, we can only call him Gao Tianzun." He is the master of Saka Star, law, everything, in Saka Star, no one can escape his control.

Cody rolled his eyes,

"Do me a favor?" Take me to the place where Gao Tianzun docked the spaceship.

"You... Want to steal Gao Tianzun's spaceship? When

Valkyrie heard Cody's words, he immediately reacted, Cody's intention.

"How can this be stealing? It's borrowing!

Valkyrie looked at Cody with dead eyes.

Cody spread his hands

, "Okay, okay, just steal, do you do it?" If it succeeds, I'll take you away from Saka Star.

Valkyrie's head shook like a rattle

, "I'm staying here, why should I leave?"

Cody said

, "Okay, how about this?"

Out of nowhere, Cody pulled out a small cloth bag and poured the contents onto the table.

Valkyrie's eyes lit up, and his eyes immediately straightened,

"This is the stone of the stars?"

"Stone of the Stars?"

What the hell, Cody is still hearing this name for the first time, isn't this an ordinary, magic gem without magic?

"You don't know? So how can you have so much? "

Valkyrie is incredible.

"Oh... Well...... I got it from a group of intergalactic pirates! Cody said casually.

"Intergalactic pirates? Is it called Guardians of the Galaxy?

Valkyrie twisted a ruby in his hand, don't admire it, don't ask casually.

"You... How to know?

Cody was shocked, but he didn't expect that he could actually hear the name of the Guardians of the Galaxy here, and directly turned a corner, intending to set up a cliché.

"Oh, it was about a few months ago, what was their name in order to avoid one... It seems to be called Adam, yes, it is Adam's special ability, who somehow broke into Saka Star, and then was sold to the duel arena of Gao Tianzun. It was because those people took out this thing that they bought freedom from Gao Tianzun and ransomed themselves from the Colosseum. It is said that it was Gao Tianzun who found many incredible secrets from this gemstone! "

Incredible secrets?

The magic gem is so powerful, how did I not know?

As far as Cody knew, the magic gem that ran out of magic power did not seem to have much function except for being an excellent energy storage and releaser.

"You mean, that Guardians of the Galaxy, they're still here now?"

Cody continued to ask.

"Of course not, they, like you, also hit the idea of the Gao Tianzun spaceship, and then succeeded. Therefore, now the protection of Gao Tianzun has never been stricter. It's not that I don't want to help you, it's that you won't succeed at all!

Valkyrie paused, then lowered his voice and said mysteriously

, "Actually, it's not all helpless!" As long as you participate in Gao Tianzun's championship competition and win the first place, Gao Tianzun will grant you a wish, and at that time, you will say you want his spaceship, isn't it simpler?

"Huh, then, you can still earn some commission dividends by the way?" Right? "

Cody wouldn't be fooled.

"Take what you need

~" "Hmm~forehead~"

The two people on the side made sounds back and forth, and seemed to be about to wake up.

"Let's talk about it later!"


"Cody left again?"

Nick Fury sat in his office, looking at the materials in his hand.

Coulson nodded

, "Yes, however, according to Alfred, Cody just went on vacation to Asgard, and we also saw clear rainbow bridge teleportation runes where we detected the transmission energy in Norway."

"Vacation? What kind of vacation is this time? Still in the mood for a vacation? Is the full conversation report sorted out?

"Yes, Director, compared with the video image of Vision, the content is exactly the same."


Nick Fury frowned, experiencing Captain Marvel and giving him his first glimpse of what is called the power of the gods. And the existence of Thor makes the identity of "God" seem less mysterious. And S.H.I.E.L.D. has always had a close eye on the multi-personality superhero, the Moonlight Knight, and the Egyptian god behind him. Coupled with the huge figure solidified in the ocean, these are all information that Nick knew before S.H.I.E.L.D. was destroyed.

But I didn't expect that this boy who was "watched" by him since he was a child, thinking that he was a person with special abilities, was actually a "god".

No wonder, his ability is so special and magical. But now, something is different that Cody does not seem to be any god in myths and legends.

Inside the Avengers, everyone's reaction does not seem to be so huge, after the initial surprise, it is time to eat, drink, perform tasks, and perform tasks.

Especially Tony, who was not there at first, did not see the "broadcast" of Vision on the scene, and he was the last to know about it.

Although he did not announce his return to the Avengers, he was the fastest to face it calmly, and Cody took out so many scientific and technological materials and products of unknown principles in a short period of time, no matter how dull people are, they also know that it is unusual, let alone Tony.

Although he was studying the scientific and technological achievements brought by Cody, he also used these scientific and technological products to secretly research weapons to restrain Cody, but later, as he got along with Cody, Tony completely scrapped this plan.

Cody is a naïve young man who has not experienced a little social "beating", and even sometimes naïve and a little stupid, and is too idealistic and taken for granted.

Recently, the scientific and technological data of Jia Dou and 555 that Cody previously handed over to Tony has been parsed by Tony, and now, Tony is trying to integrate the three technologies of 01, Jia Dou and 555 to create a new Shumajia robot, especially Sun and Moon God metal and photon blood, once it can be quantified manufacturing, it will be a monument in the history of materials science, and Marvel Technology will once again completely monopolize a field.

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