Without any call at all, Hela actually summoned a rainbow bridge out of thin air, and a huge beam of light enveloped several people present in an instant.

The transmission of the Rainbow Bridge was irreversible, so that several people were also forced to fly to Asgard.

At this moment, Cody suddenly remembered a setting in his mind, when Hela stands on the land of Asgard, her power will be endless.

The feeling brought by the infinite power, Cody has experienced, and naturally understands what kind of bloody storm will happen if this pro plus version of Hela sets foot on the land of Asgard.

Now Thor and Banner are considered half-wasted, although Thor became a god king in advance, but the hammer dependence is still there, and it is unlikely that he wants to burst out of Thor's power now. And Banner was already in the pull of power and fainted.

"She must not be allowed into Asgard!"

“Kiwami Au Lait!"

The Big Orange Spear Sword Mode emitted an iridescent blade towards Hela's back while Cody pushed the drive again,

"Kiwami Squash!"

The iridescent light also lit up under his feet, and his body kicked towards Hela's body at great speed.

Without the support of Asgard's divine power, Cody didn't have so much energy to cast at one time to display the fruit weapon version "Return of Ten Thousand Swords" used when he destroyed the spaceship in the last time in the battle of Asgard.

These two moves are already the strongest two blows he can perform here now.

It's a pity that it didn't do as Cody hoped, the sword of the big orange spear was swallowed by the black-green space unfolded in Hela's hand, and in front of Cody's subsequent kick, it was suddenly released, followed by the black-green space, suddenly stretched out an extremely huge black sword, impacting at Cody's feet, and the sudden burst of impact directly repelled Cody, while Hela was unscathed after the black-green space.

This is not over, countless energy bombs erupted from it, flying towards Cody, and in the tunnel of the Rainbow Bridge, there was nowhere to dodge.

At this moment, one part of the passage was suddenly shattered, cracking a hole, as if suddenly a large hole was blown up in the plane, and Cody, Thor and Banner were directly thrown out by this force.

Cody finally had time to throw a magic chain that bound the three together.

Hela calmly looked at the place where several people disappeared, put away the power in her hand, and continued to fly to the end.


"Hey... Wake up! Still alive?

In a daze, Cody felt like he had been thrown two ear scrapers, and then the same ear scraping sound sounded next to him.

"These two look okay, this is not good, eh? Strange, why can't the chains on their bodies be opened!

Cody opened his eyes and saw heaps of garbage, Banner and Thor still tied to him, the three sitting back to back, a woman chattering around them, rummaging through their pockets from time to time.

"Valkyrie? Wait a minute...... How did you get here? In this version, Banner has always been at my house, and he has not run away from home to come here, and the plot point of Saka Star is very unnecessary, okay?

Cody complained inwardly, and when Valkyrie turned to him again, he quickly closed his eyes.

At this time, Cody has dismantled his transformation, he is a simple denim shirt, there is not even a wallet on his body, and the only thing that looks valuable is the special custom bracelet on his hand.

Valkyrie's hand, touching an inch on Cody's body, trying to find something valuable, but unfortunately, Cody's aesthetic vision is too traditional, Valkyrie is really not the type that Cody likes, endure or not endure

, "Hey, beauty, touch it again, I'm going to sue you for sexual harassment!"

Seeing that Cody was awake, Valkyrie cleared his throat and let him go.

"You three? Why are they tied together?

"There is no why, the three of us are like brothers, inseparable."

"Hehe, why can't you open the chains on your body?"

"Oh, you said it! Who said it wouldn't open?

Cody smiled, and before Valkyrie could realize something was wrong, one end of the chain suddenly stretched out and wrapped around Valkyrie's body, binding her hands and feet.

Losing their chains, Banner and Thor, who were still sleeping, fell to the ground.

Cody stood up, walked over to Valkyrie, and began to rummage

, "You, what are you going to do?" Watch out for me beating you!

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in you!"

Cody rummaged through, of course, the kind of electric shock disc used to control people in the movie.

A total of 5 were turned out of Valkyrie, each with a controller.

Despite her struggle, pressing one of them around Valkyrie's neck, Cody withdrew the magic chain that bound Valkyrie.

"Don't worry, we are not bad people, to be precise, we are actually friends or family, this time, we came specifically to find you!"

"Hehe, I've lived for so long, why don't I remember, there are a few of your family and friends?"

"Valkyrie, the Valkyrie of Asgard, right?"

"You... Don't talk nonsense, what Valkyrie, I haven't even heard of it. For

a moment, Valkyrie seemed to be like a fried cat.

"Don't be impatient, let's go, or take us to your place first."

"Think beautiful! I..."

Valkyrie was about to say something harsh, but Cody just shook the controller in his hand, and Valkyrie immediately changed his words.

"Okay, you're in charge of moving that stupid big one!"

Valkyrie carried Banner and walked into the spaceship not far away, and Cody also picked up Thor and walked in.

The ship flew for about a few minutes and came to a not-so-so secluded place, where aliens of all races were wandering around, shouting and shouting, which seemed to be a bazaar.

Valkyrie tugged at his collar, covered his neck, carried Banner through several alleys, pushed the door in, and headed underground.

Along the way, those people seemed to be a little afraid of Valkyrie, and when they passed, they only glanced at the person that Valkyrie was carrying, and Cody and Thor behind him, and avoided it.

Throwing Banner on the ground, Valkyrie took a bottle of wine from the fridge and drank it himself.

"What the hell are you doing?"

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