"Skye, my good daughter!"

Under Jiaying's gentle touch, Skye slowly woke up, shook her head uncomfortably, and threw away the hand that caressed the top of her head.

"Jiaying? What about my father?

"Your father, he has other business, has already left."

"What do you want to do? Let me go! Why do you two like to tie me up so much?

Skye broke free a few times, unsuccessfully, her hands and feet secured in a somewhat high-tech sleeping pod.

"This is also for your own good, if you damage this body, it will not be good!"

"What do you mean?"

Skye asked with a frown, her intuition telling her that it wasn't that simple!

Jiaying did not answer Skye, pressed a few buttons, the hatch of the sleeping capsule slowly closed, and at the same time, black mist began to emerge from the passage below.

"Hey! What the hell are you going to do? "

Feeling bad, Skye struggled up, but unfortunately it didn't help, Skye looked through the transparent hatch of the sleeping cabin and saw that Jiaying was also lying in the same cabin, and then, a black figure appeared from Jiaying's body, slowly solidifying into a person.

Skye was shocked in her heart, could it be that it was not Jiaying who had been in contact with her all this time, but this monster?

No wonder, one day, Jiaying's attitude towards her completely changed, at first, Skye thought that she was unwilling to return to the "afterlife", and did not agree with Jiaying's attitude towards the outside world and the concept of governing here, which made Jiaying dissatisfied.

Now it seems that from beginning to end, the Jiaying he came into contact with is completely two people.

The black hood slowly walked towards Skye

, "The body is young, the ability potential is endless, and the back is an organization that "can't kill", what an incomparably wonderful container!"

Skye listened, and only felt goosebumps rise!

The black hood did nothing to Skye, and after those black fogs wrapped Skye for a long time, he slowly retreated from the passage.

Then Skye saw that these black mist, through the pipe, merged into a huge jar, and then the black hood took out all the crystals and began the complex operation.

Skye didn't know what she was doing, but she knew that she must not stay here for long, and the man's words just now made Skye understand that her mother had become a shell, and if she couldn't escape in time, her fate would be the same as her mother!

Can...... What can I do?

I don't know how long it took, the black hood finally stood up again, and it was the terminal he put aside to send out a hurried communication request.

As soon as it was connected, a roar immediately came from the other side,

"Have you been playing with me all this time?" You said that the energy absorbed by that crystal is irreversible. Why now, Black Bolt's abilities are back! He's back in Attilan! The

roar was accompanied by an extremely harsh sound in the background, which even affected the signal transmission, pulling Maximus' roar into a staccato electric sound.

The black hood did not answer, just listened to Maximus's roar, and soon after, a slight huh sounded under the black hood, and then hung up.

The black hood returned to the workbench, and after a few hours, a white crystal appeared in the black hood's hand.

Nodded in satisfaction, opened the drawer, took out a container that seemed to be a bacteriophage, and put the white crystal in, and in that container, there were already many crystals of different colors, large and small.

"It's a pity! It's just that person's elemental ability! It's a little difficult to fuse~"

The black hood muttered, then closed the container, turned around, and walked towards Skye.

Seeing the black hood approaching, his heartbeat that was finally calm began to jump again.

"What an ignorant child! After wasting so much effort on your mother, if you had listened to her and returned here, maybe you would have been the next leader of the Inhumans. But also, without you, how could I easily control this place? I have to thank you! He

occupied Jiaying's body, and naturally, Jiaying's memory was also obtained by him.

Of course, what a waste of effort, the next leader of the Inhumans, is completely making up nonsense, in order to disturb Skye's mood.

But Skye naturally didn't know this, and the kind of words that carried psychic abilities successfully reminded Skye of how happy she was when she first found her parents, although in the later contact, Skye knew that she would never have a normal family. But the feeling of having a family for the first time will forever remain in Skye's heart, indelible.

At this moment, the black hood was still not enough, and spoke again

, "Actually, you just asked me where your father went, I should tell you, your father, dead?" I broke my internal organs and died of pain! Huh~"The

huge stimulus, under the influence of intentional psychic abilities, is infinitely amplified.

The black hood was overjoyed in his heart, quickly opened the hatch, and his body began to gradually become transparent.

It's about to succeed, this body with unlimited potential will soon be your own!

In the phage container, the white crystal glowed and the black hood got closer and closer.

Suddenly, the whole underground began to vibrate, and then, a scream came out of Skye's mouth, accompanied by an unparalleled shock wave, centered on the sleeping pod, and exploded.

The nearest black hood undoubtedly received the strongest attack, although most of the energy was blocked by the black hood, the crystal container in his hand shattered!

A layer of crystal on the outside was even directly shattered, and the concentrated energy inside continued to overflow.

In a hurry, the black hood could only quickly grab part of the crystal, retreat into the black space, and move to other places.

This is the most serious loss of control since Skye's ability appeared, and her consciousness has been completely blurred, and only the power of instinct is released.

Level 5 Level 6... Level 8... Level 10.

The huge shock wave reverberated throughout the "afterlife", as if the end of the world, and then this energy continued to destroy the space barrier, and when the barrier here was completely shattered, this energy would spread to the outside world.

At this moment, a yellow light enveloped Skye's body, taking her off the ground, and as she moved away from the ground, the earthquake gradually began to weaken.

A finger pressed to Skye's eyebrow

, "It's safe now, we'll take you home!"

The familiar voice or breath, coupled with the ability of yellow light, the shock wave on Skye's body was gradually controlled, and the ground was no longer affected, completely calming down.

Skye opened her eyes, and in front of her was a red and blue cyborg human,

"Mr. Vision?"

Looking to the rear, there are two Kun-type fighters suspended there.

"Let's go!"

Vision grabbed Skye, retracted the beam, and flew towards a fighter plane in the sky.

Seeing the two come in, a man came over with an anxious face, took Skye, and held her half-in his arms

, "Skye, are you okay?"

"Alright, Ward, I'm okay! It's true! With

so many people watching, and bosses like Coulson and May, Skye was a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, when we don't exist."

May patted Skye on the shoulder and walked away with everyone.

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