Put the last ability crystal in his hand on the table, and the black hood has purified all the Inhuman abilities he has mastered in his hands.

Except for some of the ones collected by those imitation masters in the outside world, the rest are all the abilities of the "afterlife", the ability of this alien villager.

With Jiaying's identity and the help of ability, Black Hood will not hinder anything here, but unfortunately, after he becomes Jiaying, everything he tells the villagers is a series of lies, as long as these villagers leave the "afterlife", then his lies will be completely debunked.

At the beginning, he conspired with Maximus to separate the Avengers, using the reason that humans knew the existence of the lunar Inhumans and were ready to seize the right to use

the moon, and the power of the Avengers was too strong, only to let them kill each other, and finally break them one by one to protect the safety of the moon.

Such a lame reason, I didn't expect that Maximus actually believed it, and it just so happened that Maximus had ambitions to plot the throne of Attilan , which made him, who took out the mutant Tyregen crystal, successfully reached a cooperation with Maximus.

It's a pity that only five of these mutated Tyregen crystals were made in the end, and the materials used were still from the original Mrs. Gao, the power of the contaminated Kunlun.

All of a sudden, the robot was destroyed.

Nowadays, the only two places that can get the power of Kunlun are Kunlun, and the other is the building in Manhattan that hides the keel.

Kunlun didn't want to go in, his first choice was the country where the Divine Spear Bureau was located, but that country had completed the registration bill for superhuman beings and special abilities more than ten years ago.

The first second he appeared, he was accurately identified by the Divine Spear Bureau and almost died on the way to Kunlun, and even if he got there, he didn't know how to find the entrance to Kunlun.

And the location of the relatively simple keel, in the operation to clean up Hydra, S.H.I.E.L.D. also collapsed, naturally, the building that had been guarded by S.H.I.E.L.D. lost security.

It's just that S.H.I.E.L.D. is gone, the Defenders Alliance is still there, and under the condition that he does not have a sure victory, he can only give up the keel for the sake of long-term layout.

At the same time, for the "afterlife", he used the reason that humans captured Inhumans and took Inhumans for biological experiments.

This lie, it is no problem to deceive these isolated people, but as long as they have the opportunity to go out and take a look, they can know that they have been deceived, because along with this lie, there is also the "truth" of the imminent end of the world.

The one that towers over the desert, the Terrigan Crystal Pyramid.

All along, the common sense of the Inhumans has told them that Terrigan crystals only grow in the moon.

But what they don't know is that the formation of the ancient moon is actually caused by the separation of special material layers on the surface of the earth, and after gravitational extrusion, it is captured by the earth and stays in orbit, which slowly forms the moon.

That special substance is also wrapped in the interior of the moon, which is why most of the Terrigan crystals can be found on the moon.

Wildfires burn endlessly, and the spring breeze blows again.

Millions of years have passed, and the location of many residual Terrigan crystal materials on the earth has also regrown new Terrigan crystals.

And that pyramid is all the remaining Terrigan crystals on the earth.

As a race created by the Celestial God Race, he had in his head an understanding of many substances in the universe that surpassed most people.

In the database of the gods, the secret of the Terrigan crystal has long passed, and as long as there are enough materials, he can make a natural Tyregen crystal by himself.

So using the residual Terrigan crystals to make a Tyrigen crystal pyramid is really not a difficult task.

What he needs now is to wait, there is still an opportunity, his eyes move to the screen, see a red dot on it, he knows that the opportunity he needs is coming!


"You let me go, hear no!"

After running all night, Skye slowly woke up on Dr. Hyde's back, saw his condition, and decisively began to struggle.

Her hands were still tied, and the restraint around her neck prevented her from releasing shockwaves, and ordinary little girls, in Mr. Hyde, did not pose any threat.

"Skye, don't be capricious!"

Hyde tightened the rope that bound him and Skye to prevent Skye from falling, and without paying attention to Skye's protests, jumped into the sea.

A few hours later, he stepped onto land and ran hundreds of kilometers again.

Finally, before the sky darkened again, Hyde reached a cliff.

The energy in the body is also almost exhausted.

Putting Skye off her back and looking, Skye had fallen asleep again, even if she was not affected the whole time, but this journey was not a comfortable thing.

After groping somewhere in the cliff, Mr. Hyde was a little confused.

At this time, a space suddenly opened in front of Mr. Hyde.

"What's going on? How did the entrance change?

"When you weren't there, a few rats came, so they were temporarily switched."

It was Jiaying who opened the door.

Hyde picked up Skye and stepped into the space door, and the cliff in front of him immediately turned into an endless paradise.

Suddenly, Mr. Hyde froze, then his body began to tremble, and his knees fell to the ground, but he remembered to protect Skye and put her on the ground.

Mr. Hyde turned his head incredulously, a bloody palm appeared in front of him, and Hyde said tremblingly

, "Jiaying, what are you doing?"

At this time, he had no energy and became Mr. Hyde like the Hulk again.

"Calvin, I said that all this is for the Inhumans, for our future."

"You... Skye! I beg you, don't hurt our daughter!

"How could it be, you also said, she is our daughter, as a mother, how can I hurt her?"

Jiaying smiled, but he shuddered a little when he looked at Hyde, and he regretted it very much now.

Come to think of it, Jiaying's words that prevented him from finding Skye were completely to retreat and pinch his psychology, because Jiaying knew very well his guilt and missed Skye.

The former Jiaying is not like this, and the woman in front of her who feels strange may not be Jiaying at all.

Mr. Hyde's vision gradually darkened, and before his consciousness completely disappeared, Mr. Hyde's hand, with the last bit of strength, damaged the limiter on Skye's neck, which he could finally do for his daughter!

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