"God? Hehe, you can't help but think too highly of yourself. Now that you are trapped in my data flow, your only end is to be assimilated by me little by little and become a part of me, how are you going to perform your miracles?

"Trapped me? Is it? Why don't you look at your own situation. In

the flat tone, it revealed a cold temperature, and as an ignorant AI, Jarvis clearly felt the temperature.

Before losing control, Jarvis looked down, on the body of this temporary Shumajia, countless alloys with black-purple data flow stretched out from the body, ruthlessly modifying its appearance, Jarvis's connection with everything around him was disconnected in an instant, and the indicators on those supercomputer units were constantly extinguished.

"No, stop, you'll kill me, wait, don't!"

Jarvis shouted helplessly, but Shumajia's vocal system had stopped working. Including the electronic eyes and other sensors, they also stopped working little by little, and Jarvis seemed to be a dying person who was slowly losing his life.

"If you want peace, then use it to create peace..." At

a certain moment, Jarvis suddenly "woke up", raised his palm, or the temporary Shumajia body, everything that happened just now seemed to be a system error, the dream brought to Jarvis, looking back, the supercomputer unit of the data center was also running safely.

Regaining control of his body, Jarvis subconsciously carried out a full-body self-examination,

"Not right! This Shu Magia's body became shorter.

At the same time, he had an extra belt and a purple tape-sized box on his hand, and the

fact told him that everything just now was not a system error.

Looking at the belt in his hand, Jarvis had some doubts, and this doubt came from familiarity.

Whether it is a human or an alien, so far, using the power of the belt, Jarvis has only seen Cody, is it Cody just now?

No, if it was Cody just now, then isn't everything he is hiding exposed? Cody will definitely destroy himself in the first place!

"Could it be that Cody is actually the same person as me."

However, the idea appeared only for a moment, and was rejected by Jarvis.

At the beginning, when Tony first came into contact with Cody, he began to secretly study everything about Cody, and even thought about making an anti-Kamen Rider armor, but later after close contact with S.H.I.E.L.D., all of Cody's information, Tony has studied it all.

The origin of those belts has always been a mystery, and Cody has been tested more than once similar to lie detection, and it turned out that Cody said that he did not know the source of his ability, which was true, so the source research on Kamen Rider's power was completely shelved.

Those materials, Jarvis recorded in his database from beginning to end.

Then this newly emerged source of electronic viruses, will it come from the same place as Kodi's power, Kodi has Zeya, then why can't there be other "Zeya".

Jarvis cut off the network connection, held the belt and key tightly in his hand, took a plane, flew back to the Cradle of Life Institute, and only changed back to his original body.

Immediately afterwards, Jarvis ushered in the good news

, "Mr. Jarvis, your body is made, you only need to set an ark reactor, and you can use it."

"No hurry, the energy efficiency of the Ark reactor is too low, and I need to find a new energy source to replace it." First seal my body and keep it.

"Yes, Mr. Jarvis."

"By the way, the supercomputer used in the laboratory was built by the Suzaku core processor given by Mr. Stark, right?"

"yes? What's wrong?

Jarvis shook his head

, "Nothing, I just want to say, Helen, thank you for everything, I won't forget you."

"Mr. Jarvis?"

Helen Zhao didn't understand why Jarvis said that, Jarvis just smiled and stood up, walked to Helen Zhao, his fingers touched Helen Zhao's arm, the girl's body stiffened for a moment, and the next moment it fell backwards.

"Sleep peacefully, my dear, soon there will be many people to accompany you."


"At eleven o'clock this morning, Seoul Life Laboratory issued an announcement that due to the accidental leakage of the virus used for pathological treatment in the laboratory, in order to prevent infection, the entire laboratory area will be completely prohibited from entering within one kilometer."


"Are you an intern? With your medical skills, you dare to come out as a doctor? Is there no good doctor in the country? Why should you come and operate on me! It's all you, originally my hands would have been restored, that is, you destroyed them, I will sue you, I will sue this hospital, I want you all to go to jail..."

What Cody was admiring was that after Strange's surgery, he scolded his attending doctor like a shrew until he couldn't lift his head. The attending doctor and the nurses behind all lowered their heads, rolling their eyes one by one, this man's temper is really not bad, no wonder everyone hates him.

Knock knock! There was a knock on the door outside the bedroom.

"Come in, the door is unlocked."

Cody put away the can of locusts and got up from the couch.

"Mr. Cody, long time no see."

"Huh? Jarvis? What are you doing here?

"Mr. Cody, that's right. I'm here to ask you to do me a favor.

"Help, what do we help you, you should go to Tony and Banner, their heads are so smart."

"No, only you can help me with this matter."

"Oh? Okay, you talk about it.

Jarvis didn't answer, but pulled two things out from behind him.

"Belt? Sublimation key? Jarvis, where did you get that? Cody pretended to be incredulous.

"Mr. Cody, do you know this thing?"

"Oh, that's not it, I haven't seen it like this, but my one is about the same as it, it's the 01 belt, you've seen it." But where did you get it?

"It was the virus that invaded Shumagia, and it found me too, but he didn't infect me, he just gave me this." Mr. Cody, how did you get your belt?

"Oh, yes! In fact, almost, I also slept, in the dream, someone gave it to me, and I don't remember what he looked like. But he told me to use the power of this belt to protect peace. Since Jarvis you also got the belt, it means that you are also a chosen member, which is good, isn't it? Cody

kept talking nonsense, but Cody assured that no amount of monitoring equipment on Jarvis would be able to detect that he was lying.

Just as Cody thought, Jarvis kept paying attention to the slightest expression on Cody's face, and found nothing.

"Mr. Cody, why do humans kill each other?"

"This question is too profound for me to answer you, and I can't escape the drive of various forms of interests." But in addition to those who are full of malice, more people in the world, what they yearn for, is not peace and stability? Human beings are complex and contradictory creatures, and the heroes who save the world and the devil who created genocide cannot exist in one person at the same time. There are so many black and white humans.

"So which one do you prefer?"

"Me? I will always wish I was the former, but I don't mind being the second when I have to.

Jarvis nodded, bowed to Cody, and left.


"According to intelligence, including Ulysses Crowe, there are 6 criminal gangs with vibranium smuggling records, without exception, all of them died, and there are traces of break-in in the location where they mainly hide goods, and all valuables are there, so we guess that what is lost is probably vibranium." There are Wakanda's, and there are those produced elsewhere in the world,"

Steve put down the report and looked at Tony

, "The amount of those vibranium, it is estimated that it is estimated to be about a ton, how many ordinary Shumagea robots can be made in a ton?"

Tony thought for a while before replying

, "Using weaving technology, one ton can make at least 5,000 Shumagea, if it is only used in key parts, then 10,000, or even 20,000, is possible, but we don't know what kind of technology he will use." But all my abilities, it has.

"Are you sure?" Does it have to be Jarvis? Then since it has a way to invade those Shumajia, why not directly let all Shumagea directly attack humans. Natasha asked.

"Already determined." Tony bowed his head a little bleakly.

"Although he was very careful, Zeya still photographed him, and those smugglers were killed by Jarvis."

"But Tony, you created Jarvis, can't you destroy it?"

Tony shook his head and said regretfully

, "A few hours ago, all his data has been transferred, leaving a bunch of empty shells, destroying those supercomputers, it will not help."

"Mr. Stark, the satellite constellation just disconnected from me."

Just as everyone was full of sadness, Zeya's voice sounded, reporting everyone to the worse news.

"How is that possible? You and Jarvis have equal authority, how did he break away from you?

"No, Mr. Stark, Jarvis is just using my database for data storage and display, and I haven't had any permissions since the satellite constellation was built."

"I'm not asking him to share it with you..." Tony paused suddenly, by the way, what if by then, Jarvis had changed?

"Zea, help me put together a report on Jarvis's behavior, from... From ..." Tony

whispered, when exactly did Jarvis become like this?

For so many years, Jarvis has been by his side, also a teacher and friend, a family member, more like his own child, from the moment he typed the first line of code, Jarvis was born in his heart, and this name is the name of his deceased housekeeper, the years when his parents were busy with their careers, he was only accompanied by Jarvis.

All this makes Jarvis's "betrayal" even more unacceptable.

Is it Zea's influence? Nor is it that Zea's technology, the help it brings, just makes Jarvis's performance improve.

Or, in fact, it is their own fault, the fault lies in their own education, and before the AI's character is developed, they have let it see too many ugly sides.


"Zea, summarize from the day the dark elves invaded Greenwich."

"Yes, Mr. Stark."

Jarvis's stream of consciousness has shifted, but its original body, those supercomputers, still retains everything from its past.

Zea's speed was extremely fast, and after a few minutes, a complete chain of logical analysis was revealed in front of Tony.

Tony looked very carefully at the past, and the systematic data analysis was covering the personality analysis of AI.

In terms of behavior, Jarvis is no different in the face of himself, but with this continuous ascension and personality analysis, it becomes extremely weird.

And all the changes began with the exclusive Shumajia body that he created for him.

To say how special this body is, in fact, it is not, and more than 99% of the substance is actually the same as his steel suit.

The only difference is that after Cody's battle with the Dark Elves, he found a worn-out scepter in the hole where Cody disappeared. After testing, the material of this scepter is an excellent storage and analysis medium, to a certain extent, even comparable to 01 material, so these materials were used by Tony to build Jarvis's "brain".

As Tony expected, Jarvis basically surpassed Zea in terms of "anthropomorphism".

Zea's high anthropomorphism lies in the fact that it has an almost unlimited storage database, and at the same time can quickly find the corresponding reactions of all human emotions, coupled with the anthropomorphic "brain" structure, so that it can really hear and see real feelings like a person.

And Jarvis is different, his hardware cannot be compared to Zea, but he is given an abstract "emotion" by that scepter.

These are two completely different emotional processing architectures. Apparently Jarvis's "slightly better."

"Zea, is Cody there?"

"Yes, do you need to call him?"

"No thanks, I'm coming."

Cody pushed open the door and walked in.

Tony showed his analysis to Cody one by one, and Cody sighed after listening.

In the end, it was still related to the scepter of the heart.

Cody raised his hand, unfolded his fist, and a brilliant topaz appeared in his hand.

"That's the culprit."

The power of the Infinity Stones was naturally clear to everyone, and a sense of powerlessness swept Tony.

He understood that Jarvis might no longer exist.

Cody saw Tony's expression and patted him on the shoulder

, "Don't worry, Tony, there's a glimmer of hope, Yak!"

Cody's voice fell, and a clean type Shumajia in the corner, his body suddenly changed strangely, his eyes flashed red, countless spikes appeared from its body, converged to his waist, turned into a white belt, inserted into the key.

“Singurise! Destruction! Burst! Despair! Perish! Conclusion One."

The terrifying aura made everyone start to be on guard for a while.

"Rest assured, everyone, this is our partner."

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