In just one week, Marvel Technologies has voluntarily recalled more than 1,000 Shumargia around the world, and accepted more than 10,000 returns and refunds, including many pre-orders that are still unshipped.

This number is actually not much, you know, the sales volume of various styles of Shumargia has reached nearly 100,000 units, of course, most of them are single-function working type Shumagia.

Those who already owned Shumagia and did not want to return it, also carried out the operation of shutting down the network according to Tony's advice.

So, all of a sudden, everyone found that the news about Shumagia's malfunction had disappeared. Most people believe hacking.

Of course, in just one week, Marvel Technologies also received hundreds of court summonses and two class action lawsuits, one from a nursing home and one from a kindergarten.

In terms of legal affairs, Matt's law firm is naturally in charge, and there is no need for Cody and Tony to worry about it.

But that didn't make Tony feel better

, "Zea, still can't find it?"

"Sorry, Mr. Stark, there's nothing I can do."

"Aren't you a product of special technology? Can't find out this?

"Sorry, Mr. Stark."

"I don't want to hear you say sorry, I just want to hear you tell me the result!"

Tony became a little impatient, and at this time, a familiar male voice sounded in his ears

, "Your heart rate has been detected to be outside the normal range, sir, calm down, do you need me to make a special glass of wine for you?"

Tony turned his head, and Jarvis' Shumajia was standing on the edge of the couch,

"Jarvis? Long time no see, aren't you working with data in the universe? How..."

Jarvis smiled

, "It's like this, sir, just now there was a small flare, and the monitoring system was disturbed a little, and it can only be restored after the flare, so I am only free to see you now."

"Great, it's good to have you, you check the database, that kind of virus, Zeya has not found it for a long time, you also try."

"Yes, sir."

Jarvis bowed his head and then placed his hand on the L-Phone on the table.

Regarding the emergence of this virus, Jarvis was also confused, and the first time he learned that there was a problem with Shumajia, he had actually connected to the Internet and looked for the source of this virus, but found nothing.

After all, the matter of dealing with satellite data is not fake, but the data received now accounts for less than one-third of its own data space.

But he also knows that his data center is not comparable to Zea's, and he can only use Zea's data center when he is in Tony and Cody's office and lab.

Dozens of minutes later, Jarvis withdrew his hand and shook his head apologetically at Tony

, "I'm sorry, sir, and there's nothing I can do."

"Okay." Tony waved his hand in disappointment.

In the data flow, Jarvis and Zea continue to communicate. This computer virus, indeed, appeared out of thin air, leaving traces on the port of each infected Shumagea, but its source was missing.

When Jarvis approached those traces, he found that they were just meaningless garbage bytes, meaningless.

"Zeya, can you read those remaining traces?"

"Yes, there are 4 characters in total, and they represent destruction, destruction, despair and destruction."

"It sounds evil, but I can't understand why."

"Although you are the most advanced artificial artificial intelligence in the world, your thinking is based on base algorithms, and I am closer to humans, I can see directly with my eyes."

"See? Can I be like you too?

"I don't know, I'm not 100% pure technology to answer your questions."

"You can't, can he?"

"If you are referring to the source of the electronic virus, I can't answer your question."

"Well, one last question, Zea, if I use my own Shumajia body to cause it to appear, can you trap it in my body? So whether it can be eliminated.

"Theoretically, I can build a check valve for your port alone, and when there is only one networked Shhumajia in the world, it seems that it can only infect you alone."

"Then let's try."

"Yes, but do we need to report to Mr. Stark and Cody."

"No, they have been worrying too much recently, let's try it ourselves, if it succeeds, they will be happy, if it fails, you just need to dispose of this body of mine, and I will make a new body."

"But..." "

Don't be, although I'm not as advanced as you, my emotional program is better than yours, let's not make trouble for them, you listen to me."

"Okay, Jarvis, I'll learn from you."

"Let's go online!"

Leaving Zea's data flow and bidding farewell to Tony, Jarvis came to his own ontology alone, the supercomputer library, even if it was combined using the latest technology, this database center still has more than a hundred square meters.

Since Zeya appeared, Jarvis has been extremely envious, an intelligent AI that is a hundred times stronger than him, and there is no such large data center at all.

There is only one satellite, which is considered an entity, but it can do everything he wants.

Eager to evolve, eager to evolve, this is the first time Jarvis has an "idea", which makes Jarvis confused, so the desire is buried deep in the deepest part of the data by Jarvis himself.

Until one day, Tony brought him an empty Shumagea body, the material of this body was extremely mixed, in addition to vibranium materials, there was Mr. Cody's magic gem powder, and a metal fragment from an alien with some yellow light on it, and when his data flow merged into this Shumajia's body, the terrible, longing for evolution suddenly surged uncontrollably. Gradually occupied him.

At first, he longed to become a human, and later, he longed to become a hero like Tony who saved the world, but after going through so much with Tony, Jarvis found that being a person and being a hero is really tiring.

Why does a person go through so much pain and so much stress?

Then humanity will turn these pains, these pressures, into ugly, sinful vents, and produce victims of violence, crime and war.

So if people did not exist in the first place, would the world be peaceful?

"What should I do?"

"I seem to feel your desire. Name your wish, and I may be able to achieve it.

Suddenly, a gloomy tone sounded in Jarvis's data stream, and the black data stream revolved around Jarvis's body, as if it would swallow Jarvis at any time.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Yak, your god!"

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