A few hours later, more than a dozen countries, including the peninsula countries, sent distress signals to the international community, and at the same time, the spread of the news also caused the remaining Sokovians to be subjected to unprecedented hate attacks and even forcibly restricted.

On the other hand, the Divine Spear Bureau quickly unfolded in an orderly manner, codenamed "Ganlin Plan".

Just wait for the last Sokovians to enter and the incident will be perfectly resolved.

Those spores that spread and erupted were all shot down by raindrops, collected by some special abilities, and then sent to the nearest base of the Divine Spear Bureau for research.

Soon, the true appearance of these spores was announced to the world through the official media.

It is more appropriate to say that they are actually bugs like mushroom spores rather than mushroom spores.

Wings, mouthparts, legs, and bee-like poison needles are clearly visible under the microscope.

They are just trapped by raindrops and water, there is no death or even damage, and they are still transmissible.

At the same time, the terrible effects of these spores on minors were highlighted, and successive children of the Fisokovians developed animal characteristics while showing terrible bloodthirst and aggression.

Receiving the news, the atmosphere inside the Divine Spear Bureau became more serious. Although the source of this news is the peninsula countries, think about the terrible consequences that will occur here in a place with such a large population base.

"Didi..." A

communication message came from the bracelet, seeing that it was Morbius, Cody immediately connected, every time he called, there would be some good news. Sure enough, Morbius's excited voice came from the phone

, "Cody, something interesting has happened, do you want to come back and take a look."

"Dr. Morbius, you better just say that in a moment, I will leave for the hardest-hit area."

"Okay, then I'll make a long story short, when you come back, I'll tell you about it if you're interested, you know there's a plant called wormwood, right?"

"Of course I know that."

"Well, the volatile aromatic oil extracted from it can reverse the unformed mutation. Of course, to concentrate.

"You mean that as long as wormwood extract is given to those unmutated Sokovians, they won't mutate anymore?"

"Yes, the transformation of somatic cells into that sporozoitis requires a process, as long as the last cell is not mutated, in theory, it is feasible."

"Morbius, this news is so timely, if the next Nobel Prize in Medicine is not awarded to you, I will protest."

"Haha, don't, I didn't find it, I'm still studying your Demon Emperor Power blood, it's the Blade Warrior and the Evil Spirit Knight, they only found it by chance when they were looking for those vampires' trouble."

"Well, okay, I see, their credit, I won't forget."

Hanging up the phone, Zheng Xian on the side came forward. Cody did not shy away from himself, so he heard the content of the call clearly.

"Really, does it work?"

"Is there any effect, try it to find out?"

Ten minutes later, a steady stream of wormwood was sent to the base laboratory, and at the same time, the news was also transmitted to the affected countries for the first time.

Half an hour later, the spaceship of the Divine Spear Bureau, in the official name, was full of Shumajia to various countries, and each Shumajia was simply modified and carried a huge amount of concentrated aromatic oil.

It is also very helpless to say, wormwood is not widely distributed in every country, and some countries are okay, and plants with the same composition can be found as an alternative.

However, some countries, obviously widely planted and economically developed, do not have the relevant extraction technology and equipment.

In the Sokovia settlement, everyone became panicked, and they didn't know how they suddenly became the object of everyone's fear.

At this time, a column of Shumajia robots suddenly broke into their temporary community and raised something similar to a firearm in their hands.

Screams emanated from the crowd, men and women immediately protected the children behind them, and one man asked hoarsely,

"What did we do wrong?" Those things are not our doing, why do you have to kill us, regardless of right and wrong? "

More people, picking up debris from the ground, put on a guarded posture, they also know in their hearts that if the other party uses a gun, they will only have one way to die, but if they don't resist, how can they be willing."

At this time, at the back of the crowd, a woman came out, she was wearing a white coat, and she looked extremely gentle and beautiful.

"Hello everyone, my name is Helen Zhao, I am a medical doctor, I believe you have also seen what is happening in the world on TV.

While you were under the control of the terrorist who claimed to be supreme evolutionary, he somehow made all Sokovians biogenetically modified, and if you were not treated, you would become like them.

Especially your children, do you want them to become monsters like that and be killed?

Rest assured, no one will be injured today, and I am here to solve this matter.

These Shumajia have only an airbrush in their hands, and inside are reversal potions, if you don't believe it, I can test it for you.

After saying that, without waiting for the reaction of the Sokovians on the other side, Helen Zhao signaled, a Shumajia raised the spray gun in his hand, quickly sprayed on Helen Zhao's forehead, back of neck, and wrist, waited a few seconds, and then sprayed a white foam-like neutralizer on the position just now.

Except for the skin being concentrated with oil and slightly burning, Helen Zhao was completely fine.

The same thing, all over the world, through a few highly respected people, also allowed the situation outside the danger zone to be quickly brought under control.

And the rest is left to Cody.

The infinite avatar of the insect line group was staged again, through the portal, and came to all parts of the world, of course, just borrowed its avatar ability, and the real changed form was KIVA.

Hundreds of Kivat III around the world, playing the tatsulot whistle at the same time, Kodi for the first time, showed the true power of the Demon Emperor. The chains of the whole body fell off, gold covered Cody's body, and the red blood-like cloak was windless and automatic, centered on Cody, and the power of the Demon Emperor poured out.

At the same time, Cody's figure disappeared in place, shuttling between mutants at great speed, each time accurately, cutting a person's neck, of course, avoiding all the key points.

In order to let a trace of the power of the demon emperor enter the body of the mutated person. Just a trace of the power of the Demon Emperor is enough.

When the last mutant falls to the ground and sleeps deeply, all of Cody's doppelgangers disappear completely, including his own body.

In this way, in front of everyone's eyes, it turned into a point of light and disappeared into the world.

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