"Poison is possible, highly toxic organisms are not uncommon, radiation, it seems unlikely, at most evolve the discharge ability of electric rays or electric eels, animal abilities are also limited."

At this time, Cody felt that the bracelet suddenly vibrated regularly, which meant that Zeya's analysis system had found something in the past data.

After a quick glance through brain waves, Cody couldn't help but cry bitterly, this supreme evolution, there are really many tricks.

Touching his wrist, taking out the bracelet hidden under Kamen Rider's armor and placing it on the table, Cody changed his words and said,

"I once secretly photographed the experimental process of Supreme Evolution."

Saying that, Cody found out that the whole process of Supreme Evolution doing human experiments was captured through the rocket's prosthetic eyeball at that time.

"We all thought it was just a record of the failure of the Supreme Evolution experiment until I saw this."

Cody maximizes the two images of the video, one focused on the pool of minced meat on the ground, and the other on the tongue of the other half-failed product.

After Zeya's algorithm processing, this enlarged picture is extremely clear, and everyone can clearly see the information expressed in the picture.

"Some kind of mushroom?" Facing the screen, the small dot that can make dense phobia die on the spot couldn't help scratching his arm.

Cody nodded

, "That's right, but to be precise, its name is Tricholoma macrosporaria, and I remember that Sichuan and Chongqing have this fungus produced here." Whatever Supreme Evolution tried to spread, this fungus is one of the most suitable varieties.

However, I was surprised that he could actually fuse humans and fungi.

"But the video shows that after he failed, didn't he destroy both experiments?"

"No, he is not all the time, he is under our surveillance, you look at these few."

Cody brought up a few photos again, these photos are of the criminals who were arrested for violent incidents, Cody zoomed in on the pictures, these people's tongues, or ears, or hair, and even their bodies, have a large area of black and gray, and when they zoom in, they can see that they are patches of fungi. They are several times smaller on the human body than on the ground.

Seeing this, the developer, who had been listening silently on the side, also enlarged the image on the wall and began to search, but the necks or faces of those people were clean.

The range continued to expand to all incoming Sokovians, and finally on the back of one person's neck, a trace of suspected fungi was found.

"It seems that we don't have to be busy."

At this moment, a Shumajia's suddenly emitted a crisp female voice.

"It's the voice of the Weather Witch." Wan Zhongxia explained in a low voice.

"So, these sitting Shumajia here are the leaders of your various bases? Video conferencing? "


It turns out that Shumajia can also be used as a puppet stand-in? Learned!

As the weather witch spoke, Shumajia, who represented her, released an image.

The location where this video was filmed was in the peninsula country next door, after all, such a big picture of a spicy cabbage was placed there.

The video was filmed half an hour ago, this seems to be the scene of a church activity, the peninsulars of the church, delivering vegetables to the Sokovians they received, no wonder there is such a big spicy cabbage, but the spicy cabbage jar is only the size of a slap, but pickles, normal people who will eat, those Sokovians did not show embarrassed expressions.

Halfway through the event, when everyone arrived, suddenly from that direction, a man dressed as a refugee ran out, and he quickly ran onto the middle platform and knocked over all the spicy cabbage jars. Then untie the wide clothes unceremoniously in front of everyone.

But suddenly, there was a scream in the crowd, and then everyone began to scatter, but on the path they fled, there was also a Sokovyan man in a wide coat.

The reason why everyone screamed was because the skin of those two people actually began to fall off inch by inch, and the skin that fell off turned into particles on the ground and fell on everyone here with the wind.

Within seconds, the affected Sokovians, after a moment of struggling on the ground, stood up and scattered.

And the ordinary people present, on their bodies, there are patches of mushroom colonies and begin to grow rapidly, which is to treat ordinary people as a nutrient supply point.

Now, there is enough evidence to suggest that the guess worked.

After watching the video, the heads of the other Shumajia also turned in the direction of Zheng Xian, waiting for his next instructions.

"Weather witch, how big is the scope of influence of your ability?"

"Two provinces and cities!"

"Well, Wanzhong, you go to the five most densely populated cities and summon the ability of the Weather Witch."

Zheng Xian's voice fell, and all the heroes began to split, from one person to five.

This is what Wan Zhongxia originally looked like, he was actually transformed by the five brothers together.

Each of them can merge at will, and when they are separated, they can also use the combined abilities to a certain extent.

Then Zheng Xian clicked a few buttons on the conference table, and his voice resounded in all the bases with entry quotas, and he summoned all the agents who had the ability to control water and even rainfall.

The principle is simple, when they immediately start spreading the spores, let it rain in the sky and make sure that those spores cannot float in the air.

Simple and crude, but effective.

At the same time, the customs also received orders from higher authorities to quickly release the Sokovians and ensure their appearance in the open air as soon as possible to facilitate the effectiveness of the actual operation.

The video sent by the weather witch is not over, when those bacteria completely suck the human body dry, they have matured, the process is only a short ten minutes, a dry corpse is born, after the fungus matures, they also begin to spray spores in place.

And what about the Sokovians who left?

The xenogenes in their bodies are activated, and they also become the source of the spread of spores, and they are moving in the direction of those Sokovian refugees who did not come today.

Half an hour, a realistic version of the trip to Busan was staged.

Bad news followed, and Cody received similar news from the rest of the world through Zea, and politicians in those countries panicked.

But everything was a little late.

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