Journey to the witch world

Chapter 979 Quetzalcoatl Yanelas

And, Enzo’s choices don’t stop there.

On the same spot, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and suddenly he took out a blue crystal from nowhere and floated in mid-air.

"Come out, giant snake Yanelas!"

Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and fine cracks appeared on the blue crystal in front of him after absorbing the magic power he released.


In a moment, the blue crystal cracked, and a small snake as thick as a finger emerged from it, looking very childish.

However, this little snake gave off a strange aura.

"Am I finally...resurrected?"

The little blue snake uttered human words, with a trace of confusion shining in its vertical pupils, feeling the rules of the world around it, and murmured.

"Where is this?"

"Have you left the spirit world?"

"This is the wizarding world." Enzo replied quietly.

"It turns out to be you, kind lord."

Only then did the little snake notice Enzo and quickly expressed his thanks, but then asked: "Wizard World, I seem to have heard of this plane."

The luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

The name of the little snake in front of him is Yanilas. It is a creature that Enzo saved when he encountered a natural disaster in the spiritual world. The snake originally had the realm of a fourth-level life form, but due to the natural disaster, his body and soul had long been destroyed.

If Enzo hadn't taken away the other party's crystal core, I'm afraid Yanelas would no longer exist in the universe.

From the other party's words, Enzo could infer that this little snake came from an indigenous world. The other party didn't even understand the wizarding world. It might have been drawn into the spiritual world just because of an accident, which was exactly what Enzo wanted. Zuo's needs.

"Don't worry, it's safe here."

Enzo spoke silently and said, "The wizarding world is different from the spiritual world. Even the weakest creatures can survive here."

"After experiencing that natural disaster, your body and soul have been destroyed."

"So to get back to where you were in your heyday, it's going to take you a long time to recover."

"I know."

There was a hint of depression in Yanelas' tone as she murmured, "The spiritual world is too terrifying, even a god like me cannot survive."

"After the destruction of my physical body, I am probably not even comparable to a demigod now."

At this time, a trace of hesitation flashed through Yanelas's eyes, and she said, "Sir, thank you for your help, but I don't know how I should call you?"

Yanelas's attitude was very respectful.

This is not only because of Enzo's life-saving grace, but also because Yanelas can feel the powerful power of Enzo.

"You can just call me Enzo." Enzo said softly.

"Okay, Lord Enzo."

There was a hint of flattery in Yanilas' tone, and she said, ": Yanilas will definitely find a way to repay you for your life-saving grace, but now, if there is a chance, can you please help me return to the Snake Claw World, so that I can Only then can we return to our former state.”

"Snake Claw World?"

Enzo's heart moved and he asked, "Is this the world you live in?"


A trace of pride flashed through Yanelas' vertical eyes, and she said, "I was once one of the masters of the Snake Claw World, where I had a supreme status."

"Thousands of snake tribes worship me!"

"Except for the Black Snake God and the White Snake God, I am the greatest existence!"

Yanilas's voice was filled with the pride of a low-level god. Before understanding the vastness of the multiverse, Yanilas, as a frog in the well, always believed in one thing, that is, the world she lived in was extremely great.

And as a god, I will also be a unique existence.

However, she did not know that the vastness of the multiverse was far beyond her imagination. The number of fourth-level life forms was as many as stars. The birth and destruction of the world were as ordinary as the sunrise and sunset. There was nothing to be proud of. .

"Do you want to return to the world of Snake Claws?" Enzo asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, Lord Enzo."

Yanelas nodded and replied, "The world of Snake Claw is the mother's nest that gave birth to me. Although it is not as vast as the spiritual world, it is absolutely the same."

"As long as I return to the world of Snake Claw, my power will be restored quickly!"

After hearing Yanelas' words, a trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face.

"Are you the only god in the Snake Claw world?"

After a while, Enzo asked. He automatically ignored what Yanilas said about the so-called snake claw world being almost as vast as the spirit world.

For an indigenous god, he can only see one third of his own land.

Therefore, Yanelas simply did not understand how small her plane was compared to the vast universe and the mysterious spiritual world.

According to Enzo's guess, if nothing unexpected happens, the so-called Snake Claw World should be about the same size as the Forest World and the War Ghost World.


Yanelas shook her head and said, "There are three gods born in the world of Snake Claw, and I am only one of them."

"The snake clan calls me: Quetzalcoatl!"

"Three indigenous gods?"

A trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face. The number of gods that a small world can breed is limited. Although three is not the limit, it is about the same. Perhaps it is because the world has dispersed its power that the Quetzalcoatl God Yanelas is so weak. .

"When you return to the world of Snake Claw, will the other two gods welcome you?" Enzo asked again.

Hearing this, Yanelas fell silent.

Just like all different world planes, the indigenous gods are always in a competitive relationship in order to compete for resources. Just like the original God of Disaster and the God of War Ghosts, both sides will try their best to seize everything from the other.

"No! They won't welcome me."

There was a hint of coldness in the voice of Quetzalcoatl God Yanilas, "Neither the Black Snake God nor the White Snake God are my friends. They have wanted to bewitch my believers many years ago. The reason why I fell into the spirit world in the first place In the world, maybe it’s their conspiracy too!”

Thinking of this, Quetzalcoatl God Yanelas' eyes flashed with anger.

Obviously, there were many things that happened to cause Quetzalcoatl Yanelas to fall into the spirit world. The so-called black and white snake god was not friendly with Quetzalcoatl.

"In this case, do you still plan to return to the Snake Claw World?"

A slight smile appeared on Enzo's face, and he said, "In other words, after returning to the Snake Claw World, will the Black Snake God and the White Snake God accommodate your existence?"

Quetzalcoatl God Yanilas suddenly fell into silence.

After a while, she raised her head with difficulty and said, "But... I have to go back! My people are still waiting for me."

Enzo shook his head and immediately stopped talking nonsense.

"I can help you return to the world of Snake Claw."

Enzo looked calm and said in a deep voice: "And, I will help you deal with the Black Snake God and the White Snake God, so that you can become the only god in the Snake Claw World."

“But again, it doesn’t come without a price!”

A glimmer of light flashed in the vertical pupils of Quetzalcoatl God Yanelas.

"Lord Enzo, are you willing to help me?"

There was a trace of eagerness in the voice of Quetzalcoatl Yanilas. Although she did not know Enzo's specific strength, since the other party could withstand the attacks of natural disasters in the spiritual world, it meant that the other party was at least stronger than herself, and even black and white. To the extent of a snake god.

If there is the help of such a strong person, Quetzalcoatl's plan to return to the world of Snake Claws will be much smoother.

Moreover, the opponent just expressed his willingness to help his opponent, the Black and White Snake God. If he can really get rid of those two enemies, Quetzalcoatl will become the only god in the Snake Claw World, and from then on he will enjoy the resources of the entire world and the worship of all his tribesmen.

"Of course, I won't help you in vain."

Enzo spoke again and said softly: "In our wizarding world, there has always been the principle of equal exchange. If you want to exchange for my help, you must give something."

"What do you want me to give?"

A trace of hesitation flashed in the eyes of Quetzalcoatl God Yanelas, and she said, "If you help me return to the Snake Claw World, I can give you half of my territory."

"How about this?"

Enzo sneered when he heard the conditions of Quetzalcoatl Yanelas.

The frog in the well is the frog in the well. He doesn't understand Enzo's thoughts at all. Half of the territory is worthless to Enzo.

"not enough."

Enzo shook his head calmly and said softly: "When I was in the spirit world, I saved your life, and now, I plan to help you become the only god in the Snake Claw World. Do you really think that ordinary people The territory will repay my kindness."


Quetzalcoatl God Yanelas hesitated for a moment, then gritted her teeth and said, "Master Enzo, if you have any requests, please make them directly."

"Anyway, you saved my life."

"Without you, I would have died in the spirit world long ago, and there would be no Quetzalcoatl in the world. Maybe everything about me should belong to you."

After hearing Yanelas' words, Enzo nodded with satisfaction.

"very good."

Enzo looked at Yanelas and said, "If you have any questions, I'll get straight to the point. I'll help you become the only god in the world of Snake Claws!"

"As for the conditions, I will become the ruler of the Snake Claw world."

"The Master?"

Quetzalcoatl god Yanelas was a little confused and asked, "I'm sorry, Lord Enzo, I don't understand what the master means."

"It's okay, you don't need to understand."

Enzo shook his head and said quietly, "You just need to act according to my words. Your life already belongs to me anyway."

"Yes, Lord Enzo."

This time, Quetzalcoatl God Yanilas did not refuse. When she was in the spirit world, if Enzo had not saved her, Yanelas would have completely fallen. She would have no chance to talk to Enzo, so she left her There is nothing wrong with leaving everything to Enzo.

"When will I return to the Snake Claw World?" Yanelas asked again.

"No need to rush this."

Enzo shook his head and said, "You are still too weak now. Even if you return to the snake claw world, you will probably be devoured by the black and white snake gods."

"So, in the next heretical time, you should try your best to recover yourself."

With that said, Enzo waved his hand.

The endless magic power was like half of the sea water, poured into the body of the Quetzalcoatl God Yanilas. The opponent's soul fire, which was originally extremely weak and seemed to be extinguished, also burned at this moment. In an instant, the feathered snake god Yanelas was as thin as a finger. , it has turned into a giant snake.

"This power!!!"

Yanilas' eyes were filled with shock, and after absorbing the magic released by Enzo, she felt that her strength was recovering at a terrifying speed.

In a moment, Yanelas began to transform.

The snakeskin on his body fell off layer by layer, as if the evolution that originally took millions of years was completed quickly at this moment. Not long after, the Quetzalcoatl God Yanelas had become a strange giant with a pair of wings. snake.

"Thank you again for your help, Lord Enzo."

Quetzalcoatl God Yanelas said with excitement, "I feel better than ever right now. Maybe I can recover everything immediately after returning to the world of Snake Claws."

"Not in a hurry."

Enzo shook his head and said quietly, "It is not difficult for me to restore you to the realm of a true god."

"But there's no point in doing that."

"Okay, you should take a rest first. The power I gave you also needs a process of absorption."

While speaking, Enzo waved again.

Quetzalcoatl goddess Yanilas disappeared from the spot and was thrown into the energy pool of the tower by Enzo, where Yanelas will recover better until she meets Enzo's needs.

After experiencing a natural disaster in the spiritual world, the giant snake Yanelas has been destroyed.

Enzo retained a part of it and was reborn. After breaking out of the shell, he was about the level of a third-level life form, but it was only very weak, as if he might die at any time.

Under the baptism of magic power, Quetzalcoatl God Yanelas quickly recovered.

It would be a piece of cake for Enzo to make her become a fourth-level indigenous god again, but Enzo did not do that.

Therefore, today's Quetzalcoatl is already a pawn for Enzo to conquer the world of Snake Claws.

If she were allowed to break through to the fourth level in the Wizarding World, her return to the Snake Claw World might be unexpected due to the rejection of the Snake Claw World's rules.

Therefore, Enzo planned to restore Quetzalcoatl's realm to the peak of the third level first.

After Enzo sends her back to the world of Snake Claws, he will break through to the fourth level in one fell swoop. Using this method, she will definitely be able to reintegrate into the world of Snake Claws.

And in that world, Enzo's layout has just begun.

As long as she makes good use of Quetzalcoatl's local advantages and adds her own support, it shouldn't be difficult for Yanelas to defeat the black and white snake god.

The final result is that Quetzalcoatl becomes the only god in the Snake Claw World.

And Enzo will also gain a new world.

"Snake Claw World!"

The luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. Since entering the realm of fifth-level life forms, his ability to seize the world seems to have been improved.

At this rate, there seems to be no problem in advancing to the sixth level.

However, Enzo knew very well that for a fifth-level conqueror wizard to advance to sixth level, having thirty planes was only one of the basic conditions.

If you want to really take that step, you still need a lot of arrangements.

"Next, let's continue!"

On the same spot, Enzo took a deep breath. After this journey to the spiritual world, his inner ambition grew more and more, and his pursuit of strength and truth also increased.

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