Journey to the witch world

Chapter 978 The Power of Death

Compared with the black light world, the Mayan world may be more difficult for Enzo.

Although the indigenous god in the Mayan world is only a fourth-level life form, there is definitely a big gap in strength compared to Shaugonar in the black light world.

But behind the Mayan world, there is the alliance of all realms as support.

Therefore, Enzo cannot directly conquer the Mayan world with strong means. Once he takes action, he will be hit by the alliance of the worlds.

This is also the reason why Enzo did not attack the Mayan world after the Five Worlds Expedition.

"Is this all you have?"

In mid-air, a trace of disappointment appeared on Enzo's face. The strength of the Black Light God Xia Ugonar seemed to be much weaker than he imagined.

Therefore, this battle became boring.

"Forget it, let's end it."

Enzo shook his head slightly, a coldness flashed in his eyes. In order to conquer the black light world, hundreds of millions of evil ghost soldiers died tragically in this world. At that time, Enzo had no chance of revenge. Now that he has come to the black light world, he will naturally not forget it. this matter.

"The power of holy light!"

In mid-air, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and a ball of light spread out from his body, exploding towards the entire black light world.

That is the power of the light seal world.

Under normal circumstances, Enzo rarely used this power, because the Light Seal World originally belonged to the Lord of Light, the ruler of the Great Temple World. If he used this power rashly, he might be noticed by the King of Light. Although the Light Seal World It already belongs to Enzo, but the King of Light and the Church may not make a comeback.

After all, the King of Light is a seventh-level life form.

If Enzo is really targeted by such a being, nothing good will happen, so he rarely uses the power of the Light Seal World in battle.

Now, Enzo has controlled eighteen worlds.

The goal of hitting the sixth level is getting closer and closer, and Enzo naturally does not need to be as cautious as before. Now facing Shaugonar in the black light world, the power of the light seal world seems to be the most suitable thing.

Immediately, Enzo's eyes flashed with luster.

The power unique to the light seal world seemed to explode in an instant, and strong light filled the entire black light world.

Being illuminated by the light, the black giant Shaugonar seemed to begin to melt.


At this moment, a trace of panic finally appeared in Xiaugonaer's tone, and he roared, "What did you do to me?"

Enzo didn't say anything, his eyes flashed with fire.

He no longer planned to waste the world with Schaugnar, and directly used the power of the Three Realms of Fire. The endless flames seemed to turn into waves, sweeping straight towards Schaugnar, and in an instant, the opponent was huge. The incomparable body was swallowed up.

In a moment, Schaugnar seemed to turn into ashes.

Under the full strength of Enzo, who has the power of the Eighteen Realms, an indigenous god who has not yet broken the shackles of the rules is no match at all, and there is not even a chance to resist. In just a moment, Schaugnar seems to have already Fall.

"Huh? Not dead?"

At this time, Enzo frowned slightly and looked at the ashes in front of him, with a glint of thought flashing in his eyes.

Among the ashes, Schaugnar is rising.

Only traces of flesh and blood were seen, constantly absorbing the mist of the black light world, and Shaugonar's form gradually reappeared.

Enzo couldn't help but have a trace of surprise on his face.

"Intruder, useless!"

There was a trace of confidence in Xiaugonar's voice, saying, "In the black light world, I am the eternal master. You can't kill me!"

While talking, Schaugnar continued to resurrect.

"Is this a rule too?"

A look of thought appeared on Enzo's face, and thoughts flickered in his mind. Even though he used the power of the world, he was unable to completely kill Chaugonar.

If nothing else, this should be the rule of the universe.

According to the laws of the universe, fifth-level life forms cannot be born in small worlds, and only a handful of worlds can break the shackles of the rules.

This is the case in the black light world.

In order to break the shackles of the rules, Schaugnar used the entire black light world as a ladder for him to advance to the fifth level. Everything was swallowed up by him. Therefore, today's black light world has become like an eggshell to protect Schaugnar. .

Encased in an eggshell, Schaugnar is immortal.

This property is the multiverse, a protective mechanism given to those creatures that break the shackles of the rules.

"I see."

A look of surprise appeared on Enzo's face, and after understanding the reason for Schaugnar's immortality, his eyes also shone.

"Since it can't be killed conventionally."

The luster in Enzo's eyes flashed and he said, "Then let's try this power!"

As he spoke, Enzo opened his arms.

From behind him, an extremely huge black scythe seemed to slowly emerge. It was the power of the God of Death.

During his trip to the spiritual world, Enzo's biggest gain was the three Heart of God fruits.

By devouring three Heart of God fruits, Enzo also benefited a lot. Not only did he gain the power of the two rules of earth and thunder, but he also gained part of the rule of death. This is a special rule comparable to the power of space. After obtaining it, , Enzo’s strength is significantly improved.

Now, it is the first time that Enzo uses the power of the Death Rule.

He wanted to test whether this power derived from seventh-level life forms could, to some extent, break the rules and boundaries of the universe.

"This breath?"

In the distance, Schaugnar, who was resurrecting from the ashes, seemed to feel the threat, with a vigilant look on his face.

Although Shaugonar does not understand the power of death.

However, he instinctively felt a kind of fear towards the aura released by Enzo, which was the instinctive fear of death among all things.

In mid-air, Enzo didn't have any nonsense.

The huge black scythe behind him slashed directly towards Shaugnar. A terrifying force burst out in an instant.

"Death will be the end of all things!"

Enzo murmured to himself. At this moment, he seemed to feel the power of the God of Death descending on him in ancient times.

The endless power of death surged towards Schaugnar.

The other party didn't even have the slightest ability to resist, and was swallowed up by darkness and death. He couldn't even make a sound of begging for mercy, and he was completely declared dead.

The next moment, the black light world fell into eerie silence.

The only living body, Schaugnar, has fallen, and the world has completely fallen into silence. The whole world seems like a flower that is about to wither.


At this time, there was a roaring sound in his ears, and a thoughtful look appeared on Enzo's face, looking at the black light world.

"Is it about to be destroyed?"

A solemn look appeared on Enzo's face.

The multiverse is like an ecological circle. With the development of time, some worlds are born and some worlds will die and wither. This is a rule that no one can change. After the black light world was originally swallowed up by Schaugnar, , it is already doomed to the end of annihilation.

According to the original process, after swallowing everything, Shaugonar will fall into a long sleep until he is promoted to a fifth-level life form and breaks out of the black light world. This plane will also be completely destroyed, thus becoming Shaugonar. A victim of Gornar breaking the rules.

However, the appearance of Enzo accelerated the destruction of the black light world.

Moreover, Schaugnar did not successfully break through to the fifth level. He was like a chicken that was about to break out of its shell and was thrown to the ground just before it came to the world.

In mid-air, a complex look flashed in Enzo's eyes.

After using the power of death authority, it was obviously a very burdensome thing for him. However, the power of death authority did not disappoint Enzo. Just one attack completely cut off Schaugnar's way of life. .

At this moment, the black light world is about to be destroyed.

However, Enzo did not leave immediately. He felt the destruction of the black light world, and a hint of realization appeared on his face.

"Is this death?" Enzo muttered to himself.

Although the Black Light World is an indigenous world, there is also life. Now with the death of Shaugonar, the whole world has begun to wither, like a dying old man, giving out his last mournful cry.

Feeling the process of the world's death, Enzo's understanding of death became more obvious.

I don’t know how long it took, but the entire black light world was like a collapsed tower. It seemed that no one could save it all. Enzo shook his head and disappeared into a shadow, returning to the wizarding world.

Witnessing the destruction of the black light world, Enzo also became more aware of the rules of death.

Although this journey of revenge did not bring him any substantial benefits, the mere understanding of the rules of death was better than any reward.

"It is indeed the rule of death!"

Inside the tower, a sigh appeared on Enzo's face.

There are too many rules and authorities in the entire multiverse. However, not all rules can lead to the peak. The shadow authority that Enzo previously controlled is, strictly speaking, just a branch of the dark authority.

It is too difficult to rely on the path of shadow to embark on the journey to the top.

Compared with the authority of death, the authority of shadow is like a small road. When you first start walking, you may not find anything wrong, but as time goes by, you will feel the ruggedness ahead, and even find that this road has no end at all. .

To this day, there are too few people in the universe who understand the power of shadow.

And even if it is the existence that reaches the peak of the power of shadow authority, the shadow dragon is only a sixth-level life form. It is as if this path has no possibility of advancing to the seventh level. On the contrary, the death authority is not like this.

In ancient times, the Death God King was already a seventh-level life form.

Therefore, it is enough to prove that the authority of death is more powerful than the authority of shadow. Compared with the rugged road of shadow authority, the authority of death has a chance to reach the top.


A trace of complexity appeared on Enzo's face. When he was still an apprentice, he had been pursuing the power of shadows, but as he entered the level of immortal wizard, he began to integrate the power of multiple rules and authorities.

Today, Enzo holds a lot of power.

The power of shadow, which was once regarded as the foundation of his foundation, is now just one of many powers. If Enzo had been chasing the power of shadow, he might not have the chance to become a seventh-level life form in this life.

Even if he changes his path later, it will be extremely difficult.

In the tower, a trace of thought appeared on Enzo's face.

The revenge of the black light world has been avenged. Although Enzo did not gain any benefits or benefits, he tested his own strength and used the power of death authority for the first time.

"Next...Mayan world?"

A trace of hesitation appeared on Enzo's face. If he wanted to reach the realm of sixth-level life forms, he would have to continuously launch plane expeditions.

As far as Enzo knows, a conqueror wizard who wants to advance to the sixth level needs at least the power of thirty world hearts.

And, this is just the threshold.

If you want to successfully advance to the sixth level, you may need fifty worlds to achieve 100% success. Although Enzo now controls eighteen worlds, there is still a long way to go before this goal.

Therefore, Enzo had no choice but to continue his expedition.

Under normal circumstances, it often takes an extremely long time for a conqueror wizard to advance to the sixth level, because even in the multiverse, there are not so many worlds waiting to be conquered.

However, it is different now.

With the arrival of the end of the Third Age, the entire multiverse has been plunged into a major war, and the rules of the past have been completely broken.

According to the plan of the Supreme Council, the entire universe is within the goal of the wizard civilization. Therefore, the conquering wizards are like vicious dogs out of the cage, and frantically began the expedition plan.

Regardless of whether this world has a backer or not, the wizarding world will not consider it. Even if it knows that this world is under the protection of the Alliance of Worlds, the wizarding civilization will never show mercy.

Because, since the wizard civilization wants to conquer the universe, both the alliance of worlds and the abyss world are obstacles in front of it, and must be completely eliminated in the end.

The world of Maya is a member of the Alliance of Realms.

Moreover, he is still a very qualified member. Although the God of Maya is not very powerful, he has deep connections in the alliance of all realms.

Therefore, it seems that it is not easy for Enzo to want those Mayan worlds.

"Let's forget it first."

After a while, Enzo shook his head. He didn't want to have too strong a conflict with the Alliance of Worlds, not to mention that he had many expedition goals and there was no need to attack the Mayan world.

In the tower, Enzo waved his hand.

Two world coordinates flew out. They were the coordinates of another world that Enzo obtained by eating the Heart of God fruit when he was in the spiritual world.

Both worlds can be targets.

Although Enzo doesn't know the strength of these two planes, he can feel that these two planes are indigenous planes like the forest world and the war ghost world.

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