Journey to the witch world

Chapter 954 Divine Tree


However, just as Enzo breathed a sigh of relief, he seemed to be shrouded in shadow, and the huge scythe of the God of Death had already struck.

Suddenly, Enzo felt a chill in his heart.

However, facing the attack of the God of Death, he was already prepared, and his body immediately turned into countless phantom crows and flew away in all directions.

But this time, the God of Death struck the sickle.

Darkness suddenly enveloped the earth, and a terrifying aura spread around, as if the world was being torn apart, and a black vortex slowly emerged.

Then, each phantom crow was swallowed up by the black whirlpool.

"not good!"

Enzo felt the threat of the God of Death and immediately released the form of the Phantom Crow clone. All the Phantom Crows gathered in the same direction and finally restored Enzo's form.

However, some of the phantom crows were still swallowed by the whirlpool.

This also means that in just a moment, Enzo lost a lot of power, and the little magic power he had left became even less at this moment.

"I'm afraid it won't work if this continues!"

In mid-air, a pale color flashed across Enzo's face. Facing the silver-scaled giant snake and the shadow of death, he seemed to have no chance as he was affected by the curse of the spiritual world.

Therefore, he must change his fighting style.

At this time, Enzo suddenly felt something in his heart. He looked at the giant energy tree in the distance, and a strange luster flashed in his eyes.

"Since you can't get it, it's better to destroy it..."

A sinister look appeared on Enzo's face, and he suddenly summoned the power of the Three Realms of Fire, and a black meteorite rain suddenly formed in the sky.


Along with the ear-splitting roar, black meteorites fell from the sky one after another. However, their target was not the silver-scaled giant snake or the shadow of the god of death. Instead, they headed straight for the giant energy tree, as if they were going to completely destroy the giant energy tree. Destroy it normally.

"Wizard! Do you dare to harm the sacred tree?"

Not far away, when the silver-scaled giant snake saw Enzo's behavior, a hint of fear seemed to flash in its eyes, but it immediately rushed towards the energy giant tree.

Moments before the flaming meteorite landed, the silver-scaled giant snake had already opened its bloody mouth.

The invisible sound wave attack spread in an instant, and strong energy fluctuations suddenly swept through the surrounding world. Even though meteorites fell one after another in the sky, before they hit the giant energy tree, they had all turned into The ashes disappear.


Seeing the silver-scaled giant snake's reaction, Enzo's heart moved.

As he deduced, as the guardian of the giant energy tree, the silver-scaled giant snake was more worried about the energy tree being harmed than his own safety.

If he can make good use of this, Enzo will definitely be able to go more smoothly in the next battle.

Immediately, Enzo whispered a syllable in his mouth, and the power of the heart of the forest was released. Trees grew from the ground, and then turned into tree people one after another.

"Treant Guards!"

Enzo's eyes flashed, and each of the tree guards summoned by the heart of the forest world has a combat power no less than that of a third-level life form. Although they may not pose much threat to the Silver Lin Serpent, they are enough to hinder the opponent. some time.

"Dark Water!"

Then, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and the power of the heart of the dark water world was activated, and black rain suddenly poured down from the sky.

In an instant, black rain poured down!

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flashed, and relying on the power of the Heart of the World, he caused the rain to gather towards the tree guards.

Suddenly, the powers of the Heart of the Forest and the Heart of Dark Water merged with each other.

The tree guards who were originally emerald green all turned into dark forms at this moment. After absorbing the power of the dark water world, each tree guard looked like a devil crawling out of hell.


The silver-scaled giant snake looked at the dark water tree people attacking from around it. A dark luster flashed in its vertical pupils, and then it suddenly opened its bloody mouth.

The next moment, the silver-scaled giant snake roared silently.

The sound spread in an instant, as if it turned into a force that could distort everything, and all the Dark Water Treants around seemed to turn into ashes.

The tall and twisted Dark Water Treants' bodies were shattered under the sonic attack of the silver-scaled giant snake, but their roots quickly took root in the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the Darkwater Tree People absorbed the power from the earth. At the same time, the black rain falling from the sky continued to heal the damaged bodies of the Darkwater Tree People.


A strange luster flashed through the vertical pupils of the Silver Lin Giant Snake, as if he didn't expect that these Dark Water Treants could resist his attack.

In a moment, the tree people returned to their original state.

However, Enzo's face became paler in mid-air. The tree people regained their strength, all relying on Enzo's help with the Heart of Dark Water.

Therefore, although the tree people resisted the attack of the silver-scaled giant snake, in fact, it was equivalent to Enzo withstanding all the attacks.

Enzo, who was already a little weak, was now in a much worse condition.

And at this time.

The silver-scaled giant snake also seemed to have noticed something. It looked at Enzo, with a trace of mockery flashing in its vertical pupils.

"I see."

The silver-scaled giant snake swallowed the snake letter and said faintly: "Give your power to these tree people, so that they can gain strength!"

"If this continues, I'm curious how long you can hold on!"

As he spoke, the silver-scaled giant snake opened its bloody mouth.

It spat out a ball of flame as soon as it opened its mouth, swallowing up a tree guard in front of it like a force of nothingness. The other person's black body turned into ashes and disappeared almost in the blink of an eye.

In mid-air, Enzo groaned.

Just as the silver-scaled giant snake said, although the Darkwater Treeman is now in an "immortal" state, it actually relies entirely on Enzo's power for support.

If it were in the outside world, Enzo, as a Holy Soul Wizard, might be able to grant these tree guards immortality for a long time.

However, this is the spiritual world.

Even Enzo's own immortality is greatly restricted. It is naturally impossible for him to rely on a steady stream of magic power to heal the tree guards infinitely.

Fortunately, this was not Enzo's original plan.

"Eye of Heavenly Fire!"

In mid-air, Enzo gave the final orders to the tree guards, asking them to charge crazily in the direction of the silver-scaled giant snake.

Enzo himself looked at the giant energy tree.

Although Enzo didn't know what would happen if he destroyed the giant energy tree in front of him, he had a strong idea in his heart, which was to destroy the giant energy tree in front of him.

"Try it!"

In mid-air, a firm luster flashed through Enzo's eyes, and he secretly said: "Anyway, for me now, there is no other choice!"

After saying that, Enzo's eyes flashed with fire.

Suddenly, the power of the three realms of flame seemed to be exerted to the extreme, and like a red heat wave like a rolling river, it went straight towards the energy giant tree.


In the distance, Enzo's attack on the energy giant tree again clearly angered the silver-scaled giant snake. The snake opened its bloody mouth and let out a sharp roar.

"You are asking for death!"

While speaking, a dark luster flashed through the vertical pupils of the silver-scaled giant snake, and the shadow that symbolized the power of the God of Death also blocked the front of the giant energy tree.

Then, the black death scythe swung.

A terrifying aura was released at this moment, darkness suddenly enveloped the earth, and endless death came like a shadow.

In mid-air, Enzo's expression changed slightly.

He had brought the power of the Three Realms of Flame to its extreme, but he still failed to break through the power of Death's phantom.

In just an instant, the flames bursting out of Enzo's eyes were completely extinguished, as if they had never appeared.

"Shadow Realm!"

In mid-air, Enzo burst out with a roaring sound, and the shadows under his feet spread like a tide, and then rushed towards the giant energy tree.

However, the shadow of Death is still blocking there.

"Dark Water!!!"

Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth, and the power of the heart of the dark water world merged with the power of his own shadow authority, and the two instantly turned into black waves.

The next moment, the black waves headed straight towards the giant energy tree.

"Ignorant fellow!"

At this time, the silver-scaled giant snake had killed all the dark water trees, and then turned into a silver light and struck in the direction of Enzo.

"You don't even know what the sacred tree represents!"

The silver-scaled giant snake's vertical pupils shone with an extremely cold luster, and said faintly: "Since you are so stupid, then don't blame me!"

As he spoke, the body of the giant silver-scaled snake trembled.

The next moment, it had transformed into the form of a human woman, wearing a silver gauze skirt, like a noble fairy.

"Is this your true nature?"

Enzo raised his brows and looked at the silver-scaled giant snake in front of him. Obviously, it was a human image transformed by the other party.

"Hmph! What do you know?"

A coldness flashed in the eyes of the silver-haired girl, and she said faintly, "This is my true appearance. As for just now, it was just the appearance given to me by the spirit world!"

While speaking, the silver-haired girl stood in the air.

Then, she chanted obscure syllables one after another, like poetry, but full of fantasy and weird meanings.

Opposite him, Enzo frowned slightly.

He didn't know the meaning of the silver-haired girl's behavior, but he had a vague feeling that the other party was about to make a bigger move.

Sure enough, the next moment.

The God of Death, who was originally like a shadow behind the silver-haired girl, suddenly turned into a black mist and penetrated into the giant energy tree.

"What a great sacred tree!"

The silver-haired girl said loudly: "Please accept my humble service and enjoy the taste of the sacrifice!"

As he spoke, the ground trembled.

Enzo looked around and saw that the huge energy tree seemed to have life after absorbing the shadow of the God of Death.


A weird and strange sound suddenly sounded, and above the giant energy tree, branches hung down from the huge umbrella, like a long black whip.

Immediately afterwards, the branches of the black whip turned into countless tentacles and attacked Enzo, seemingly endless.

In mid-air, a trace of solemnity appeared on Enzo's face.

The energy giant tree was given the ability to move, which was something he had not expected. However, it was not the first time that Enzo had dealt with tree human life in the five hundred years since he embarked on the wizard's journey.

As early as when Enzo was still a wizard apprentice, he had already fought against the tree demon. The giant energy tree in front of him now, even with the ability to move, did not pose much threat to Enzo.

"Shadow Incarnate!"

Facing the black vines coming from the front, Enzo reacted quickly, whispering syllables in his mouth, and his whole person seemed to turn into a shadow.

However, the next moment.

The black vines coming from the front emitted strange light and fluctuations, and in just a moment, Enzo was firmly restrained.

"My magic..."

Forced to be freed from the shadow state, a solemn look appeared on Enzo's face.

The black vines around him were wildly devouring the magic power in Enzo's body, like a vampire, seeming to devour Enzo completely.

Feeling the magic power in his body being drained away bit by bit, Enzo's face turned pale, but the more this happened, the calmer the expression on his face became.

"The power of fire!"

In mid-air, Enzo shouted lowly, and the power of the three realms of flames burst out in an instant, like a volcano.


With a sound like an explosion, Enzo's whole body burned with blazing flames, and the red heat crazily burned the surrounding vines.

Under the explosion of the power of the Three Realms of Fire, even steel can melt in an instant. However, the contact with the black vines did not cause any harm at all.

In fact, the black vines once again emitted a strange light, instantly absorbing all the power of fire released by Enzo.

"No way."

Suddenly, Enzo's heart sank, and a solemn expression appeared on his face.

While bound by the black vines, Enzo seemed to have lost the ability to transform into shadows, and even the power of the Phantom Crow Thousand Spirits could not be used.

At the same time, the black vines were constantly devouring Enzo's magic power, making him fall into an increasingly weak state within a short period of time.

In mid-air, Enzo's expression was cold.

He looked towards the giant energy tree in the distance, and suddenly found that there was a vague appearance of a human face on the trunk of the giant tree.

And that face is Enzo!

"It's...eating me?"

An idea came to Enzo's mind, and he suddenly looked at his body, only to see that his body was wrapped in countless vines and seemed to be rotting.

On the black vines, extremely sharp barbs grew, piercing deeply into Enzo's flesh and blood, constantly devouring his life force.

Suddenly, Enzo felt a little creepy.

"Give up, wizard!"

In the distance, the silver-haired girl transformed into a silver-scaled giant snake saw a strange luster in her eyes when she saw Enzo looking like this.

"You are destined to become part of the sacred tree."

A strange expression appeared on the silver-haired girl's face, and an extremely complicated luster flashed in her eyes, and she faintly said, "It's like... me!"

Hearing the silver-haired girl's words, Enzo's heart jumped suddenly.

Then, a flash of lightning seemed to flash across his mind, and he seemed to have a deeper understanding of the giant energy tree in front of him.

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