Journey to the witch world

Chapter 953 God King

On the ground, the silver-scaled giant snake's vertical pupils flashed.

Behind him, the extremely huge shadow of the God of Death exuded a terrifying aura. It was the pure power of death mixed with a trace of the authority of death.

Throughout the multiverse, there are countless authorities and ways.

For example, Enzo, because of his talent, chose shadow as his path after embarking on the wizard's journey. Later, he became a conqueror wizard, controlled fourteen planes, and successively obtained the blood moon, forest, fire, etc. Waiting for authority.

However, even if all the powers of Enzo were added up, they were still not as powerful as the power of death.

Even though the shadow of Death in front of him is only condensed from extremely weak power of death, the power it contains is extremely terrifying.

You know, the ancient times are over.

Since the battle at Paradise Mountain, both the God of Death and the God of the Sea have been killed by Oshikas, the ancestor of the wizards. The death of the God-King who holds the power of death means that there is no longer the power of death in this world.

Three eras have passed since the death of the Death God King.

Countless wizards have tried to regain control of the power of death, and even several supreme wizards have tried extremely hard, but in the end, they all ended in failure, just like the power of death after the death of the God King of Death. It seems to have been wiped out by an invisible force in the universe.

"Could it be that... since the death of the God King of Death, the power of authority representing death has flowed into the void of the spiritual world?"

In mid-air, Enzo's face turned pale.

A bold speculation suddenly came to his mind. The silver-scaled giant snake just said that the spirit world represents the source of the universe. There may be some basis for it. Everything in the universe will be extinguished. Except for the existence of the true spirit, the rest may be Absorbed by the spirit world.

Thinking of this, Enzo felt a little palpitating inexplicably.

If this statement is true, then even if the spiritual world is not the source of the universe, it must have a very special status.

"What an amazing power of authority!"

In mid-air, Enzo lowered his head and looked at the black crack on his chest, with an extremely solemn luster flashing in his eyes.

No blood flowed from the black cracks.

However, that trace of curse-like power of death consumes Enzo's strength all the time, and seems to be more terrifying than the curse in the spiritual world.

Immediately, Enzo didn't hesitate much.

He no longer cared about the rules of the spiritual world to save the little magic power left in his body, and even used the power of the fourteen realms under his command to try to recover from his injuries.

"The power of the forest spirit!"

In mid-air, Enzo whispered a syllable in his mouth, slowly raised his palm, and the emerald-like light suddenly turned into energy and surged towards the black scar area.


A strange sound suddenly sounded, and a look of pain appeared on Enzo's face, but he saw that the power of the forest spirit was rapidly depleted, but it was still difficult to heal the scratched chest.

"Can't you?"

After a while, Enzo's heart sank. He had consumed a lot of forest power, but the injury on his chest showed no sign of recovery. It was only temporarily suppressed. The emerald-like light was like a thread, blocked in his chest. Above the black crack.

"Don't waste your efforts."

In the distance, the silver-scaled giant snake did not stop Enzo's behavior. Instead, he said faintly, "It is impossible for wounds caused by the power of death to be healed."

"Even if you are a Holy Soul Wizard and are injured by the power of death, the final outcome will be death!"

Hearing the words of the silver-scaled giant snake, there was no fear on Enzo's face.

"In that case..."

In mid-air, Enzo slowly raised his head and looked at the giant silver-scaled snake. A firm luster appeared in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "It seems that I only have one way left to go!"

"Not bad."

The silver-scaled giant snake seemed to have seen through Enzo's thoughts, swallowing the snake letter, and said faintly: "Either kill me and seize the power of death, or prepare to welcome the arrival of death!"

After saying that, the silver-scaled giant snake's vertical pupils flashed.

Just like what the other party just said, Enzo now doesn't have much choice after being injured by the power of death.

Seizing the power of death from the silver-scaled giant snake is the only chance to recover from the injury.

Otherwise, Enzo must suppress the injuries in his body at all times. If he is not careful and causes an explosion, the outcome will inevitably be death.

Immediately, Enzo took a deep breath.

He has been completely cornered, and he must risk his five-hundred-year journey to seize the power of death from the silver-scaled giant snake.

"Scarlet Moon!"

In mid-air, Enzo whispered syllables and used the power of the scarlet world to summon a blood moon to the realm of death.

Suddenly, a flash of red appeared in the sky.

The crescent moon, like weeping blood, slowly emerged in mid-air, and the strange and dark light spread towards the entire realm of death.

Suddenly, a look of joy appeared on Enzo's face.

The arrival of the scarlet moon was a blessing of strength for him. Faced with the threat of the death power of the silver-scaled snake, this was the only way to make him feel a little relaxed.

However, the opposite.

"This breath..."

The silver-scaled giant snake felt the aura of the red moon, and an extremely surprising light suddenly flashed in its originally calm pupils.

"Damn it, it's that bitch!"

The silver-scaled giant snake screamed, an angry light flashed in its vertical pupils, and roared: "Wizard! How come you have the authority and power of Ms. Yue's bitch?"

Enzo was slightly startled when he heard the silver-scaled giant snake's words.

"You also know Ms. Yue?"

A strange look appeared on Enzo's face. You must know that according to the information that everyone in the multiverse now knows, Ms. Yue was killed by the fallen king Bushula countless years ago. As a spiritual creature, Silver Scales The giant snake would actually know something about this being.

Could it be that...Ms. Yue also came to the land of nothingness?

"Hmph! More than understanding..."

The silver-scaled giant snake's eyes flashed with hatred, as if out of control, and roared: "If it weren't for that damn bitch, how could I be trapped in the spiritual world and suffer endless pain!"

"Since you control Ms. Yue's power, your relationship with her must be extraordinary, right?"

"Now that I am trapped in the spirit world, I have no chance to seek revenge on Ms. Yue, but since I met you here, please bear my anger for Ms. Yue!"

As the silver-scaled giant snake spoke, it suddenly opened its bloody mouth.

From the mouth of the huge snake, a flame like white nothingness was suddenly spat out and turned into a fire dragon and attacked Enzo.

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flashed.

Although it is not clear what kind of hatred exists between Lady Moon and the giant silver-scale snake, Enzo can feel the terrifying power contained in the void flame. Therefore, Enzo does not dare to resist and can only control Use the wings of shadow to dodge.

The flames of nothingness came violently, and Enzo dodged like a black shadow.

The injuries caused by the power of death were still aching faintly at this moment. Enzo faced the continuous attacks of the silver-scaled giant snake, but he could only grit his teeth and persist.

"Shadow Realm!"

After escaping an attack of void flames, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth and spread the shadow field again to increase his probability of winning.

Only, this time Enzo was smart.

He knew that there was not much magic power left in his body, so the shadow field released did not spread too far, it just formed a battlefield.

In the sky, the blood moon still exudes a strange light.


The silver-scaled giant snake raised its head and looked at the blood moon hanging in the sky. A particularly hateful luster flashed in its vertical pupils, and it suddenly spit out a mouthful of ethereal flames.

Suddenly, the flames engulfed the blood moon.

The power that symbolized Ms. Yue's authority, after being attacked by the silver-scaled giant snake, suddenly smiled as fast as ice and snow. In almost a moment, it had disappeared, leaving only a faint red light, still shining on the earth. above.

In mid-air, Enzo's face darkened.

The blood moon condensed using the heart of the world not only symbolizes the authority of Ms. Yue, but also is the core of the entire scarlet world. At this moment, it is wiped out by the silver-scaled giant snake, which seems to mean that the scarlet world has suffered a great disaster. disaster.

And this is also the characteristic of Conqueror Wizard combat.

Since they rely on the blessing of the power of the world, the conquering wizards have gained great power, but also in the process of fighting, the world under their command will also be in great danger, and the slightest carelessness will lead to horrific natural disasters.

Just like just now.

Enzo summoned the scarlet moon to bless himself, but was wiped out by the power of the silver-scaled giant snake. Then the current scarlet world will surely suffer a terrible disaster, and countless people will die as a result.


In mid-air, Enzo let out a long breath, his eyes flashing with determination.

For him now, he has no choice. If he cannot defeat the silver-scaled giant snake in front of him and seize the power of death in the opponent's body, then the end of Enzo, who is in the spirit world, seems to be doomed.

Therefore, even if he bets the fourteen worlds under his command, Enzo must defeat the silver-scaled giant snake.

"General of the Tree Realm!"

In mid-air, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, waved the soul bone wand in his hand, and the emerald-like light suddenly swayed away.

In an instant, emerald light fell onto the ground below.

Then, plants and trees grew rapidly, and almost in the blink of an eye, a forest-like green ocean was formed here.

Facing an enemy like the silver-scaled giant snake, Enzo did not dare to slack off at all.

Therefore, this time he used the power of the heart of the forest, almost emptying the world of the forest. The emerald light seemed particularly bright even in the land of nothingness, and the power it erupted almost enveloped the surrounding area. area.

"Tree and vine strangulation!"

In mid-air, Enzo slowly stretched out his hand, controlled the sea of ​​forest trees below, and headed straight in the direction of the silver-scaled giant snake.

Suddenly, the green tree vines turned into venomous snakes and headed towards the silver-scaled giant snake.

Almost instantly, the green poisonous snakes transformed from tree vines arrived around the silver-scaled giant snake, but failed to restrain it according to Enzo's plan.

Instead, a mocking luster flashed in the silver-scaled giant snake's vertical pupils.

The next moment, it opened its bloody mouth again, emitting a burst of piercing invisible sound waves, and the terrifying power immediately spread to the surroundings.


Invisible sound waves spread in the realm of death, and their destructive power instantly wiped out all the poisonous snakes transformed from green trees and vines.

However, Enzo had expected this.

"Hell Bone Prison!"

Enzo whispered a syllable in his mouth, and threw the Soul Bone Wand out. It immediately turned into an extremely huge skull and headed straight for the silver-scaled giant snake.

At the same time, there was a trembling sound from the earth.

From the depths of the earth, white bone spurs grew crazily, covering the entire area around the silver-scaled snake in an instant.

Even the silver-scaled giant snake was trapped in it.

"Is this all you have?"

The silver-scaled giant snake was in the Hell Bone Prison, but its vertical pupils flashed with disdain, and then its thick tail suddenly swung.


Even though the Celestial Hell Bone Prison was summoned by relying on the heart of the undead world, it still seemed somewhat vulnerable to the terrifying offensive of the silver-scaled giant snake. In just an instant, the Cang Hell Bone Prison had been destroyed. Destroy it.

But, right now.

The huge skull transformed by the soul bone wand has also moved towards the silver-scaled giant snake. Like a meteorite falling from the sky, the heavy and ferocious power instantly hit the top of the silver-scaled giant snake, causing its body to collapse. The shape shook.

"Damn wizard!"

The silver-scaled giant snake let out an angry scream and roared angrily, "Do you think you can cause any harm to me with this little trick?"

The next moment, the silver-scaled giant snake opened its bloody mouth and tried to swallow the skull in one gulp.

"Frozen for thousands of miles!"

In mid-air, Enzo waved his hand and used the power of the heart of the ice crystal world, and the endless coldness turned into a violent current and swept forward.

In an instant, the surrounding area turned into a frozen area.

The silver-scaled giant snake was also frozen in it, but the opponent only flashed his vertical pupils, and the shadow of the God of Death appeared behind him again.

Immediately afterwards, the scythe of the God of Death suddenly swung.


The power condensed by the power of ice crystals was completely shattered in just an instant. The silver-scaled giant snake trapped inside also got out. The originally smooth and delicate body suddenly grew two sets of wings at some unknown time. .

"Wizard! I changed my mind."

The wings on the silver-scaled giant snake's body looked very small, but an invisible force lifted the opponent into the air.

The next moment, the silver-scaled giant snake's vertical pupils flashed with a dark luster.

"I won't give you another chance!"

The silver-scaled giant snake opened its bloody mouth, and a cry seemed to come from deep in its soul, saying, "I will tear you to pieces and eat you, and you will become a part of me forever."

As soon as he finished speaking, the huge mouth of the silver-scaled snake had already attacked.

"Wings of Shadow!"

Facing such a swift attack, Enzo's eyes flashed, and he didn't have much chance to react. He immediately controlled the shadow wings to dodge, and narrowly escaped from the mouth of the silver-scaled giant snake.

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