Journey to the witch world

Chapter 919 Space Wizard


With a terrifying roar, the huge body of the Black Dragon Emperor Orenkaiser also fell to the ground, creating a deep pit just like the red flames of hell Higra.

However, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar did not completely lose his combat effectiveness because of this.


A deafening roar sounded the next moment, and the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar waved his two flesh wings and slowly crawled out of the pit.

"I'm going to tear you to pieces!!"

Under the frenzied attack of golden lightning, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar was already scarred, but his eyes were shining with incomparable anger, like a completely enraged beast.

The next moment, Oren Caesar suddenly flapped his wings.

As a strong air current rolled up, Oren Caesar also flew into the air, and that terrifying figure headed straight for Alice.

In an instant, the earth trembled!

In a state of rage, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar seemed to have gone completely crazy, rushing towards Alice's figure as if to tear her into pieces.

In the distance, the eyes of the Ten Thousand-Blade Demon Lord Shutas flashed.

After a short observation, he already had a preliminary understanding of Alice's strength, but he did not stop Oren Caesar's attack.

Because, for the Ten Thousand-Blade Demon Master Shutas, it is not a bad thing for him whether Alice or the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar's side is seriously injured.

In today's 900-layer world of the abyss, although the demon lords seem to be united, in fact, there are still some big differences within them.

In fact, many demon lords are enemies. Although there is no blood feud between the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas and the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, they have always been in a competitive relationship with each other.

If the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar and Alice lose both sides, then for Xiutas, it is definitely the most willing outcome.

"Keep going crazy, Oren Caesar."

Xiutasi's eyes flickered slightly, and a strange smile appeared on his face, and he secretly said, "Don't you always think of yourself as the strongest person in the world of the 900th layer of the abyss?"

"Then let me see how much strength you have!"

Just as Shutas' thoughts flashed, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar had already rushed in the direction of Alice, and a terrifying power rushed towards him.

"Do you need help? Sir Alice?"

In mid-air, Enzo asked in a deep voice, although Alice has shown amazing destructive power, her ability to protect herself is still unknown.

Therefore, if the other party needs it, Enzo will naturally give him some help.


However, Alice shook her head, with the same careless expression on her face, and waved the golden wand in her hand casually.


The next moment, as the golden wand was waved, huge cracks appeared, and Enzo's eyes couldn't help flashing with surprise.

The sky was torn apart!

The moment the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar rushed toward Alice, a sudden crack completely separated the two.

And the torn gap was like a blade of void, suddenly cutting across the chest of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.


Like the sound of metal friction, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar let out a shrill scream. His body, which was covered with black scales and could be called indestructible, actually had long and narrow scars at this moment.

In an instant, dragon blood spread across the earth.

The black dragon's blood was like a rain, spreading on the ground, forming a terrifying scene. The black dragon emperor Oren Caesar, who had been arrogant before, also let out bursts of painful wails at this moment.

"Damn witch!"

In mid-air, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar still made a voice full of hatred, and the sharp roar turned into sound waves and reverberated around him.

"What did you do to me!?"

Facing the fury of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, Alice's face did not change much, and a hint of coldness flashed in her eyes.

"What have you done?"

Alice sneered and said faintly, "This is just the beginning."

"Next comes the real show!"

After saying that, Alice raised the golden birdcage in her hand again, golden light flashed in her eyes, and endless energy suddenly burst out.

"Space plunder!"

Alice mouthed the syllables, and for a moment, her face turned slightly pale. However, the golden birdcage emitted astonishing energy fluctuations.

The next moment, a beam of golden light went straight ahead.


As the golden light shone, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar seemed to be a little panicked, and couldn't help but want to flutter his wings and dodge.

However, it was too late.

The golden light was like a sharp blade, piercing the broken chest of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, and the flesh and blood seemed to be evaporated in an instant.

Severe pain followed.

The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar suddenly let out a deafening roar, but this time there was a bit of pain in the roar.

And three points of fear!

Obviously, this attack has made Oren Caesar feel the threat of death, and he, who was still arrogant at first, fell into a complete panic.


There was a trembling tone in Oren Caesar's roar. The huge dragon head looked towards his chest, only to see that it had been torn apart.

"The heart of the fifth-level dragon is really active!"

In the distance, Alice played with the golden birdcage and looked at the beating heart of a giant dragon inside, but a ferocious expression appeared on her young face.


Beside him, Enzo couldn't help but gasp, looking at the items in the golden birdcage with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

That turned out to be the heart of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

As a space wizard, Alice did not know what kind of means she used to absorb Oren Caesar's heart from the air.

Even though the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar is a fifth-level abyss lord, he can still survive since he lost his heart, but it does not mean that the heart is not important to Oren Caesar.

On the contrary, for the dragon, the heart is the source of power, and its importance is as important as the magic crystal of the wizard.

"Give me my heart back!"

In the distance, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar let out an angry roar, but a panicked luster flashed through his dark vertical pupils.

Obviously, losing his heart was something that was difficult for him to accept. If he hadn't been afraid of Alice's terrifying strength, Oren Caesar would have rushed to snatch it away.

"Back to you?"

The corners of Alice's lips raised a little, but a pity-like luster flashed in her eyes, and she said quietly.

"That's not okay!"

After saying that, Alice's eyes flickered.

Runes appeared around the golden birdcage. As the energy began to distort, the space inside seemed to collapse in an instant.


In the distance, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar let out a roar of despair, but he could not stop what was about to happen in front of him.

The next moment, the golden birdcage flashed with light.

The heart that originally belonged to the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar exploded, and the twisted space was enough to shatter everything, even the heart of the giant dragon.

In an instant, the black dragon's heart was crushed and turned into dust.


When the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar saw this scene, he immediately let out a furious roar, and an extremely painful light flashed in his vertical pupils.

"Wizard! I will fight you until death!"

In Oren Caesar's vertical pupils, the vicious luster seemed to form a curse, and the endless dark energy swallowed up the surrounding earth in an instant.

"Until death?"

In mid-air, Alice chuckled, but did not pay any attention to Oren Caesar's hatred. Instead, a strange luster flashed in her eyes, and she said faintly.

"Do you think... you can leave alive?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Alice raised the golden birdcage in her hand again.

Immediately afterwards, golden light flashed.

In the distance, a flash of fear flashed through the eyes of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, and he suddenly flapped his wings to escape, but it was already too late.

Suddenly, another wailing sound sounded.

Enzo's pupils shrank for a while, but he saw that the body of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar seemed to explode, and blood spurted out.

"The space magic is really terrifying!"

Next to him, Enzo's heart palpitated, and he had a better understanding of the power of space spells.

In the distance, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar's eyes flashed with fear. Seeing Alice's strength again, he quickly flapped his wings and planned to escape from the battlefield.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!"

The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar had lost the idea of ​​continuing to fight. However, Alice was unwilling to let go of the prey she had obtained.

Immediately, Alice waved her wand.

The strong and strange space witchcraft struck at Oren Caesar again, causing terrible damage to Oren Caesar in just an instant.

"Void Storm!"

A coldness flashed in Alice's eyes, and she waved the golden wand in her hand, and strong energy fluctuations burst out again.

In an instant, a spatial storm struck.

An attack of this level is like a turbulent flow in the void. Even an immortal life form will be injured if it touches it.


The frenzied void storm struck towards the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar. The terrifying offensive tore apart Oren Caesar's body like a torment.

Suddenly, all the scales were shattered!

The blood poured down like a torrential rain, falling on the ground and turning into black marks. The huge body of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar was already scarred and looked shocking.

"Next, die!"

In mid-air, Alice's eyes flashed with a ferocious luster, just causing some damage to Oren Caesar, obviously unable to meet her requirements.

The next moment, Alice raised the birdcage in her hand.

The golden birdcage erupted with a strange light, and the space magic was formed again, and launched a terrifying attack on the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

However, this time, Oren Caesar was already on guard.

"Dark Leap!"

The scarred scales on the body of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar emitted a dark light, and the huge body of the Black Dragon also disappeared in an instant.

call out!

The next moment, Alice's magical attack failed.

The figure of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar also disappeared from the spot, and did not reappear in the distance until three seconds later.


In mid-air, Alice raised her brows, a sarcastic glint flashed in her eyes, and said faintly, "If you use a space spell in front of me, should I call you arrogant or stupid?"

After saying that, Alice's eyes flickered.

"The void locks the enemy!"

Alice whispered the syllables in her mouth, her eyes locked on the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, and the next moment, the golden birdcage flashed with light again.


With an explosion-like sound, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar screamed in grief, and his huge body fell to the ground.

But this time, he never got up again.

In the deep pit, the originally powerful and arrogant Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar was now covered in scars, like a dying beast.

There was a trace of cruelty in Alice's eyes, and she obviously had no mercy for Oren Caesar and planned to kill him completely at once.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

"Lord Shutas!"

Witnessing the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar being seriously injured by Alice and almost being killed at this moment, Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, fell into a complete panic.

She knew that her strength was not enough, so she could only place her hope on Xietas, the master of the Ten Thousand Blade Demon, and made a pleading voice.

"Please help Lord Oren Caesar!"

Hearing Alice's prayer, Xiutas' cold face showed a look of thought, but his eyes also flashed with hesitation.

Originally, for the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas, it should be a happy thing for the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar to be seriously injured.

However, the situation at the moment is not like that.

Alice's power has far exceeded Xiutas' imagination. Therefore, Xiutas now no longer has the courage to face Alice alone.

Having lost an ally like the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Xytas may no longer be able to be an enemy of Alice.

"Lord Xitas..."

At this time, the voice of Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, came again, and Xiutas's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness, but he glanced at the other party with some displeasure.

"You don't need to decide what I do!"

Xiutas looked at Alice coldly, and then looked at Oren Caesar in the pit, with a determined expression on his face.

The next moment, Shutas thought.

Hee hee hee!

After receiving the order, the demon king Gegra immediately let out bursts of weird laughter, and the invisible sound waves spread, causing Alice, who was about to cast a spell, to frown slightly.

It was precisely because of the intervention of the demon king Gegra that Oren Caesar bought some time. In the deep pit, Oren Caesar used his last bit of strength to use the ability to jump in space again.

"Want to leave?"

Alice's eyes turned cold, and she planned to take action against the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar again. However, a trembling sound came from the earth.

The huge body of the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton headed straight for Alice. That huge body was as terrifying as a mountain of flesh.

At the same time, the demon king Gegla also launched a spiritual attack on Alice under the order of the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas.

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