
On the spot, Wanren Demon Master Xiutas frowned slightly and looked forward, only to see that the whirlpool had disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Enzo appeared a thousand meters away.


In mid-air, Enzo also raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but look to his side, only to see a figure slowly walking out of the torn space.

It was a female wizard.

She was seen wearing a silver-white gauze skirt, a crown inlaid with colorful gems on her head, standing in the air with her bare white feet, holding a golden wand in her left hand, and carrying a beautifully shaped birdcage in her right hand. He has a slightly childish face, but his whole body exudes an extremely noble aura.

"Are you Enzo?" the witch asked lazily.


Enzo nodded, and the chip quickly searched for information about the witch in front of him, but found nothing, so he asked tentatively.

"I wonder who you are?"

"Holy Soul Wizard Alice."

The witch spoke softly, with a hint of nonchalance, and said quietly: "I was sent here by the Supreme Council to support you northern wizards."

"Is this the abyss world?"

"It's really dirty and messy!"

Alice looked around, a trace of disgust flashing in her eyes, as if she had mysophobia and was very unsuitable to the environment of the abyss world.

"Supporters sent by the Supreme Council?"

Enzo's heart skipped a beat. He looked at Alice and suddenly noticed that the other person's collar seemed to be inlaid with the symbol representing the Supreme Council of the Wizarding World.

"It is indeed the wizard of the Supreme Council!"

Thoughts flashed in Enzo's mind, and a look of thought appeared on his face, although he didn't know Alice's identity.

But for the entire wizarding civilization, the Supreme Council is the absolute ruling class.

The Supreme Council located in the Stigmata Continent is the apex of the entire wizarding civilization. Any wizard in the council represents the pioneer of the entire civilization. Compared with it, the Northern Council is just the ruling class. Even if the Great Speaker encounters The envoys sent by the Supreme Council will also give three points of courtesy.

Now, although I don’t know what happened, the members of the Supreme Council appeared in the 900-layer world of the abyss. In any case, it is a good thing for Enzo.

Especially when the other party is a Holy Soul Wizard.

"Another one?"

In the distance, Wanren Demon Master Shutas also knew Alice's identity at this moment, a cold luster flashed in his eyes, and he said faintly.

"It seems that we have to spend more time!"

After saying that, Xiutas waved his hand, and the Blood Demon Ancestor immediately turned into a blood giant and attacked directly in Alice's direction.

"What a disgusting creature."

In mid-air, a trace of disgust flashed in Alice's eyes, but she raised the metal birdcage in her hand, a golden luster flashing in her eyes.

The next moment, the Blood Demon Ancestor suddenly exploded.

At the same time, there was a beating heart in the birdcage in Alice's hand, emitting an extremely bloody aura.


Next to him, Enzo couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and looked in the direction of the Blood Demon Ancestor, only to see that the original fifth-level life form had turned into a pool of blood.

However, this time the Blood Demon Ancestor did not recover again.

"Is this...dead?"

Thoughts flickered in Enzo's mind, and he couldn't help but feel a little surprised. He looked towards Alice, but saw that the other person's face still had a calm expression.

The Blood Demon Ancestor is just an ordinary fifth-level life form.

Even though he was born in the indigenous world, his life level has reached the same level as Enzo after all. Alice can deal with him so easily, which shows how terrifying his strength is.

"Sir Enzo."

At this time, Alice yawned and said softly: "Let's seize the time and deal with them. There are other things to do."

After saying that, Alice looked at the red flames of Hell, Hiigara.


Naturally, Enzo would not object to Alice's request. Previously, he had been suppressed by seven Abyss Level 5s, and now he finally found a chance to fight back.


In the distance, seeing Alice kill the ancestor of the Blood Demon instantly with just one blow, the main Ten Thousand Ren Demon, Shutas, showed a hint of fear on his face, but he just snorted coldly.

"Wizard, stop pretending."

Xiutas looked at Alice and said coldly, "You just temporarily sealed the soul of the ancestor of the Blood Demon into that cage."

"Don't think I can't see it."

Alice saw this but did not deny it.

"So what?"

Alice raised the birdcage in her hand and said quietly, "Why, you want to save him, you can give it a try."

After saying that, Alice's eyes flashed with golden luster again, the surrounding space was distorted, and the terrifying offensive was already heading towards Xiutas.


Suddenly, there was a sound of metal shattering, and behind the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas, all the thousands of sharp blades were shattered by the space storm.

"How can it be?"

Xiutas's pupils shrank for a while, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Alice sneered.

Immediately afterwards, she shook the birdcage in her hand again, and a strong energy storm swept away, as if the world was about to be cut.


At this time, the red flames of hell, Higra, suddenly erupted into a roaring sound, and then turned into a red flame and attacked Alice.

In an instant, flames swept through.

Alice was not in a hurry, she just waved her arms casually, and the invisible space vortex appeared, absorbing all the flames spit out by the red flames of hell, Higra.

Then, Alice waved her hand.

The flames that were originally spit out from Higra's mouth were all condensed together, and finally turned into a ball of fire, bursting out from the space vortex.


Amidst the fierce roar, the fireball rushed towards the red flames of hell, Higra, and then exploded, knocking the dragon's huge body to the ground.

Suddenly, the ground trembled.

After receiving such a powerful attack, even Hiigara was seriously injured, and all the bones in the huge body were broken.

On the other side, Alice's face was expressionless.

She looked forward with an indifferent gaze, as if in her eyes, both the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar and the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Xytas were nothing more than ants.

"Actually...so strong?"

On the same spot, the eyes of Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas flashed with surprise, but he did not expect that Alice who suddenly appeared was so powerful.

The seemingly ordinary woman almost killed the Blood Demon Ancestor in just a moment, while seriously injuring the hellish red flame Higra.

You must know that the strength of Hell's Red Flame Higra is not to be underestimated. Even if it is the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas, it is not easy to injure it.

Seeing how powerful Alice was, Shutas, the leader of the Ten Thousand Blade Demon, couldn't help but feel a little fear in his heart and hesitated about his next stance.

"What, are you scared?"

At this time, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar suddenly made a mocking voice.


Xiutas snorted coldly, but was unwilling to show his cowardice.

"Leave this woman to me and you kill the male wizard!"

Immediately afterwards, Oren Caesar spoke again.

After saying that, he vibrated his black wings and soared into the sky like a giant beast. His huge body exuded a terrifying aura.

Suddenly, the color of the world changed.

The entire 900-layer world of the abyss seemed to be shaking due to the explosion of Oren Caesar, and endless dragon energy burst out in an instant.

The next moment, Oren Caesar roared.

I saw him opening his bloody mouth and spitting out the extremely hot black dragon's breath, which was like a destructive energy that could destroy everything in the world.

"Your Excellency Alice..."

In mid-air, Enzo hesitated and said, "Please be careful, this guy is not weak!"

As one of the most powerful abyss lords in the 900-layer world of the abyss, there is no doubt about the strength of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

If fighting alone, Enzo is not afraid of the opponent, but it is not easy to kill him.


However, Alice next to her sneered, a trace of disdain appeared on her indifferent face, and then she waved her hand casually.

The next moment, a void door was opened.

Immediately afterwards, all the dragon breath breathed out by the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar was swallowed up by the Void Gate, and the energy turned into nothingness in an instant.


Above the sky, Oren Caesar let out an angry roar, his wings vibrated suddenly, and bursts of thunder suddenly came from the sky.


In an instant, black lightning descended like a world-destroying power, bombarding the earth, forming a terrifying power.

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

Facing the powerful attack methods of Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, he couldn't help but feel a little vigilant in his heart, and subconsciously wanted to use magic defense.

However, Enzo suppressed his thoughts.

Because he also wanted to see how strong Alice was. The other party was also a fifth-level holy soul wizard, but Enzo didn't have any information about the other party.

"I can see how strong the members of the Supreme Council are!"

Enzo's mind flashed with thoughts.


At this time, there was another roar of thunder and lightning in the sky, and black lightning turned into the sky, as if it was about to tear the entire world apart.

"Is this your method?"

In mid-air, Alice's face remained very calm, as if the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar's attack could not make her feel threatened at all.

Facing the black thunder and lightning falling in the sky, Alice just raised her hand casually, and black vortexes appeared immediately.

Suddenly, all the attacks of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar were blocked by Alice.

The next moment, Alice's eyes flashed.

"Broken Time!"

In mid-air, Alice whispered syllables, the golden wand in her hand flickered slightly, and then, a huge portal appeared in the distance.


Accompanied by a roaring sound of thunder and lightning, energy lightning like thunder exploded, heading straight towards the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

Above the sky, Oren Caesar roared.

Facing the extremely fast attack, the Black Dragon Emperor vibrated his wings and rolled up two streams of air, blocking Alice's attack.

"Is that all you have? Witch?"

A ferocious expression appeared on the face of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, and the luster in his vertical pupils flashed, as if he was mocking Alice.

However, the next moment.


The sound of thunder suddenly sounded, and the sky seemed to be torn apart, with countless cracks opening one after another.

The golden lightning continued to fall, like rain that could bring down the world. The terrifying power even surprised Enzo.

"This is……"

Enzo's heart skipped a beat as he felt some familiar power among the golden lightning bolts, and his thoughts flickered.

"The energy of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar!"

It turned out that the golden lightning falling in the sky was all transformed from the energy previously released by the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

After a brief contact, Enzo already had a preliminary understanding of Alice's strength. The first was the path that the other party took.

Space laws!

Different from the shadow path that Enzo initially took, the law of space is a forbidden path that is extremely difficult to master in the entire multiverse.

Even in the entire wizarding world, wizards with the talent to practice space series spells are extremely rare, and any one of them is a genius.

As for space spells, they were even considered taboo spells during the First Era of Ancient Times and the early days of wizard civilization.

Many wizards have ended up falling because of practicing space magic. However, with the continuous sacrifices of generations, the wizard civilization has learned more and more about space magic.

Therefore, space law wizards have also become a branch of the path of wizard civilization. Although even today, the number of space wizards is still small, one thing is undeniable. Every space wizard is an extremely powerful existence.

"What a terrifying power!"

Next to him, Enzo's eyes flashed with surprise. Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from Alice, he couldn't help but use a chip to analyze it.

"Chip, analog computing."

Enzo gave an order in his mind and said secretly: "What is the winning rate if I fight against Ms. Alice?"

"Simulation calculation in progress..."

Soon, the chip began to calculate. However, what Enzo didn't expect was that if he played against Alice, the winning rate would be only 40%, not even half.

However, if Enzo wants to escape unscathed, the probability is about 98%. This is also the characteristic of the Phantom Crow Thousand Spirit Meditation Method and the Shadow Path.

If you can't beat him, it's enough to save your life!

In mid-air, Enzo shook his head to dispel the thoughts in his mind.


At this time, the terrifying roars in the sky also sounded one after another, and golden thunder struck the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar one after another.

The power that originally belonged to him turned to attack Oren Caesar at this moment. Even the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar was unable to bear such an offensive.


In mid-air, Oren Caesar roared, but there was a hint of weakness in his voice. Then, under the bombardment of thunder, the huge body also fell to the ground.

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