Journey to the witch world

Chapter 915 The Dark Door

The soul bone wand, which turned into a huge skull, was blessed by the power of the three realms of fire, like a blazing sun.


Accompanied by the terrifying roaring sound, the huge skull headed straight towards the red flames of hell, Hiigara, and in just a moment, it knocked the huge bone dragon away.

"In a one-on-three situation, I don't have any advantage!"

In place, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

Even he felt a lot of pressure to deal with three fifth-level life forms at the same time. Therefore, in order to get rid of the current predicament, Enzo decided to reduce one enemy first.

Today, seven fifth-level life forms have appeared on the side of the Demon Alliance.

The Troll Bolton of the Ancestral Mountain, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, the Ten Thousand-Blade Demon Major Shutas, the King of Demon Spirits Gegra, the Pearl of the Deep Sea Alys, the Red Flame Higla of Hell, and the Blood Demon King who was born in the Blood Evil World. Ancestor.

Among these seven fifth-level life forms, the Demon King Gegra, the Blood Demon Ancestor, and the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton were all temporarily entangled by Enzo's subordinates.

Therefore, Enzo only needs to face four enemies for the time being.

Among these four enemies, Alice, the Pearl of the Deep Sea, is the weakest. Now she has almost lost her combat effectiveness and cannot pose much threat to Enzo.

So, for the remaining three enemies, Enzo directly chose the Hell's Red Flame Higra as his target. Although the opponent's strength was also not weak, compared to the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar and the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Xytas, they were stronger. There is some difference.

Eliminating the Hell's Red Flame Higurah can reduce Enzo's great pressure.


Even the ancient dragon was seriously injured under the attack of the soul bone wand and the power of the three realms of fire, and the hell-red flame Higra fell to the ground.

"Hmph! Wizard, do you think I don't exist?"

At this time, the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Master Shutas seemed to have seen through Enzo's thoughts, so he snorted coldly and waved a thousand arms.

In an instant, thousands of blades struck.

The surrounding space seemed to be torn apart, Enzo's expression changed slightly, and the black robe on his body was cut open in an instant.

"Shadow Sephiroth!"

Immediately, without any hesitation, Enzo turned into a shadow and escaped into the darkness, but he didn't expect the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Xitas to let him go easily.

"Ten Thousand Blades Return to the Void!"

Shutas let out a low groan, and thousands of sword lights instantly enveloped the world.

The next moment, a terrorist attack struck instantly.

Enzo's eyes flashed with solemn luster. Under Shutas's offensive, he had to get out of the shadows and formed a protective shield around his body.


The invisible blade hit the energy shield, making a terrifying sound. Even the defense measures condensed by the power of shadow were overwhelmed at this moment.


Not long after, the energy shield around Enzo made a cracking sound.

"I can't stop it!"

Enzo's heart sank, and he realized that the energy shield around him might not be able to block the attack of the Ten Thousand-Blade Demon Lord Shutas.

"Phantom Crow Thousand Spirits!"

Immediately, without much hesitation, Enzo directly activated the ability of the Phantom Crow Thousand Spirits, and his whole body turned into countless Phantom Crows and flew away in all directions.


The next moment, the energy defense was completely shattered, and the countless phantom crows transformed by Enzo also fled towards the distance, trying their best to avoid the attack of the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas.

"Want to leave?"

In the distance, the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas sneered and said faintly, "That's not that easy!"

After saying that, a sharp light flashed in Xiutas' eyes.

Suddenly, the wind blade turned into a heavy rain and struck.

The phantom crows transformed by Enzo immediately suffered heavy losses under the attack of this terrifying offensive, and were turned into energy and shattered.


But soon, Enzo regrouped his body and appeared a thousand meters away.

In mid-air, Enzo's face turned slightly pale.

In the abyss world, the strength of Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas seems to be one level stronger than in the ice crystal world.

Even Enzo couldn't resist that terrifying offensive.


At the same time, in the sky, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar also roared and turned into a black shadow and headed straight for the Blood Moon.


The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar flew into the sky, opened his huge mouth, and spat out a terrifying dragon's breath towards the blood moon that Enzo had transformed using the Scarlet Heart.

Suddenly, the black dragon's breath swallowed the blood moon.


In the distance, Enzo groaned, and his already pale face became even paler. Looking up, he saw that the blood moon that was previously in the sky had been swallowed up by black flames and turned into ashes.

"It's really amazing power!"

A dignified light flashed in Enzo's eyes. He could clearly feel that as the Scarlet Moon was destroyed by the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, the power of the Scarlet Heart was also weakened.

"It cannot be used again for a short period of time!"

Enzo sighed in his heart. The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar relied on his terrifying strength to destroy the Scarlet Moon.

Therefore, today's Scarlet World has also fallen into an extremely weak state. At least for a short period of time, Enzo can no longer use the power of Scarlet World.

And if Enzo uses it forcefully, it will mean the risk that the Scarlet World may fall.


Above the sky, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar roared after destroying the Scarlet Moon, and then spit out black flames again.

"Dark Water Waves!"

Facing the oncoming black flames, Enzo's eyes flashed, he waved his hand and relied on the power of the Heart of Dark Water to summon a monstrous wave.

The impact of fire and water formed a terrifying power.

However, with the power of the Heart of Dark Water, Enzo finally blocked the offensive of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, only consuming a trace of magic power.


But at this moment, a loud noise suddenly came.

Enzo's expression changed, but he saw not far away, the terrifying body of the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton, rushing towards the Destroyer Mechanical Giant like a mountain of flesh.


Just hearing a loud noise, the Destroyer Mechanical Giant, who had been scarred from the battle with the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton, finally couldn't hold on any longer and fell directly to the ground.

Bang bang bang!

However, the Destroyer mechanical giant that fell to the ground still did not lose its combat effectiveness. Instead, a vortex split open from its chest, and cannonballs capable of destroying the city were continuously shot out.

Terrifying explosions sounded one after another.

The shells exploded one after another on the body of the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton, but they did not cause any damage.


The next moment, the Destroyer Mechanical Giant suddenly stood up, shooting red lasers from his eyes, burning the body of the Zushan Troll.

Such an offensive finally caused some reaction from the Zushan troll, but it only left some traces on the layers of skin.


Immediately afterwards, the Destroyer Mechanical Giant raised its huge arm, ejected a ball of rotating steel knives, and rushed towards the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton again.

"How about it, wizard!"

On the other side, the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas suddenly said, "You don't really think that you can deal with Bolton with the indigenous gods under your command, do you?"

As he said that, the eyes of Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Xiutas flashed with a mocking luster.

"Did I say you were ignorant or stupid?"

The Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas shook his head, with a complicated expression on his face, and said quietly: "To be honest, the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton is an existence that even I don't want to face. How can the indigenous gods under his command do it?" How long will it last?”

On the same spot, Enzo's face looked a little gloomy.

As the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Major Shutas said, the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton, as one of the oldest beings in the abyss world, has no doubt about his strength.

Therefore, Reiner controls the Destroyer Mechanical Titan. Although his life level barely reaches level five, the gap between the two is difficult to make up.

In a confrontation between the two, the winning rate is only 91!

Even if the Destroyer Mechanical Giant exerts its full strength, it only has a one-tenth chance at most of defeating the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton, and it will be a miserable victory at that.

In place, thoughts flickered in Enzo's mind.

Today's situation has become more and more critical. Although the three fifth-level life forms under Enzo can still hold on for the time being, it is only a matter of time before they lose.

Just like the Destroyer Mechanical Titan.

Even if Reiner tried his best, it would be impossible to defeat the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton, and the same was true for the Seraphim Gabriel on the other side of the battlefield.

However, the gap between him and the demon king Gegla was not too big. He was just slightly at a disadvantage, but after several rounds of confrontation, he was still scarred.

As for the confrontation between the World-Destroying Flame Snake and the Blood Demon Ancestor, they gained a slight advantage. However, as time went by, the situation of the World-Destroying Flame Snake became more and more unstable, as if it was on the verge of losing control.

Obviously, the World-Destroying Flame Snake cannot hold on for long and must return to the Three Realms of Flame.

Such a situation made Enzo's mind flicker.

Obviously, if this battle continues, Enzo will probably end up facing a one-on-seven situation. Even with the support of the fourteenth world, he has no chance of winning.

"It seems that a choice must be made!"

On the same spot, Enzo sighed in his heart. The current situation has become obvious. Facing the menacing demon coalition, it has become impossible for Enzo to escape unscathed.

Therefore, before the situation completely deteriorates, Enzo must make a choice and abandon the Ten Realms Fortress.

This is Enzo's only chance.

Only by abandoning the Ten Realms Fortress can Enzo lead the indigenous gods under his command to escape from the 900-layer world of the abyss, and even so, the chance is only between 50 and 50.

On the spot, Enzo took a deep breath and his eyes became firm.

Although it took him fifty years to establish the Ten Realm Fortress, and tens of billions of expeditionary troops are now in the Ten Realm Fortress.

Abandoning the Ten Worlds Fortress would mean that Enzo would lose all the expeditionary soldiers under his command, which would definitely be considered a serious loss of vitality.

But now, Enzo has no choice.

The Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas, and the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton are all the most powerful lords in the abyss world.

A joint attack by the three, plus the four fifth-level life forms under his command, there is no chance of victory even with the blessing of Enzo's power from the Fourteenth Realm.

"Dark Portal!"

On the same spot, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and a huge dark door appeared in the sky above the Ten Worlds Fortress. He was a decisive person.

Therefore, after making the decision, Enzo did not hesitate much,

"Chip, pass on the order!"

Enzo gave an order in his mind, and ordered all the indigenous gods under his command to retreat through the chip, while he stayed to temporarily block the demon coalition.

All the soldiers of the Ten World Expeditionary Force can die, but if too many of the indigenous gods under Enzo's command are lost, it will cause a lot of trouble.

After all, the fourteen worlds under Enzo's command must be ruled by indigenous gods in order to maintain basic order.

"Father...are you planning to abandon the Ten Realms Fortress?"

On the city wall, feeling Enzo's order, the evil ghost god Zoffi flashed a hint of disbelief in his eyes, as if he couldn't believe that Enzo would give up the Ten Realm Fortress and so many expeditionary soldiers under his command.

"Execute the order, Zoffie!"

Next to him, the Emerald God Sani, with a hint of complexity flashing in his emerald green eyes, sighed, "If even Lord Enzo can't defeat the enemy, then even if we are added, there is no point!"

"I'm really... unwilling to give in!"

A wry smile appeared on Zuo Fei's face. He originally thought that this expedition to the abyss world would be his opportunity to reach the fifth level.

But I didn't expect that it would end in this way.

Among the fortresses of the ten realms, the expeditionary force numbered tens of billions.

Among the tens of billions of expeditionary troops, the evil ghost tribe is undoubtedly the main force. As the god of evil ghosts, Zuo Fei knows very well that most of the evil ghost tribe under his command have been pushed to the 900th level of the abyss. world.

As for the evil ghost clan left in the war ghost world, there are less than tens of millions, and they only exist to maintain the order of the world.

Now, the destruction of the Ten Worlds Fortress means that all the evil ghost soldiers in the fortress will also be driven out and killed. This is almost an unacceptable thing for Zuo Fei.


A trace of unwillingness flashed in the eyes of the evil ghost god Zoffi.

The entire evil ghost tribe has been the most loyal force under Enzo since its birth. When the Five Worlds Expedition was planned, hundreds of millions of evil ghost tribes were sent to the black light world by Enzo.

However, the failure of the Black Light World Expedition resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions of evil ghosts. That failure also resulted in a severe loss of vitality in the War Ghost World.

And now, such a tragedy seems to be happening again.

The eyes of the evil ghost god Zuofi were full of unwillingness. The hundreds of millions of evil ghost soldiers under his command were about to perish. Even Zuofi, who had immortal life, felt a burst of sadness.

At this moment, Zuo Fei's desire for power reached its extreme.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

With the opening of the Dark Portal, all the indigenous gods of the Ten Realm Fortress received Enzo's order. Reiner, who was driving the Destroyer Mechanical Titan, bore the brunt and shot out all the cannonballs from the giant's body.


Continuous roars continued to sound, but the huge body of the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton seemed to be swallowed up by the billowing smoke of the cannonball explosion.

The next moment, the Destroyer Mechanical Giant turned around and ran towards the Dark Portal.

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