"Xutas, what do you mean?"

In mid-air, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, with a glint of dissatisfaction flashing through his vertical pupils, was entrenched in the clouds and ready to move.

"Don't worry, Oren Caesar."

Xiutas raised the corners of his lips and said quietly, "We always have to give people a chance."

As he said this, Xiutas raised his head.

He said in a tone that could not be refused: "How about it? Wizard!"

"Make your choice?"

"Should I choose to join the camp of the abyss, or choose death?"

In mid-air, Enzo's face was expressionless.

For him, there is no need to consider the choice given by the Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Xietas. As a Holy Soul Wizard, Enzo would not choose to betray the wizard civilization.

Becoming a fallen wizard is not only a change of identity, but also represents a change of camp, especially at the end of the Third Era.

However, what Enzo really cared about was the information he learned from Xietas.

From what Shutas said, Wizard Calvin did not seem to have died, but was temporarily unable to intervene in the war between the demon alliance and the wizards of the North in the 900th layer of the abyss.

"In the end what happened?"

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, thinking about what happened during this period.

It has been nearly fifty years since the wizards of the North came to the 900-layer world of the abyss, and before that, the abyss demon coalition had not taken any drastic actions.

But now, it seems that under the intervention of a powerful existence, the lords of the nine hundred worlds of the abyss are determined to drive out the northern wizards.

"It's really... troublesome!"

Enzo took a deep breath, clenched the Soul Bone Wand in his hand, and a look of solemnity appeared on his face.

Opposite, the Ten Thousand-Blade Demon Lord Shutas, the expression on his face gradually turned cold.

"It seems that you have made your choice."

Behind Ten Thousand Blade Demon Lord Shutas, thousands of arms slowly raised, and countless sharp blades were ready to go, forming a terrifying blade field around him.

At the same time, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar could not bear it at all. He let out an angry roar, vibrated his wings and flew into the sky.

On the other side, under the command of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, the red flames of Hell Higra also turned into a stream of fire and went straight towards Enzo.

"The tree world is coming!"

In mid-air, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and the shadow wings behind him seemed to turn into green light, scattering seeds one after another in a trembling motion.

The next moment, the green seeds turned into a sea of ​​trees.

Enzo, who possesses fourteen planes, has reached a certain level of ability to use the Heart of the World, and can bring down the Tree Realm with a wave of his hand.


The crimson dragon flames rolled in, and the terrifying offensive destroyed the sea of ​​trees around Enzo. Then, the astonishing body of the hell red flames also rushed straight towards Enzo, with extreme horror. of power.

"Twisted Barrier!"

Enzo waved the wand in his hand, creating a barrier with shadow, trying to withstand the impact of the red flames of hell, Hiigara.

However, the twisted barrier condensed by the shadows seemed as fragile as white paper in front of the red flames of Hell Higra. In just a moment, the twisted barrier was shattered.

Suddenly, Enzo frowned.

Facing the surging red flames of hell, Enzo didn't have much chance to react, so he could only turn into dim light again and escape into the shadows.

The next moment, Enzo appeared on the earth.

"It's really a bit troublesome!"

On the same spot, Enzo took a deep breath, and a dignified light flashed in his eyes.

His request for help has not been responded to yet, which seems to indicate that Wizard Calvin has temporarily encountered some troubles and cannot get out of it, just as the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Xietas said.

As for the current situation, it would be difficult for Enzo without support to deal with the siege of the three abyss lords.

At this moment, seven fifth-level life forms have appeared on the demon alliance side.

The three most powerful among them are the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Shutas, and the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton.

Enzo wouldn't be afraid to face these three fifth-level life forms alone.

But now, they appeared in front of the Ten Worlds Fortress at the same time. It was not easy for Enzo to win by himself.

Moreover, in addition to the three abyss lords, on the demon alliance side, other fifth-levels such as the King of Demon Spirits, the Ancestor of the Blood Demon, and the Red Flame Higra of Hell also possess strengths that cannot be underestimated. At this time, En The Destroyer Mechanical Giants under Zuo's command, the Seraphim Gabriel, and the World-Destroying Serpent can fight against them, but they may not be able to last for too long.

Especially the Destroyer Mechanical Titan.

Even if all the world's resources under Enzo's command were used up to create a giant mecha, it would soon fall to the bottom in the face of a powerful enemy like the Zushan Troll. Now under the control of Laina, it can only suffer. Suffering sustains the situation.

On the other side, the same is true for Seraphim Gabriel.

Gabriel, who was originally a loyal follower of the Lord of Light, became a fallen angel due to the pollution of the abyss energy. Although he still possesses the realm of a fifth-level life form, in fact, he has lost many abilities due to his own corruption.

For example, the former Seraphim Gabriel's strongest method was the blessing of the King of Light, but today's fallen angels have long lost this ability. Compared with themselves in their heyday, their strength is only one-third. About two times.

Under such circumstances, Gabriel did not have any advantage in fighting against the demon king Gegra.

In fact, according to the simulation analysis of the chip, it is only a matter of time before Gabriel loses. As for the Destroyer Mechanical Titan, it is almost the same.

Among the three fifth-level life forms in the Ten Realms Fortress, perhaps only the World-Destroying Flame Snake can fight evenly with his opponent.

As a life form bred from the Three Realms of Fire, the World-Destroying Flame Snake is extremely powerful in combat, and its attributes have a certain ability to restrain the Blood Demon Ancestor. In the confrontation between the two, although the World-Destroying Flame Snake did not reach the level of crushing , but it also has certain advantages.

However, under the constraints of the rules of the world, the World-Destroying Flame Snake cannot leave the Three Realms of Fire for too long.

A prolonged confrontation with the Blood Demon Ancestor will only put more pressure on Enzo.

Even, at the end, the World-Destroying Flame Snake will completely lose control, break away from Enzo's shackles, and bring devastating disasters to the ten world fortresses.

Above the black wilderness, the war continues.

The three abyss lords who have surrounded the ten-realm fortress are not in a hurry. The black dragon emperor Oren Caesar is entrenched in the clouds, with a hint of evil smile shining in his vertical pupils, while the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Shutas It is also inevitable.

"It seems that we don't need to worry at all."

On the earth, Wanren Demon Major Xiu Tas said quietly, now the demon king Gegla, the ancestor of the blood demon and the ancestor mountain troll are fighting against Enzo's three fifth-level life forms, and they are constantly gaining the upper hand. Seeing that We must defeat the World-Destroying Flame Snake, the Destroyer Mechanical Titan and the Seraphim Gabriel.

Under such circumstances, Xietas and Orenkaiser would naturally not be in a hurry.

Because, as long as Enzo's three fifth-level ones are defeated, the demon alliance and seven fifth-level life forms can join forces to surround Enzo.

And when the situation reaches that point, even if Enzo has the blessing of the power of the fourteenth world, he may not be able to defeat seven against one.

"This must end before the situation completely deteriorates..."

On the spot, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. Even if he made a decision, he no longer held anything back and directly poured all the power of the fourteen worlds under his command into his body.

"Be careful, this guy is going to fight hard!"

In the distance, Wanren Demon Master Shutas seemed to have noticed the changes in Enzo, so he spoke with a look of vigilance on his face.

"Hmph! Try your best?"

Above the billowing black clouds, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar flashed a trace of murderous intent in his vertical pupils, and said faintly: "What can we do?"

"Anyway, this damn wizard is destined to stay here today!"

After that, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar, regardless of Shutas's stop, turned into a black shadow and dived straight towards Enzo.


As the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar shook his wings, there seemed to be black thunder flashing in the sky, and the violent power turned into thunder in an instant.


At the same time, Oren Caesar also let out a beastly roar, spitting out a ball of pitch-black dragon breath from a huge torn mouth.

Rolling dragon breath invades.

In the past, Enzo had been acting cautiously, but now, facing the increasingly dangerous situation, he no longer had any reservations and would unleash all his strength.

Facing the incoming dragon's breath, Enzo paused with his wand.

The tidal-like shadow under his feet suddenly turned into a huge black wave, directly blocking the dragon's breath offensive. The two energies collided with each other, erupting with terrifying power.

The next moment, Enzo's eyes turned red.

The power of the Three Realms of Flame seemed to be brought into full play at this moment. The blazing flames went with the flow and swallowed up Oren Caesar in the sky in an instant.


Above the sky, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar was caught off guard and let out a scream. The flames covering his body caused him extreme pain.

On the spot, Enzo snorted coldly.

Under the blessing of the power of the fourteenth world, his power was exerted to the extreme, and even the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar could not bear it.


Above the sky, the black dragon emperor Oren Caesar, swallowed by flames, fell directly to the earth, smashing a terrifying pit into the black wilderness.

But obviously, just the attack just now was obviously impossible to kill Oren Caesar.

Therefore, in just a moment, he struggled out of the pit. With a sudden flick of his wings, the flames around him turned into flowing fire and dispersed.

However, after this blow, the body of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar was burned by the fire and became scarred.

"Wizard! I'm going to tear you apart!"

In the pit, Oren Caesar roared angrily, letting out a deafening roar, and then, he flapped his wings again and flew out of the pit.

On the opposite side, Enzo was not afraid at all.

Using the state blessed by the power of the Fourteen Realms, he felt that he was stronger than ever before. Even if he faced the siege of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar and the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Shutas, there seemed to be no problem.

Immediately, Enzo paused with the soul bone wand in his hand.

But he saw the shadow under his feet suddenly overflowing like a tide, turning into a huge black wave, heading straight towards Oren Caesar.


Above the sky, black rain poured down. This was the power of the Heart of Dark Water, and at the same time, a blood moon slowly emerged in the sky.

"Scarlet Moon!"

In the distance, Wanren Demon Lord Shutas saw the scarlet moon in the sky, and his eyes could not help but flash with fear.

Even the demon lords in the abyss world have heard of the legendary Lady Moon.

That is an existence on the same level as the Seven Deadly Sins Demon God of the Abyss, and Ms. Yue's authority is also extremely powerful in the abyss world.

According to legend, Lady Moon was born in the River Styx.

Therefore, she has the authority to control the River Styx. However, this legend has never been verified. No one knows how true it is, but all the abyss lords know how powerful Lady Moon is.

There are also strong and weak differences among the sixth-level life forms.

In the entire multiverse, the number of seventh-level life forms is only two digits, but the number of sixth-level life forms exceeds three digits. Among so many sixth-level life forms, Ms. Yue has the ability to challenge the fallen wizard Supreme Bushura. There is no doubt about his qualifications and strength.

Now, although Ms. Yue has fallen, she is not completely dead.

After causing trouble in the scarlet world, Ms. Yue escaped back to the multiverse again, and she doesn’t know what the situation is now.

Part of her authority has been left behind in the scarlet world.

Enzo, who controls the scarlet world, has obtained this part of the power, and now he has descended the scarlet moon on the 900th layer of the abyss world, suppressing several abyss lords.

"Leave that damn moon to me!"

On the earth, the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar let out a low roar, then vibrated his wings and flew straight into the sky.

Obviously, after the previous confrontation, he no longer wanted to fight Enzo alone.

Therefore, Oren Caesar planned to weaken Enzo's power little by little, so as to finally complete the hunt. The opposite Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Xuetas also recognized this.

"In that case, let me hold him back!"

Xiutas nodded slightly, and then like a giant's body, he ran straight towards Enzo. The thousands of arms behind him waved in unison, and the sharp blade turned into a blade of air.

In the same place, Enzo's expression remained unchanged.

Facing the attack of Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Shutas, he only flashed his eyes slightly, and then used the power of shadow to escape into the darkness.

Then, Enzo bypassed the Ten Thousand Ren Demon Lord Shutas.

"Olen Caesar, be careful!"

On the spot, Xiutasi's expression changed slightly, thinking that Enzo bypassed him and aimed at the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

However, this is not the case.

The shadow transformed by Enzo did not attack Oren Caesar, but went straight to the red flames of Hell Higra, and the Soul Bone Wand in his hand was thrown out.

In an instant, the Soul Bone Wand turned into a huge skull.

"The power of fire!"

Enzo whispered the syllables in his mouth, but saw the huge skull directly turned into a ball of flame, like a falling star.

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