Journey to the witch world

Chapter 909 Zushan Troll

In mid-air, a look of thought appeared on Enzo's face.

The abyssal vortex cannot be destroyed, which means that the demon coalition south of the Styx will have an absolute advantage. At any time, they can rely on the abyssal vortex to teleport their demons to the north of the Styx to the wizards. Create confusion.

As the saying goes, you can only be a thief in a thousand days, but there is no way to prevent a thief in a thousand days!

If the wizard side does not destroy the abyss whirlpool, what awaits them will be endless harassment and destruction. By then, just maintaining the rule north of the Styx will become a trouble for the wizard side.

"Chip, simulate the method of destroying the abyss vortex!"

Enzo gave an order in his heart to use the function of the chip to simulate the abyss vortex under his feet and find a way to destroy it.

However, another few hours passed.

With the assistance of the chip, Enzo tried various methods, but was unable to destroy the abyss vortex. Instead, he consumed some magic power and killed some of the demons that emerged from the abyss vortex, and the corpses piled up into a hill.

"This is going to be troublesome."

Enzo rubbed his forehead, with a look of helplessness on his face. The portals in the wizarding world can be destroyed by crushing the center, but facing the abyss whirlpool, he has nowhere to start. Any destructive witchcraft will Absorbed by the abyssal vortex, Enzo's magic was wasted.

In this state, Enzo felt very helpless.

"In this case, we can only try the sealing technique!"

After a while, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. Since the abyssal vortex cannot be destroyed, sealing it may be Enzo's only option.

However, Enzo is still unable to confirm whether the power of his sealing technique will still be absorbed by the abyss vortex.

Immediately, Enzo took a deep breath.

"Thousand Illusions Seal!"

Enzo, who practices the Meditation Method of Phantom Crows and Thousand Spirits, has one of his best abilities, the sealing technique. As he whispers the syllables in his mouth, phantom crows emerge from his body.


Suddenly, countless phantom crows flew towards the abyss whirlpool, and in an instant, they turned into a strange seal.

For a moment, blackness swallowed the abyssal vortex.


Enzo's heart moved. The power of the Thousand Illusion Seals seemed to have an effect on the abyss whirlpool. The originally deep and strange whirlpool gradually showed signs of being closed.

Soon, the Thousand Fantasy Seal was completed.

Enzo was floating in mid-air, looking at the abyss whirlpool below, a glint of thought flashing in his eyes.

After the Qianhuan Seal was completed, the abyss whirlpool was also sealed.

The flashing runes around represented the seal of the abyssal vortex. Enzo did not leave in a hurry, but continued to observe the dynamics of the abyssal vortex after the seal was completed.

At this time, a black aura surged out of the abyss whirlpool again.

It was as if demons were crawling out of the abyss whirlpool again, but facing the Thousand Illusion Seals, they were trapped in the whirlpool.


In mid-air, Enzo snorted coldly.

Above the Qianhuan Seal, a blazing flame suddenly burned, followed by strong energy fluctuations, killing all the demons who tried to break through the seal.


Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and when he saw that the demon clan had not broken through the seal in the abyss whirlpool, he immediately understood that his plan was successful.

The abyss vortex in this area was successfully sealed by Enzo.

"It cannot be destroyed, but it can be sealed."

A thoughtful expression appeared on Enzo's face, and he gradually realized that the best way to deal with the abyss vortex was not to destroy it, but to seal it.

However, it is not easy to seal the abyss vortex.

The reason why Enzo did it so easily was mainly because of his strong strength. If he wanted to seal this abyss vortex, he would have to be a fourth-level wizard at the very least.

As for the third-level wizard, maybe a few people can do it together with some external assistance.

After finding a way to deal with the abyss vortex, Enzo nodded slightly, and then prepared for the next abyss vortex ahead.

According to the report of the evil ghost god Zuofi, there are at least dozens of abyss whirlpools appearing around the Ten Worlds Fortress. If they cannot be sealed, the Ten Worlds Fortress must send out a large number of troops to keep the demons appearing in the abyss whirlpools at all times. clan.

Just as Enzo was about to leave, there was an abyss vortex ahead.


Suddenly there was a terrifying roaring sound from the ground. Enzo frowned slightly and looked in the direction of the sound.

"Ten Realm Fortress?"

A trace of solemnity flashed in Enzo's eyes. The direction of the sound was coming from the direction of the Ten Realm Fortress. The ability to make such a terrifying sound obviously meant that something big had happened.

Immediately, Enzo didn't hesitate at all.

He immediately turned into a shadow and disappeared. In just a few breaths, he returned to the Ten Worlds Fortress.

Standing on the wall, Enzo looked into the distance.

On the endless black wilderness, countless demonic armies appeared, and at the very back, the demon lord, who was like a giant mountain, was roaring.

"Ancestral Mountain Troll!"

Looking at the huge demon lord appearing in the distance, Enzo's pupils shrank for a while, and the chip in his mind immediately called up a large amount of information to indicate the identity of the demon.

A fifth-level life form, the Zushan Troll!

He is a demon lord of the same level as Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar and Wanren Demon Major Shutas. However, compared to the other two fifth-level demon lords, Zushan Troll Bolton has a longer lifespan and is known as the 900-layer world of the abyss. One of the oldest in existence.

However, the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton is a very low-key existence.

In his long life, most of the time, he hid deep in the cave and slept. Unless something big happened that could affect the entire 900-layer world of the abyss, the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton would wake up, and every time he woke up It will bring terrible disasters to the world of the 900th layer of the abyss.

"Unexpectedly... even an existence of this level has awakened!"

On the wall of the Ten Realms Fortress, Enzo's eyes flashed with a dignified luster. The Northern Council had long collected information about the Zushan Trolls.

It's just that according to the plan of the Northern Parliament.

The Zushan Troll, which has been dormant for many years, is not among their attack targets. According to the Northern Council's understanding of the Zushan Troll, as long as they do not actively provoke this ancient being, they will not be attacked by the other party. The Northern Council can completely occupy it. After the entire 900-layer world of the abyss, we will consider how to deal with the Zushan trolls.

But now, the Zushan troll has awakened.

This made Enzo even more determined. This time, the demons formed an alliance in the 900-layer world of the abyss. They were ordered by a powerful existence. Therefore, besides the demon lords of the sixth level and above, Enzo really couldn't think of anyone else. It can revive the Zushan troll.

What troubled him even more was that the first target of the Ancestral Mountain Troll's awakening was the Ten Realm Fortress.

Also a fifth-level life form, Enzo is not afraid of the Zushan Trolls, but he just feels a little wary of this ancient existence.

In the distance, the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton's roar caused the surrounding land to shake.

Even Enzo felt a little numb when he saw that huge body, as if he could swallow a kingdom with his mouth open.

Fortunately, the Zushan Troll Bolton, although he appeared in front of the Ten Realms Fortress, had no intention of moving towards the Ten Realms Fortress. According to the information about the Zushan Troll in the chip, Enzo understood that this ancient troll was not able to move towards the Ten Realms Fortress due to its size. It's too bulky, making it difficult to move.

At this time, in the black wilderness in front of the Ten Realms Fortress.

Countless low-level demons are coming like a tide, and their dense numbers are like locusts that can eat everything.

Moreover, in the demon army, in addition to the Zushan trolls, there are also many fourth-level demon lords.

Obviously, the demon army that marched into the Ten Realm Fortress this time was a terrifying force. If Enzo was not here again, the defense of the Ten Realm Fortress alone would never be able to withstand it.

On the city wall, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly.

Then, he issued orders one after another to the surrounding men, and half of the indigenous gods above the fourth level were sent to the battlefield.


At the same time, over the Ten Realm Fortress, fighter jets from the Sea Blue World also flew out one after another. They bombarded the demon army below with a burst of indiscriminate bombardment, and the ear-splitting roar was almost breathtaking. Trembling deep in the soul.

On the city wall, Enzo looked calm.

The confrontation between the demon army and the soldiers of the Ten Realms Fortress was just a tentative showdown between the two sides. The only thing that can really affect the situation is the victory or defeat between Enzo and the Zushan Troll, and then everything can be determined.

However, the current Zushan trolls have not yet approached the Ten Realms Fortress.

Therefore, Enzo did not take the initiative to attack, and stared at the giant monster in the distance, which was like a mountain of meat, with a slight luster in his eyes.

"Lena, how is the Destroyer plan going?"

At this time, Enzo suddenly spoke and asked the giant god Laina next to him.

"According to your order, the Destroyer Mechanical Titan has been manufactured."

Beside him, Lai Na said hesitantly, "However, so far, various functions are still in the experimental stage, and there has never been any actual combat experience."

"very good."

Enzo nodded and said, "Then release the Destroyer Mechanical Giant and let me see its combat effectiveness?"

"Yes, Lord Enzo."

Laina nodded, and then issued an order to summon the Destroyer Mechanical Giant.


With an ear-splitting roar, the Destroyer Mechanical Giant, which had exhausted all the resources of the Ten Realms, slowly walked out of the Ten Realms Fortress.

A giant several thousand meters high, it looks like the most majestic mountain in the world.

Just standing there, before it was officially activated, the Destroyer Mechanical Giant was enough to make the demons around him retreat.

On the city wall, Reiner also took a deep breath.

Immediately afterwards, he jumped down, and with the golden light flashing, he completed the shape change and entered the cockpit of the Destroyer Mechanical Giant.


There was another violent roar, the Destroyer mechanical giant moved slowly, and then, various functions were turned on one after another.

The next moment, Reiner, who controlled the Destroyer Mechanical Giant, rushed straight towards the Zushan Troll. This was not the first time Reiner had fought against a fifth-level life form.

According to the rules in the multiverse, small worlds cannot give birth to fifth-level life forms. Now the Ocean Blue World has created the Destroyer Mechanical Giant, which in a sense has broken the rules of the universe.

However, strictly speaking, the Destroyer Mechanical Giant does not belong to a living body, and it was not built independently by Aquamarine World, but relied on the resources of Enzo's ten realms to succeed.


Above the black wilderness, the Destroyer Mechanical Giant ran wildly. That terrifying body made the ground tremble with every step it took.

Wherever he went, those low-level demons were crushed into meat pies.

Even so, facing the charge of the Destroyer Mechanical Giant, the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton still did not panic at all.

It wasn't until the Destroyer Mechanical Giant was close at hand that the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton slowly raised his head and let out a deafening roar.


The roar of the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton was like the roar of the ancient demon god, with violent energy fluctuations heading straight for the Destroyer Mechanical Giant.


As if the air was compressed together, just the roar of the Zushan Troll made the Destroyer Mechanical Giant retreat continuously.

"So weak?"

On the wall of the Ten Realm Fortress, Enzo's heart sank. He seemed to have never expected that the Destroyer Mechanical Giant's combat power was only this little.


However, Enzo quickly rejected his idea, shook his head and said, "It's not that the Destroyer Mechanical Giant is too weak, but that the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton is too strong!"

In the war against the Black Dragon Emperor Oron Caesar, Enzo once sent the steel mechanical giant of the Aquamarine World to face the poisonous dragon Dormammu.

In that battle, although the steel mechanical giant failed to defeat the poisonous dragon Dormammu, it still fought back and forth. This has proved that the technology of Aquamarine World is enough to build mechanical weapons at the level of fifth-order life forms.

Now, Enzo has devoted all his strength to create the Destroyer Mechanical Titan, which should not be weaker than the Iron Mechanical Titan in terms of emotion and reason.

Therefore, the Destroyer Mechanical Titan was at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton, not because the Destroyer Mechanical Titan was too weak.

But the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton is too strong!

In the distance, the fighting continues.

Bang bang bang!

After distancing himself from the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton, Reiner controlled the Destroyer Mechanical Giant to stand firm, and then fired thousands of powerful cannonballs at the huge body of the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton.

The power of any one of these many cannonballs is enough to destroy a city, but the bombardment on the body of the Zushan Troll Bolton did not cause considerable damage. Instead, the Zushan Troll just waved his hand and attacked several of them. The incoming shells were knocked away.


Those shells that were shot away fell on the black wilderness and immediately launched a terrible explosion. Although they did not cause harm to the Zushan trolls, they made the surrounding demons pay a heavy price.

However, no matter how many low-level demons were killed or injured, it would not mean much to Enzo.

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