Journey to the witch world

Chapter 908 Abyss Whirlpool

However, according to the natural laws of the abyss world.

Every time the tide of the Styx changes, many demon eggs will be pushed ashore, thus giving birth to a large number of low-level demons in a short period of time. These low-level demons will grow into powerful beings after they fight and devour each other.

Although the patrol team formed by the Northern Parliament patrolled the River Styx day and night, it could only maintain the situation and was unable to prevent the birth of demons. In this situation, even Calvin was helpless, which caused the wizard to be very frustrated. passive.

In the world of the 900th layer of the abyss, the number of demons can be said to be endless.

However, on the other hand, the wizards have the status of outsiders, so their actions are restricted at all times, and their resources are constantly consumed, so they can barely stand firm.

"This is definitely not the solution!"

On the spot, Enzo sighed in his heart, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes. Today's northern wizards want to open up the situation in the 900-layer world of the abyss, they must use thunderous means, otherwise the longer the war is delayed, the worse it will be for the wizards. Increasingly disadvantageous.

Obviously, Wizard Calvin also saw this clearly.

Therefore, he issued an order for all-out war, intending to use all the power of the Northern Continent to overthrow the rule of the demons in the 900-layer world of the abyss. Only by letting the entire 900-layer world of the abyss be shrouded in the light of the wizard tower Only then can the Northern Territory usher in real victory.

On the contrary, the wizard's strength will continue to be consumed, and they will eventually be driven back to the wizard world.

Just as Enzo was thinking about the current situation, at this moment, there was a knock on the door, but it was Zoffie, the evil ghost god, who appeared there.

"Welcome back, Father."

Zuofi, the God of Evil Ghosts, said in a deep voice, "Not long ago, a large number of abyssal whirlpools appeared around the Ten Worlds Fortress. I have sent a team of evil ghosts to deal with them."

"I wonder, father, if you have any other plans?"

While Enzo was in the ice crystal world, only one clone remained in the ten-realm fortress.

Now, the evil ghost god Zoffi also felt Enzo's return, so he appeared here to report to Enzo about the abyss whirlpool.

"Abyssal whirlpool?"

On the spot, Enzo frowned slightly. He also knew something about this so-called abyssal vortex. It was a unique situation in the abyss world, somewhat similar to the portal in the wizarding world.

In today's 900-layer world of the abyss, the demon clan and the wizards of the north have begun to fight against each other.

The two sides use the Styx River as the boundary, each occupying an area. The Abyss side wants to launch an attack on the wizards north of the Styx River. In addition to pressing the army, there is another way, which is to teleport the demons to the Abyss vortex. North of the River Styx.

In this way, the demon alliance caused great damage to the wizard side.

Anyway, creating an abyssal vortex is not too difficult for the demon coalition. It just requires consuming some resources. As for the demons teleported over, most of the time, they are only cannon fodder-level existences and are used for consumption. The strength of the wizard of the north.

However, since the all-out war between the wizards and the demons began, the abyss whirlpool has appeared many times, but it has never caused too serious damage to the ten realms fortress. But now, since the evil ghost god Zofi has specially reported this matter, then This means that in the abyss vortex around the Ten Realm Fortress, there must be a demon lord of level 4 or above.

"Give me my order."

On the spot, Enzo pondered for a moment and said, "Let Laina and Sani lead their soldiers to surround the abyss whirlpool. They must kill all the demons that appear in the abyss whirlpool. If there are any level 4 or above." The demon lord appears and report to me immediately."

"Yes! Father." Zuo Fei said solemnly.

Then, he turned around and left, passing on Enzo's order.

In the hall, Enzo's eyes flickered slightly. Now, there are a large number of abyss whirlpools around the Ten Realm Fortress. This means that the demon coalition is also beginning to prepare for big moves, which represents the precursor of the real war.

"Abyss Vortex!"

Enzo had thoughts flashing in his mind, and after thinking for a moment, he decided to go and check it out in person, and then turned into a shadow and disappeared from the place.

After a while, Enzo came to the black wilderness.

"Is this the abyss whirlpool?"

In mid-air, Enzo looked down at the earth. On the plain in the distance, a black vortex like a deep pit appeared, which exuded a strong abyss atmosphere. Countless demons of all kinds were crawling like ants. come out.

Tap tap tap!

On the other side, the army composed of evil ghosts was heading towards the abyss whirlpool, and soon clashed with the chaotic demons.

In mid-air, Enzo did not take action.

From the current point of view, the demons crawling out of the abyss vortex are just low-level demons, and the evil ghost army is enough to deal with them.

For Enzo, killing these low-level demons is just a matter of waving his hand.

However, the purpose of his trip was not that. As long as the abyss vortex was still there, no matter how many demons he killed, it would be meaningless.

Because the abyss vortex is the source of everything.

In the distance, the demon clan emerging from the far-reaching whirlpool has already started a confrontation with the evil ghost army. These chaotic and disorderly low-level demons are no match for the evil ghost army at all. A one-sided situation has formed on the battlefield.

However, this is just the beginning.


Suddenly, from the whirlpool of the abyss, a group of monsters covered in blood, like blood eagles, flew out and launched a surprise attack on the evil ghost army in groups.

"Defensive formation!"

Immediately, the commander of the evil ghost army immediately issued an order to form a defensive formation relying on shields and protective gear to resist the Blood Eagle's attack.

At the same time, a huge evil beast also appeared on the battlefield.

The life level of that evil beast has reached the third level. It is a powerful being raised by the evil ghost god Zoffi himself. It is also the most powerful trump card of this evil ghost army. As soon as the huge evil beast appears, Immediately made a huge difference.

The shape of the giant evil beast is somewhat similar to a bloated worm.

Due to its large size, it moved very slowly. With the assistance of thousands of evil ghost soldiers, the giant evil beast stayed on the battlefield. Tentacle-like organs protruded from its bloated body and moved toward the sky. A large amount of black liquid is sprayed out.


The black liquid turned into arrows and shot into the sky. Abyss blood eagles suddenly fell with shrill screams.

The black liquid ejected by the giant evil beast is obviously very destructive to the Abyss Blood Eagle.

However, when the black liquid poured down like rain, the evil ghost soldiers opened their arms to feel the falling black liquid.

Obviously, for the evil ghost tribe, the black liquid of the giant evil beast is a rare improvement.

In mid-air, Enzo looked calm.

Just as the Evil Ghost God Zuofi reported, there are now a large number of abyss whirlpools around the Ten Worlds Fortress, and this place is just one of them. Therefore, there are only a few evil ghost soldiers sent to this abyss whirlpool. One hundred thousand, the most powerful is only a third-level life form.

Soon, more and more demons emerged from the whirlpool of the abyss.

However, hundreds of thousands of evil ghost soldiers surrounded the entire abyss whirlpool, but the increasing number of abyss demons seemed to be showing signs of breaking through the siege.

An hour later, no more demons appeared in the abyss vortex.

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes flickered.

"Three, seven hundred and thirty-six thousand, four hundred and twenty-one demons!"

Enzo thought in his mind, and through the function of the chip, he scanned and recorded every demon that emerged from the vortex of the abyss.

In just one hour, nearly four million demons emerged from the vortex of the abyss.

This number is already several times that of the evil ghost army. If it weren't for the demons that appeared, most of which have low life levels, I am afraid that today's evil ghost army would not be able to suppress these demons and let them break through the encirclement blockade.

Fortunately, the evil ghost soldiers are strong and well-trained.

Hundreds of thousands of evil ghost soldiers surrounded millions of demons, and then relied on order to continuously kill the demons.

This battle lasted for several hours.

Most of the millions of demons were killed. The corpses were piled up there like a hill. It looked extremely terrifying. On the side of the evil ghost soldiers, there were also many heavy casualties. At least half of the evil ghosts were there. Fallen in the war.

In mid-air, Enzo's eyes were calm, looking at the abyss vortex below.

War will inevitably bring death and sacrifice. For Enzo, the casualties of the evil ghost army may be something worth regretting, but it is also an inevitable price.

What really concerned Enzo was the abyss whirlpool in front of him.

Through these few hours of observation, Enzo had a preliminary understanding of the abyssal vortex. It was indeed similar to a portal in the wizarding world. Through the abyssal vortex, demons could continuously appear behind the battlefield.

However, there is another huge difference between the abyss vortex and the portal.

That is, Enzo discovered that the appearance of the abyssal vortex seemed to be random, and unlike the opening of the portal that required certain arrangements, the appearance of the abyssal vortex was very random, and it did not seem to be too difficult to open in this area.

"Perhaps...this is the home field advantage of the devils, right?"

In mid-air, Enzo shook his head, with a look of helplessness on his face. In the abyss world, the demons have an absolute home field advantage. Using the rules of the abyss, they can easily open the abyss vortex, allowing the demon army to attack in any area. Appear to attack the wizards.

Below, the evil ghost soldiers were cleaning the battlefield.

Hundreds of thousands of evil ghost soldiers killed millions of demons, but their own losses were also quite serious. Now after cleaning the battlefield, they must immediately return to the Ten Realm Fortress to rest.

However, at this moment.

The abyss whirlpool that had returned to calm suddenly surged again, and demons crawled out like locusts.

"here we go again?"

In mid-air, Enzo frowned slightly.

Unexpectedly, only a few hours later, another demon clan emerged from the abyss whirlpool. At this moment, the evil ghost clan soldiers had just experienced a fierce battle.

However, in the face of the reappearance of the demons, the evil ghost soldiers reacted very quickly and immediately formed a siege again, trying to kill all the demons in the abyss vortex just like before.

Unfortunately, this time, more demons appeared from the abyss whirlpool than before. Even though the evil ghost soldiers were brave and good at fighting, it was still difficult to resist them.

Thus, a brutal battle began.


In mid-air, Enzo shook his head. The evil ghost army, which had just experienced a fierce battle, was now fighting against the demon tribe again. I am afraid there was no chance of winning.

If the fighting continues, the evil ghost army will be completely wiped out.

Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and then he waved his hand.

"Shadow Realm!"

In mid-air, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and the shadows under his feet spread like a tide. In an instant, darkness swallowed the earth.

Although to Enzo, the evil ghost soldiers are just cannon fodder, but if it is such a meaningless battle, it does not make sense.

So, Enzo chose to take action.

In just one breath, at the moment when the shadow swallowed the earth, all the demons that emerged from the abyss whirlpool were wiped out.

The evil ghost soldiers who witnessed all this also fell to their knees.

"Thank you to the great master for your help!"

The soldiers of the Evil Ghost Tribe shouted with fanatical luster in their eyes. To them, Zuo Fei was the god of the Evil Ghost Tribe, but Enzo was a greater master than the gods.

"Okay, let's go back!"

Enzo ignored the evil ghosts and waved his hand to signal them to leave.

Soon, the evil ghost army returned to the Ten Realms Fortress.

Enzo looked at the abyss whirlpool in front of him, looking at the pit like a black hole. He raised his hand, and the Soul Bone Wand appeared in his palm.

"Darkness annihilates!"

On the spot, Enzo waved the magic wand in his hand, condensing a stream of energy into a sphere and throwing it directly towards the abyss vortex. With a violent roar, the abyss vortex rippled like a river.

However, after a moment, the abyss whirlpool returned to calm, as if nothing had happened, and it still exuded a strong abyss aura.

"Cannot be destroyed?"

Enzo frowned slightly, and couldn't help but feel his heart sinking. The spell he used just now would cause death in an instant if a fourth-level lifeform were to endure it.

But the bombardment on the abyss vortex did not cause any damage. Instead, the power was swallowed by the abyss vortex.

This situation made Enzo feel a little heavy.

If the abyssal vortex cannot be destroyed, it means that demons can continuously come out of it and cause damage to the Ten Realm Fortress anytime and anywhere. This is obviously a very difficult thing.

Even if the demons that appear in the abyss vortex are only low-level demons, the tens of thousands of them are enough to cause great trouble to the wizards of the north.

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