Bodhi secretly laughed.

Not difficult immortal art, he still doesn't want to teach it.

Otherwise, how can we delay time.

The previous words are meant to stimulate Sun Wukong.

Teach easy not to learn.

It's difficult, when the time comes, you can't blame him. After all, this is Sun Wukong's own request.

"Well, I have two methods, one is the number of Tiangang, thirty-six changes, and the other is the number of earth evil, seven Twelve Transformations."

"Where do you want to learn One kind?"

Bodhi slammed his hand, deliberately making an angry look.

I heard this.

Sun Wukong is overjoyed.

Hurry up and said:

"Master, dísciple are all taught, please teach me all."

Bodhi really laughed this time.

"You Hohen, these two kinds of immortal art are extremely profound, and it takes a lifetime of hard work to learn one kind of art."

"How can they be two kinds of immortal art. Learn all?"

"bite off more than one can chew,"

Although he was trying to delay the consumption of the fairy fruit, he did not want to deliberately attack Sun Wukong.

Earthly Fiend 72 Transformations Fortunately, after all, it is just an Immortal Technique, assisted cultivation can always be learned.

Heavenly Dipper 36 Transformations is the real Taoism.

Don't say that you will learn from the scriptures in three hundred years, you will not be able to learn it even in three thousand years.

Sun Wukong still does not give up.

Pointing to his own eyes and said:

"Master, I can learn."

"I was born with Divine Eyes, I can see everything in the world, no matter It is fast to learn anything."

Bodhi was taken aback, turned his head and looked towards the pair of golden pupils.

Of course he also knows that Sun Wukong has double-breaking golden pupils, but he didn't expect it to have such a convenient use.

It is very likely that Nuwa Saint's method used to break the golden pupil.

He can't help it.

I felt helpless.

"Well, you follow me."

Bodhi Ancestor Master waved his hand.

The ground rushes into the clouds, holding the two soar into the clouds and mount the mists and flying towards the mountainside.

This is not the first time Sun Wukong has experienced flying, but flying again, I can't hold back the joy.

His imperial wind can only ride the wind, and can't really fly.

"My grandson will also learn the technique of soar into the clouds and mount the mists!"

The two have just landed in a secluded place on the mountainside.

Sun Wukong immediately prayed:

"Master, teach me the technique of soar into the clouds and mount the mists."

Bodhi waved his hand.

"Soar into the clouds and mount the mists is a high level immortal art. You can't learn it at your current level."

"Let's learn from the lower level first. "

"Since you like to fly, I will pass on one of your Earthly Fiend 72 Transformations, called Imperial Wind."

"Although it is not true flying, it can be Rise from the ground."

"After learning, you can ride the wind and walk across the Three Famous Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains, all over the world."

soar into the clouds and mount The mists is one of the Great 36 Constellations method.

It is not so simple to learn.

Although Bodhi wants to delay time, he doesn't want to overwhelm Sun Wukong's self-confidence.

"Imperial wind technique?"

"I know how to imperial wind technique."

Sun Wukong scratched his head. He always felt that what Master taught seemed to be the same What he learned secretly is the same kind of spell.


"Don't be kidding, this is one of Earthly Fiend 72 Transformations, how could you possibly do it!"

Bodhi Laughed.

Even if Sun Wukong's life experience is not simple, Ding Potian can only borrow a little bit of magical power.

Will Yufengshu? How can it be!

"disciple, this imperial wind technique is a real spell. It is not called imperial wind if a demon wind blows up."



A strong wind blew on the flat ground, blowing Sun Wukong to the open space nearby.

Bodhi was silent.

It's really imperial wind!

He hasn't taught any spell, but Sun Wukong really used the imperial wind technique!

Moreover, extremely skilled!

Compared to the dísciple cultivated by Innerheart Mountain for several years, it is better to use!

"How do you know how to imperial wind!"

Bodhi was surprised.

is it possible that Sun Wukong will spell before?

Or in the year he was away, did someone sneak in at Innerheart Mountain?

Has Sun Wukong been tampered with by the opponent?

In an instant,

countless speculations appeared in Bodhi Heart.


"I just said it."

Sun Wukong pointed to his eyes.

"I have been using Divine Eyes to watch the cultivation of Senior Brothers. I have already learned it."

I learned the imperial wind by just peeking!

Bodhi stared wide-eyed, a little unbelievable.

This broken golden pupil is so extraordinary!

Sun Wukong's talent is beyond his imagination.

However, Imperial Wind is only a low-level spell.

Whether it is a god or a Demon.

Most of them will.

It is not too surprising to be able to learn by yourself successfully.

"Not bad."

Bodhi put out a long breath, smiling nodded.

"Imperial wind is just lesser dao, Earthly Fiend 72 Transformations spell has many, but different grades."

"I will teach you the art of fascination now, which can be used in people Jiedifu shuttles back and forth without dying, and you can talk with the ghost divine ability."

Sun Wukong suddenly reached out and beckoned.

Yin wind suddenly rises, and the Nether Cave opens.

A Space Crack appeared out of thin air ahead, dark and deep, reaching the underworld.

"Master, is that the case?"

"Open the passage to the underworld?"

"I will do it too."

Sun Wukong spoke, and he stretched out his hand to grab a dead soul from the passage.

Prove that you can divine ability with ghosts.

"Enough is enough!"

A layer of cold sweat broke out on the forehead of Bodhi Ancestor Master. What's the matter with such a good hand pulling out a ghost?

If let the people of the underworld find out.

One of the three corpses of his dignified Saint, he actually stole ghosts from the underworld to play.

The face was lost.

Bodhi Ancestor Master stretched out his hand and quickly closed the underground passage.

He couldn't help but wiped his cold sweat, looking at Sun Wukong with a complicated expression.

"Then, how about I teach you the art of carrying mountains and waters, contemplating the souls and slashing demons?"

"I will also do these."

"Hu Tian Please immortal? Avatar invisible?"


Bodhi Ancestor Master was silent.

He said Earthly Fiend 72 Transformations one after another, and as a result, Sun Wukong has learned every item.

This is a fart.

It will be, what else can I teach?

Bodhi looked at Sun Wukong again, never before was so shocked.

No one has ever taught, let alone read cheats.

Sun Wukong just relied on a pair of broken golden pupils to peek at other dísciple cultivation.

Learn Earthly Fiend 72 Transformations by yourself.

These innate talents are simply terrifying!

Sure enough, he is the protagonist of Heaven and Earth.

This is how it is.

Teach immortal art, and delay Sun Wukong's plan to eat fairy fruit will fail.

After all, it will be there, how can you delay time?

is it possible that really want to teach Heavenly Dipper 36 Transformations?


According to the plan of Buddhism, only Sun Wukong Earthly Fiend 72 Transformations needs to be taught.

It can give him a certain strength.

You can make a big noise in the sky and escort the people who fetch the scriptures to the west.

Not too strong, out of control.

Earthly Fiend 72 Transformations is just a magic technique, and does not involve a truly profound way.

Heavenly Dipper 36 Transformations is different.

They are all real Supreme Dao Law!

The first item, good offices!

It represents the highest mana of Taoism.

Contains the divine ability of good fortune, mediating Heaven and Earth, mysterious good fortune, living with nothing, and living with death.

It is said that it is also the divine ability used by Nuwa when creating Man.

Bodhi hesitated, not knowing whether he should teach Heavenly Dipper 36 Transformations.

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