Bodhi Ancestor Master hurriedly hurried, and finally hurried back to Innerheart Mountain.

Seeing that Sun Wukong is still there, he finally relaxed.

"Disciple, what are you doing?"

Looking at the disciplines in the courtyard, Bodhi was very confused.

What happened to these guys?

Why are you lying on the ground one by one, as if you were beaten?

is it possible that a thief invaded Innerheart Mountain?

But it's not right, he simply didn't notice the breath of outsiders.

There is no sign of being broken into the mountain gate ban.

What the hell is going on?

is it possible that are these guys fighting each other?

The Ancestor Master of Bodhi scanned the dísciple and couldn't help being frowned.

Not long after he left, these guys fought each other and started fighting.

It seems that there is still not enough teaching.

Disciples saw that the Bodhi Ancestor Master finally came back, tears of excitement filled his eyes.

So many of them couldn't beat Sun Wukong, which deeply shocked their confidence.

But as long as the Bodhi Ancestor Master returns, everything is over.

No matter how Sun Wukong can play, he will definitely not be able to beat Ancestor Master!


Disciples bowed down one after another, preparing to accuse Sun Wukong of stealing the spell, accusing him of being innocent and bullying the Senior Brother.

But I just spoke.

Bodhi Ancestor Master immediately shook his hand impatiently.

"You guys, I'm just going out for a trip."

"You just relax your cultivation and fight, all of which are included. You will be fined for three days in confinement!"

" p>

disciples are all dumbfounded.

Obviously they were beaten, what is a fight?

Moreover, they are obviously for Bodhi Ancestor Master to keep Sun Wukong!

"But Master..."

"Now! Right now!"

Everyone still wanted to explain, but the Bodhi Ancestor Master was already angry.

Sneak rape and play slippery, and dare to disobey yourself!

He immediately yelled.

"If you dare to talk more, a hundred days will be fined!"

Disciples are about to cry when they are wronged.

In order to keep Sun Wukong, they were beaten badly.

Instead, he was punished by the Bodhi Ancestor Master.

Even, they didn't listen to their explanation at all.

No one dared to say one more word for fear of being punished more severely.

One by one, their heads were drooping, and they hurrying away with their heads down.

"Wukong, how good is this?"

Bodhi Ancestor Master thought he helped Sun Wukong out of anger and smiled indifferently with a caring look.

"It's fine if you say yes."

Sun Wukong scratched his head, completely puzzled.

Maybe it is those Senior Brothers who are too weak, that's why they will be punished by the Master.

"By the way, Master, you just came back, I am going back to Flower Fruit Mountain."

Sun Wukong respectfully bowed, picked up the luggage and left.

"Disciple don't go!"

"What do you think is this in the hands of the teacher?"

Bodhi turned over the palm, and immediately took out a fairy fruit .

Spiritual Qi overflows with a tangy fragrance.

Sun Wukong's eyes lit up.

"Master, is this for me?"

Bodhi smiled and stroked his beard.

He knew that as long as there is fairy fruit, he can leave Sun Wukong.

"This is a fairy fruit that was specially found for you from the upper world. You can taste it."

"Thank you Master."

Sun Wukong He hurriedly said thank you, took the fairy fruit and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Every bite explodes Spiritual Qi, and every bite is full of sweetness.

"This fairy fruit is so delicious, better than the previous ones."

Bodhi smiled.

This is Zhunti's collection, which can be seen by Saint, and it is specially put away, which is enough to show the extraordinaryness of this fairy fruit.

Bodhi is just three corpses, how can Saint be rich.

"Good recipe, is it delicious? I still have it here as a teacher."

Speaking, Bodhi deliberately showed more fairy fruits.

Show your wealth.

Sun Wukong patted his palms and opened his eyebrows to say with a smile:

"It's delicious."

"Master, give it to me soon. "

"Why didn't you pick it for me before?"

The face of Bodhi Ancestor Master was dark, and he couldn't help but twitched his mouth.

Before, he didn't have it either!

Although he robbed the main body this time and brought a lot of fairy fruits, he couldn't stand Sun Wukong as a meal.

No, he must think of a way to reduce the consumption of fairy fruit.

"Disciple, do you want to learn immortal art?"

Sun Wukong is overjoyed.

He left Flower Fruit Mountain to go to sea just to learn immortal art.

Nodded quickly.

"I want to learn, I want to learn!"

Senior Brothers have already learned 72 Transformations. I am worried that there is nothing to learn and there is nothing to eat, so I want to leave.

He has been here for so many years, and the Master finally began to teach immortal art.

Sun Wukong was very excited.

After all, Xianguo, Flower Fruit Mountain has something that his ultimate goal is to learn immortal art.

Bodhi smiled.

"Okay, the teacher will begin to teach you immortal art from today."

"But I said in advance, only if you learn well, you can eat immortal fruits. No."

This is Bodhi's plan.

Use immortal art to limit the speed of Sun Wukong eating fairy fruit.

when the time comes.

Sun Wukong can't learn well by himself, so there is no fairy fruit to eat.

In this way, it has nothing to do with him.

In order to eat fairy fruit, Sun Wukong has to learn stronger skills, which is also one move, two gains.

"Look at it, Master."

"My grandson will definitely study hard."

Sun Wukong, in one year, I learned Earthly Fiend 72 Transformations by myself.

He was full of confidence.

Bodhi Ancestor Master also secretly cheered, thinking that he had found a wonderful way to limit the consumption of the fairy fruit.

"Master, you can teach me immortal art now."

Sun Wukong hurriedly urged.


Ancestor Master nodded.

It is better to hit the sun than to choose a day. He just came back and doesn't want to be bothered by this monkey every day.

Teach an Immortal Technique first, and then it will be cleansed for a while.

"Well, what immortal art do you want to learn?"

Sun Wukong scratched his head.

"But with the Master's willingness to teach me, as long as it is immortal art, dísciple will learn it!"

Bodhi Ancestor Master nodded, very satisfied with Sun Wukong's attitude.


"I teach you to ask immortals and hexagrams, how good is the art of exorcising evil and avoiding evil?"

Sun Wukong was a little confused.

"Master, can this method achieve longevity?"

Bodhi shook his head slightly.

"No, no."

Sun Wukong immediately raised his hands.

"Seeking immortals and asking hexagrams, it is better to be the master."

"Don't learn, don't learn."

Bodhi slightly hesitated.

"Then I will teach you to recite the Buddhist scriptures, is it good to return to the true holy?"

"Can I get longevity?"

"It's like fishing for the moon in the water , I can only see, but I can’t get it. It becomes empty."

"It’s better to have the ability to be in the body, not to learn, not to learn."

"Then I teach If you go to meditation and meditate, how about abstaining from eating fast?"

"Can you get longevity?"

"I also look at flowers in a mirror, I can’t pick them."

"If you don't learn or learn, take a meditation session, it's better to get a stick and punch!"

Sun Wukong was a little anxious, scratching his head and head.

Having finally waited until the Master taught immortal art, how could he learn those ordinary things?

"Master is uncomfortable talking, I am an honest person."

"I want to learn real immortal art."

Bodhi Ancestor Master frowned, make An angry look.

"Neither do this, nor learn that."

"How easy is immortal art to learn!"

"The real immortal art It is esoteric and obscure, extremely difficult to understand."

"Do you really want to learn?"

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