Think carefully about every detail of the plan.

Chen Fan's eyes are light flashed.

"Don’t say whether you can win over the two Saints."

"Just ask Nuwa and Heavenspan Cult Lord to discover the abnormality of Flower Fruit Mountain, it is a blessing not to disclose the news. Now."

His expectation is very low.

Don't ask the two Saints to provide him much help.

As long as they do not object, it is already the best support.

Moreover, it is extremely difficult to conquer Monster Race.

There is a long-term discussion.

Chen Fan sighed.

I always feel that I am acting against the sky.

The destiny Sun Wukong made a fuss in the Heavenly Palace, and then protected Tang Sanzang to the west to learn the scriptures.

His rebellion to subdue Monster Race is an act against the sky.


Chen Fan thoughts move, suddenly an idea came up.

"Since it is going to be against the sky, why not take one more step?"

"Sun Wukong is the key figure in Journey to the West, and Monster Race again."

"Why not start with him?"

The more Chen Fan thinks, the more reasonable it becomes.

As long as Sun Wukong is subdued, he will have a lot more initiative in Journey to the West.

Everything in the world is definite.

Everything remains the same, the general trend cannot be changed, and the minor trend can be changed.

Moreover, the situation has long changed.

Chen Fan fooled Sun Wukong to go to sea to apprentice in advance, and there was no problem.

Journey to the West only needs Sun Wukong to learn the experience, but there is no requirement for him to join any organization.

More on that.

Sun Wukong was originally the monkey of Flower Fruit Mountain. It is directly related to Chen Fan, which is not a change at all.

"This can be done."

Chen Fan secretly made up his mind.

Sun Wukong, perhaps the best goal to subdue the Monster Race plan.


Innerheart Mountain, Xianyue Sanxingdong.

Sun Wukong is lying bored on a branch.

I still don’t know that I’ve been missed by countless people.

"Master hasn't given me fairy fruit to eat recently."

"Do you think I can eat too much? Or hide all the good things?"

Sun Wukong patted belly.

Since coming to Innerheart Mountain, he has always been hungry and full.

I have to chase Bodhi Ancestor Master every day to eat.

It's been too hard.

But he didn't want to think about it either.

Others eat at most a jade delicacy, he eats fairy fruit every day.

Rao is the Bodhi Ancestor Master and can't stand it.

Sun Wukong felt a little hungry again, so he found Bodhi Ancestor Master without thinking about it.

"Master, where's the fairy fruit today? I haven't eaten yet!"

When the Bodhi Ancestor Master heard Sun Wukong's voice, he shuddered subconsciously.

He is really scared now.

Sun Wukong is arguing every day for the fairy fruit to eat.

It's not just him.

The entire Innerheart Mountain is annoyed by Sun Wukong.

He just wanted to escape.

Sun Wukong opened the door carefreely and went straight to the Bodhi Ancestor Master.

"Master, listen to my stomach, it's all starting to scream."

"For outsiders to hear, I thought we were so poor in Sanxingdong, we couldn’t even eat. Get up."

Bodhi Ancestor Master twitched his lips out of anger.

Sun Wukong Is that dinner? How can the fairy fruit be eaten as a meal?

He somewhat helplessly said:

"Wukong, haven't you just eaten Xianguo?"

"Why are you hungry so quickly, and not now Is it time for dinner?"

Sun Wukong frowned.

"What's wrong with just eating?"

"You gave too little fairy fruit, you can't eat enough."

"Master, even if If you don’t give me fairy fruit to eat, you can teach me a spell."

"I have been here for so many years, why will not you."

Sun Wukong spread out both hands .

He planned to learn spell earlier and then return to Flower Fruit Mountain.

Available now.

Obviously, he has been successful in apprenticeship, but as a result, the Master does not teach him to spell at all.

He also doesn't know what he is doing every day.

It's just like coming to play.

However, the fairy fruit is delicious.

Sun Wukong feels that his body is getting healthier.

Otherwise, he would have patted his butt back to Flower Fruit Mountain.

Bitterness arose in Bodhi Ancestor Master's heart.

If he could teach, he would have taught it!

Is it necessary to be angry every day?

Who let Sun Wukong come too early.

According to Heavenly Dao's set number, it should take a few years to come.

Now that I have finished teaching, what should I do in those few years?

Bodhi Ancestor Master glanced at Sun Wukong in an angry manner.

I didn't pay attention to him at all, and continued to meditate and cultivation each minding their own business.

"Master, do you think I have no cultivation talent?"

"If this is the case, then I will go back to Flower Fruit Mountain to save Master’s time ."

Sun Wukong did not give up at all.

Continue harassing around Bodhi Ancestor Master.

His voice sounded throughout the Samsung Cave.

The other senior and junior brothers also suffered.

"This monkey is too annoying. My mind is buzzing now, and it feels almost exploding."

"My ears have calluses."

"Who would have thought that a monkey could be so noisy, jumping up and down all day, chirp chirp twitter twitter, annoying to death."

Everyone was bitter.

But I don’t know what to do.

They have all been scared by Sun Wukong, knowing how difficult he is.

The past few years after apprenticeship.

The Ancestor Master of Bodhi casually sent Sun Wukong to learn the etiquette of coping with sweeping and sweeping.

I have finished learning these things.

But Sun Wukong is still full of energy.

There is no way.

Bodhi Ancestor Master asked Sun Wukong to follow the Senior Brothers to learn words and deeds, Scripture Lecture to talk about Taoism, and to practice writing and burning incense.

This has hurt everyone.

"Do you mean Master hates the monkey, or hates us more?"

"Will it bring us such painful torture?"

A Senior Brother couldn't help complaining.

The other person rubbed his forehead vigorously, said with a bitter smile:

"Don't complain."

"Master arranged, you can still Don’t you listen?"

"This monkey can make trouble so much, Master has more headaches than us."

"Besides, didn’t we come here too?"

"Stay for a few more years, when this monkey really gets started, we will be relaxed."

Everyone sighed together.

There are not many dísciples in Xieyue Sanxingdong, and they are all scared by Sun Wukong.

But it can't be too much.

Most of them are just ordinary Old Ancestor attendants.

Every dísciple entry requires a similar journey.

On the one hand, it is a kind of loyalty training.

Only obedient.

A good dísciple is a dísciple that allows you to do whatever you want.

When Sun Wukong first came, he was full of passion for Celestial Grotto.

Everything is very positive.

But, over time, he can't stand it anymore.

Cleaning every day, is constrained by various etiquette rules.

How can Flower Fruit Mountain be happy.

Sun Wukong has long wanted to return to Flower Fruit Mountain.

He still remembers a sentence from Chen Fan.

His Master has no shortage of fairy fruits.

So, Sun Wukong kept this in mind and pestered Bodhi Ancestor Master to ask for fairy fruit.

At the beginning.

The Ancestor Master of Bodhi is exactly the same as Chen Fan said.

You can take out all kinds of delicious fairy fruits at your fingertips.

Sun Wukong was so excited, he was even more convinced that Master has a lot of fairy fruits.

So I kept begging all day long.

The Ancestor Master of Bodhi couldn't pester him, so he went to pit the ancient Buddha of Dipankara if he didn't have it.

Dipankara didn't give it, he just grabbed it.

Anyway, the fairy fruit used is not his own, and he doesn't feel distressed either.

Please remember our website: Novel() Journey to the West: Chaos Demon Ape's identity was exposed by the monkey and updated the fastest.

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